The Messenger Of Chaos

"OK?"Furukawa is entrenched in the sky above the Chaos City, and the Divine Sense spreads out, covering tens of thousands of light-years. His heart is like a flat mirror, perceiving the situation in all directions of the Chaos of time and space.Within the perception range of his Divine Sense, three powerful auras of demon gods suddenly appeared, and they rushed from three directions, east, west, and east.After a while, these demon gods approached Chaos City, their bodies emitting violent, chaotic, bloody, and other murderous intent, filling this piece of chaotic time and space, without concealing their malice."I am the Demon God of Chaos, the messenger who brings chaos, Lord of Chaos City, today is your death day, and the so-called Chaos City will also disappear in the long river of history.In an instant, a terrifying demon god appeared in front of Chaos City. Its whole body was twisted up and down, its whole body was black, and countless black tentacles grew out.Each black tentacle extends to the end of the chaotic void, absorbing the dark and chaotic power in the depths of the chaos, and seems to have taken root in the depths of the origin of the chaos, absorbing the infinite energy of the origin of the chaos.Groups of terrifying black liquid emerged from its body, which seemed to be even blacker than the darkness of the abyss as if it had turned into a boundless sea of ​​chaos.And in this black ocean, more than one trillion chaotic monsters appeared. Each chaotic monster is extremely terrifying, with distorted bodies, containing evil, chaos~, killing, and other auras.Just by taking a look at it, it seems that they will be distorted by this evil force.It stared at Furukawa with a murderous look, not hiding the killing intent deep in its heart.Because it is the Chaos Demon God, it is a powerful life born adhering to the law of chaos. The more chaotic the chaotic world is, the stronger its power will be, and the faster it will progress.When the chaotic world is full of killings, the Chaos Demon God is like a fish in water, spreading chaos and wars everywhere, causing countless Chaos Demon Gods to fight each other.And its power is growing dramatically.But since Furukawa opened the altar to preach, the demon gods in the entire chaotic world have become less and less killing each other, and they have all begun to learn some cultivation methods.The chaotic world seems to have begun to become orderly, creating order.The so-called order is simply the enemy of the Chaos Demon God, a natural and mortal enemy. What it hates most is the existence of order, so it also hates Furukawa.Due to the lack of chaos in the chaotic world, order was born, and the power absorbed by the Chaos Demon God became less and less, and its resentment towards Furukawa became more and more.This is equivalent to stopping the way of the Chaos Demon God. One can imagine the hatred in the Chaos Demon God's heart, and he can't wait to tear Furukawa into eight pieces.It wants to kill this chaotic city lord and let the chaotic world reappear in chaos, because chaos, killing, disorder, and blood are the themes of the chaotic world."Is this the Chaos Demon God?!"In the blink of an eye, the complexions of many high-level demon gods in Chaos City changed drastically, and they could immediately feel the undisguised fury of the Chaos Demon God, which was earth-shattering.Before the chaotic city lord appeared, this chaotic demon god was one of the strongest demon gods. He vaguely had the title of the number one demon god of chaos, and he was simply invincible.Because wherever there is chaos and killing, this chaotic demon god will appear somewhere.It can be said that the number of demon gods killed by this chaotic demon god surpassed all the demon gods in Chaos City. One can imagine the killing and terror that the chaotic demon god once brought.Even the demon gods of the overlord level are afraid of the chaotic demon gods, and if they encounter them, they will back away."Jie Jie, Chaos City Lord, the flesh and blood on your body is incomparably delicious. This time, I, the Plague Demon God, will tear you apart. There is no demon god in the entire chaos that can save you. Death."With a bang, before the Chaos Demon God finished speaking, the second Overlord Demon God appeared. Its power was no less than that of the Chaos Demon God, and it exuded an extremely dangerous aura.It looks like a whale, but there are only gray bones left. It seems that the flesh and blood all over the body have been corroded, and only the skeleton is left.A terrifying gray aura emanated from it, covering the chaotic time and space in all directions, and this gray mist permeated the light-year radius, covering everything.If the eyes of a demon god can see through all the mysteries, they will find that there are densely packed parasites and countless bacteria and viruses growing in this gray mist....asking for flowers...Moreover, these viruses and bacteria contain powerful vitality and a trace of Immortal characteristics. If they invade the body of the demon god, they will instantly cover the demon god with flesh and blood, and Deva will decay five times.Wherever it goes, it will bring endless diseases and cause countless demon gods to die of illness.Indistinctly, every virus cell and bacterium seems to contain dense plague laws, which are erosive, assimilative, highly toxic, and repellent."Damn it, this is the Plague Demon God. Why did it appear in this place? Did it join hands with the Chaos Demon God?"In terms of fear, they are probably even more afraid of the Plague Demon God.If the Chaos Demon God is only spreading chaos, after all, the Chaos Demon God only played a role in fueling the flames, and the killing of each other is still decided by themselves.But this plague demon god is different. Wherever it goes, it simply leads to the death of countless demon gods.Originally, the demon god is almost Immortal, it will not get sick, it will not die of old age, and if it stays quiet, it can live to the end of the world, the universe prehistoric[This is almost a perfect creature.But after the Plague Demon God appeared, everything changed.Many demon gods found that they would also get sick. When the plague demon god spread the plague, one of the demon gods was accidentally recruited and died unknowingly.It can be said that the Plague Demon God does not need to personally act at all, it just needs to spread the plague to kill countless Demon Gods and devour the endless power of Demon Gods.Moreover, ordinary demon gods could not resist such a plague, because in the chaotic world at this moment, there was no such profession as a doctor, and no one could treat them.Once you get sick and get caught in the plague, you will die.If the Chaos Demon God only caused chaos, then the Plague Demon God was the messenger of the Underworld who brought Death. Wherever it went, it would cause countless Demon Gods to die."There is a third Demon God."Furukawa squinted his eyes, and he sensed that the third terrifying demon god was also attacking this place. These three demon gods were almost from the same world, Daxie.