Change Of Chaos Orb

"Ok?!"When Furukawa Divine Sense immersed himself in the Chaos Orb, he immediately felt that the Chaos Orb had undergone earth-shaking changes compared with before. First of all, its area had expanded by more than a million times than before.Even according to the scope of his current Divine Sense, he can feel the vastness of the chaotic orb space, which can be called boundless. Although it is not as good as the real chaotic world, it is already called a small chaos.But what surprised him the most was the Chaos Continent located in the center of the Chaos Orb space, which was much larger than what he had seen before.The range of the diameter alone exceeds the distance of 100,000 light-years. This is a distance that would take 100,000 years to travel at the speed of light. How vast is this?The body of Furukawa's original ancient snake at this moment is only ten light-years away, and it's just a small spot on this land, it's nothing at all."Very lively."According to Furukawa's Divine Sense, this chaotic continent is also extremely lively at the moment. It's not the kind of barren land where dense plants grow, almost everywhere in every corner of the chaotic continent.Moreover, these plants are all things he has never seen or heard of. Many plants have likely been upgraded over such a long period. Through different evolutions, they have grown into various plant species."interesting."Furukawa blinked his eyes and looked over. The all-knowing eye saw through all the mysteries, and he could see all kinds of exotic flowers and plants growing in the chaotic continent, as well as various elixirs of hundreds of millions of years.Some of them are Innate purple gold grapes, Innate colorful lotus, Innate bay leaf tree, Innate dragon fruit tree, Innate moonlight tree, Innate nine-tailed rose, laurel tree, and so on.He guessed that these plants were probably bred by those plant demon gods.After all, for the plant demon gods like the World Tree, no matter how weak they were before, they are not so much stronger than these Innate spiritual plants, and their blood is many times deeper.Every plant demon god is equivalent to the ancestor of plants.The number of elemental spirits seems to be more. "Furukawa found that with the expansion of the Chaos Continent and the increase of origins, the Five Elements elements in the entire Chaos Continent became more intense, and it was more than a billion times larger than before.Also because of this, the number of Five Elements elemental elves born in this chaotic continent is even more.Within the range of his Divine Sense perception, densely packed elemental spirits were also born in this continent. Most of them were born from the flesh and blood of the Five Elements demon god, and now they have grown into real life.But there are also many acquired elemental elves, which were bred by the original Five Elements original elements of the Chaos Continent.Although this Five Elements' original energy comes from the Five Elements' Demon God, now it is obvious that the blue is better than the blue, and it is not known how much stronger than the original Five Elements demon Shendu.They are all over the forest, land, ore, volcano, desert, and river. They seem to form tribes one after another, and even nations are formed between tribes.The sun above the sky is even bigger, the sun shines on almost every corner of the entire chaotic continent, and the soft sunlight shines down from all directions, full of vitality.It can be said that such a chaotic continent is comparable to the prehistoric world in later generations.The only difference is that such a chaotic continent does not have the laws of the Three Thousand Ways of the Primordial World, and it is difficult for the life that grows in this chaotic continent to comprehend the power of many laws.This also makes it difficult to improve the strength of these elemental elves, which are many times weaker than the life in the prehistoric world."Um, these guys?!"Furukawa set his sights on the young Loli, such as Chenxi, the world tree, and he immediately found that their strength had undergone earth-shaking changes compared with before.Even though they haven't heard him preach, relying on the powerful talent of the plant-type demon god, their cultivation base is still improving by leaps and bounds through the accumulated practice.I saw the World Tree standing in the center of the Chaos Continent, with a height of one trillion kilometers, and its roots were almost rooted in the deepest part of the Chaos Continent, following the continuous growth of the Chaos Continent.Dense leaves are growing on their branches, but those are not ordinary leaves, but the leaves of the world, and every October leaf contains the perfect world law.Vaguely, each leaf contains an independent world space. Hundreds of millions of leaves are hundreds of millions of worlds, lush and lush, containing endless majestic vitalityEmerald green rays of light bloomed from her body, pouring down like a waterfall, as if forming a world barrier, turning into a huge world barrier.......… Ask for flowers--Compared with when we first met, the tree of the world at this moment has grown completely, even in the chaotic world, it is still an extremely powerful demon god.Her Cultivation Base has reached the perfect Realm of the quasi-sage, and she is only one step away from being promoted to the realm of Saint."Sure enough, Talent is excellent."Seeing this scene, Furukawa couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the World Tree is indeed one of the strongest demon gods of Talent, and even though he hadn't gone through any battles, he had never heard himself preach.But just relying on own growth, eating and sleeping, eating and sleeping, can be naturally promoted to the realm of quasi-sage perfection, this is the limit of ordinary demon gods....0But this is just the beginning of the World Tree, and this is the importance of Unendowed.If the other demon gods see this scene, they will die of rage."However, the growth of other plant-type demon gods should not be underestimated.Furukawa looked at the other plant demons.For example, the Star Tree, her Talent is second only to the World Tree, and her growth has been very rapid during this period.I saw her standing in another part of the Chaos Continent, growing to a length of 500 billion kilometers, with countless branches extending out, and the leaves were so lush that it could be said that the sun was not covered.But the most astonishing thing is the densely packed star fruit growing on her branches, each star fruit is different in size, the smallest one is the size of an ordinary sun, and the largest one is ten thousand times the size of the sun.These star-fruits seem to have fully matured, with hundreds of millions of star rays emerging, extremely bright, looking from a distance, it seems that hundreds of millions of stars are flickering.From the star tree body, the power of the huge star law diffuses, shaking the void.As if the Star tree itself is a Star Universe, it bred countless Stars.And this is just the Star fruit growing on the Star tree at this moment. Hundreds of millions of epochs have passed, and the Star tree has grown countless Star fruit every once in a while.These star fruits are also scattered in every corner of the chaotic bead space, floating over the chaotic continent, densely packed, just looking at it with the naked eye, there are at least 300 billion stars, and at the same time blooming bright starlight, constantly twinkling.