Book Of Wisdom

"Haha, what a bunch of noisy guys, but no matter what, it will not affect my glorious image. No matter how many times I read it, I am indeed the most handsome and most beloved by the master."The one who speaks is the Book of Light formed by the Dao of Light. It exudes gleaming light, and it seems to be the most shining existence of all the Dao scriptures.And it floats high in the sky, condescending, shining on everything.It is extremely narcissistic, it seems that the power of light is running to form a huge mirror, constantly illuminating its whole body, viewing itself perfectly at 360 degrees without dead ends."Oh, look at this perfect cover, look at this perfect posture, look at this perfect writing, look at this perfect structure, everything about me is perfect. Chaos is so unfair to create How can a perfect Dao scripture like yours make other Dao scriptures live, is it a sin to be beautiful?"The Book of Light is now basking in its beauty."Why fire can burn, water can moisten, soil can form land, gold can form weapons, wood can grow on land, and chaos is nothingness? Why do the Book of Fire and the Book of Water fight?"At this moment, the Book of Wisdom formed by the Way of Wisdom walked over shaking its head. Its eyes were full of doubts and curiosity about the unknown. It seemed to be transformed into a hundred thousand whys."By the way, Book of Light, do you know why?"The Book of Wisdom looked up and curiously asked the Book of Light."What? You're saying I'm handsome. You're right. I'm indeed the most handsome book of Taoism." The Book of Light laughed loudly, with its hands on its hips. It didn't hear what the Book of Wisdom was saying.It automatically replaces the words of other great scriptures with words of praise."Ok?!"The Book of Wisdom has a black line in his head. It thinks that this guy is mentally retarded and can't communicate at all. He wants to ask this mentally retarded question. It seems that his brain is also broken."Book of Wisdom, do you want to sing? Music is the most beautiful thing in this world. Sing with me." The Book of Music formed by the Dao of Sound ran over and grabbed the Book of Wisdom."No, I don't like singing."Seeing Book of Yin running to grab him, Zhishu of Wisdom's expression changed, and he wanted to run away immediately."What's the hurry, come and listen to my beautiful singing, so you can understand why."The book of sound."No, don't sing."The face of the Book of Wisdom turned green, and it wanted to stop the Book of Yin from singing. It knew how terrifying the singing of the Book of Yin was, but it was too late to stop it."Oh oh oh..."In an instant, the book of tone opened its throat and began to sing, but its voice was as miserable as killing a pig, as harsh as metal rubbing, and as bleak as sawing wood.Singing such a voice is simply the greatest torture, it is simply noise, even under the influence of the power of the Book of Sounds, it is useless to cover your ears, it is simply a magic sound piercing your ears."Do not!"The Book of Wisdom just yelled this, and immediately passed out, foaming at the mouth.But the book of sound doesn't know this yet, because it has long been immersed in its beautiful singing voice, and is still singing oh oh oh, regardless of whether others can bear it or not.In another corner, dozens of Daoist scriptures gathered together, and they sat and chatted together calmly."What a bunch of rude guys, don't they know what peace is? Without a bit of kindness, you must not learn from those rude bastards, fighting all day long and doing nothing."What is talking about is the book of kindness formed by the way of kindness. It is like God educating dozens of younger brothers around him."As expected of the boss, his heart is too broad, and it is completely different from the Dao scriptures like those little brats."A group of younger brothers worshiped endlessly.Boom!Before he could finish his words, a kettle flew over from a distance and hit Shanzhishu on the head. A large amount of water flowed down, making Shanzhishu completely wet."Those bastards are too much, they dare to treat the boss like this, I will kill them immediately."What speaks is the Book of Anger formed by the Dao of Anger. It has a short temper and can't stand its boss being bullied at all."Hey, what I said just now, you have to be calm and kind-hearted, don't get angry casually, we lose if we get angry, and they didn't mean it, we have to forgive them with a great mind."Shan Zhishu touched the water in his head casually, and helped the kettle up by the way, with a compassionate look on his face, as if forgiving all sins."As expected of the boss, you are so kind, you can bear this if I can't bear it."A group of younger brothers admired it unceasingly.Boom!Just after saying this sentence, another stone table flew from a distance, and instantly smashed it on the head of Shan Zhishu. The stone table was smashed to pieces, torn apart, and even made it dizzy."||Boss, those turtle grandchildren did it on purpose, and they are here again, can this be tolerated?"Book of Wrath let out a roar, it was so angry that it immediately wanted to fight back."Stop, what are you doing, have you forgotten what I said just now? If you are angry, you lose.No matter how excessive things they do, we should be kind.If the enemy hits us on the left cheek, then stick out Hit the opponent with the right cheek, I believe that in this way the enemy will understand what forgiveness is, and when is the so-called revenge.Shanzhi Shuyu earnestly dissuaded him."Boss, your Realm is too high."Hearing these words, the Book of Wrath immediately calmed down his anger, and he admired the Book of Goodness completely.The other younger brothers are also full of admiration, it is right to follow such a boss.Whoosh!In the blink of an eye, another huge meteorite flew in the distance, it was extremely heavy, whistling, and it precisely hit the head of Shanzhishu fiercely."Boss!"Suddenly a group of younger brothers exclaimed.Boom! (well done)In an instant, the Book of Kindness made a move, jumped up, punched the air, and instantly exploded the huge meteorite, tearing it apart."It's grandma's, clay figurines are also three-pointed fire, is it because people are good at being bullied, and horses are good at being ridden by others, I didn't expect you to be Dage, right? Follow me to kill these turtle grandchildren."Shan Zhishu cursed and burst into anger."Dage, didn't you just teach us to be kind?"The book of anger waited for the younger brother to be dumbfounded."I am kind to the old man. Sending these idiots back to the West is the greatest kindness. Even throwing such a large rock at me is killing me. Follow me. I won't beat these idiots out today. I don't even know who is the boss.The Book of Good let out angrily."yes!"A group of younger brothers rushed forward.Boom boom boom!!!Immediately, the whole scene was completely out of control, and all the Dao scriptures were smashed into a ball, as chaotic as the Warring States Period.