Changes In Chaos City

Chaos City."Haha, after decades of work, I'm finally back."At this moment, the mining base and other robots finally returned to Chaos City. When they arrived at the gate of Chaos City, they all had expressions on their faces, as if they had returned home.When they returned from the wasteland to the territory of Chaos City, they experienced many difficulties and obstacles on the way, they were almost discovered by other demon gods several times, and they were killed on the spot.Fortunately, they still ran back."The most tragic thing about a robot is that it dies before the money is spent. Fortunately, we didn't die."Excavators and other robots couldn't help but sigh with emotion.At this moment, the three demon dogs, the dark cat, the three-eyed demon monkey, and the Vajra demon pig are staying at the four gates of the Chaos City, but they are only responsible for the safety of the Chaos City, and there is no need for them to act.At this time, a large number of liquid battle robots stood in the middle of the city gate, guarding every corner of the Chaos City wall like the most loyal soldiers.They are responsible for maintaining the law and order of Chaos City and leading many demon gods in and out of Chaos City.The three-headed demon dog and other demon gods knew that there was such a good thing, so they were naturally happy and relaxed, so they didn't need to take part in the most arduous patrol missions.Only when there is any danger, the four great demon gods will personally take action.But for now, no idiot Demon God dares to do anything in Chaos City, and it has been calm and safe for so many years, without any major disturbances."Mining base number ckjd5430988, excavator robot number wjj887788... Welcome back to Chaos City, I hope you have a nice day."When the mining robot returned to the gate of Chaos City, a scanning robot immediately appeared at the gate, instantly verifying the ID cards on them and proving their identities.With a click, the gate of Chaos City opened, allowing these robots to enter."Thanks, buddy, I'll treat you to some motor oil later."The heavy truck whistled.The so-called engine oil is not oil, but a special energy crystal decomposed by Brain Zero by refining chaotic energy, which is specially provided to replenish energy for many robotsBecause the chaotic energy is too powerful and domineering, other than the demon god, it is difficult to swallow other life forms. Once a trace is swallowed, the whole body will explode.The robots of the mechanical clan are like this, unable to withstand the chaos and arrogance of chaos energy.To solve this problem, Zhinao Zero decomposed the chaotic energy and transformed the chaotic energy into mild energy suitable for the mechanical clan to devour. Of course, the energy level was reduced countless times.But this is more suitable for the growth of robots.whoosh whoosh!!!The mining base and other robots entered the Chaos City, and as soon as they entered it, they immediately saw densely packed robots walking around the Chaos City as if they had entered a mechanical kingdom.First of all, a group of liquid battle robots walks around the streets of Chaos City, responsible for patrolling, solving various conflicts between demon gods, and preventing these demon gods from fighting.Although these combat robots are not as powerful as Demon Gods, they have bodies that can be called immortal. As long as the chaos chip is not destroyed, even if they are missing arms or legs, they will quickly return to their original state.And under the dissuasion of these battle robots, these demon gods will generally calm down and not dare to make trouble."Demon God in front, this is an area where fighting is prohibited. If you want to fight, please go to the Giant Ax Arena. If you continue to make trouble, you can only be expelled from Chaos City, and you will even be blacklisted from Chaos City. Allowed to enter.At this moment, a group of battle robots saw that several demon gods seemed to be quarreling and were about to fight, and they immediately stepped forward to warn."Wait for me, don't let me see you again.""Hehe, I have the guts to go to the giant ax arena.""Just do it once, who is afraid of you."Seeing this, the demon gods were very angry, but they had no choice but to give up and continue the conflict here.Secondly, some sweeping robots are responsible for cleaning the sanitation of the streets everywhere, cleaning the entire Chaos City clean, and spotless, without leaving any garbage.They are also distributed in various corners of the street and are also responsible for the recycling of this garbage.The mechanical family has reached the extreme of resource recycling, and there is almost nothing that cannot be used, and they can be made into various items."Demon gods, please pay attention, don't throw rubbish anywhere, please put the rubbish in the trash can.""One small step forward, one giant leap forward for civilization.""If you catch and throw rubbish, you will be fined. Please pay attention to the demon gods, please pay attention to the demon gods."Trash cans all over the street are constantly broadcasting voices, speaking the language of the demon god.In an open space in the distance, a large number of engineering robots also appeared, and they were seen piled up in an open space with a pile of various building materials.Then within a few minutes, these building materials were assembled and turned into a European-style house. This construction method is as simple as stacking building blocks.These engineering robots were hired by a demon god to build their own houses for themselves.For demon gods, building a house is a very difficult task, after all, they are good at fighting and destroying, but they are never good at creating.Moreover, their aesthetic vision is also very strange, and they often create extremely ugly buildings, so why not spend some material costs to hire these engineering robots to build houses for themselves?In this way, the built house 350 is very strong and beautiful, which is also welcomed by all Chaos Demon Gods.In fact, after millions of years of development, the demon gods in Chaos City have long lived in harmony with these robots, and they seem to have become part of each other's lives.Of course, the most important thing is Furukawa's prestige, which demon in Chaos City Shendu knows that these robots are the life race created by the Lord of Chaos City, even if they are very weak.But none of the demon gods foolishly dared to kill these robots."Excuse me, my lord Demon God, do you know if this house is satisfactory?"asked an engineering droid."Not bad, very, the same as the house I imagined, and I will send the remaining material costs to your headquarters soon." The demon god laughed, very satisfied.After all, it is not easy to own your own house in Chaos City.In the past, the Demon God could occupy some land and build houses at will, but now it is different. Every piece of land belongs to the Chaos City Lord, and various Chaos materials need to be paid to buy a piece of land."Thank you, Lord Demon God, for your compliment. The warranty period of this house will be one hundred epochs. If there are any quality problems, you can come to us for repairs at any time. We will send appropriate engineering robots to the house as soon as possible."The engineering robot replied.