Controlling The One Hundred And Eight Avenues

Hundreds of epochs passed in the blink of an eye.The races created by the powerful gods began to multiply in the chaotic world, and they also appeared in the chaotic world one after another, competing with the machine race and robbing the various resources of the chaotic world.At this time, the chaotic world has also entered a new era, the era of ten thousand races fighting for hegemony, this era is not only much more lively than the era of gods, but it is unknown how many lives and legends have been born.At this moment, Furukawa, who was in the Closed Door Training, finally woke up. When he opened his eyes, a frightening light seemed to erupt from the depths of his pupils, as if piercing through the endless mysteries of the chaotic world.The original law of the entire chaotic world is operating in the depths of his pupils, containing endless data, it seems that the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness are calculating all the laws.A mysterious and inexplicable aura of the avenue diffused from "Two Eight Zero" Furukawa, causing the entire Chaos City to vibrate slightly as if it were the rhythm of the avenue.Rumble~~At this time, Chaos City also produced a huge chaotic phenomenon. It seemed that endless chaotic energy was poured in from the depths of the void, and it seemed to be poured into Furukawa's body without money and was swallowed up by the demon cells on his body.A huge chaotic energy vortex also formed around it, which was earth-shattering.However, such chaotic visions are isolated by the Restriction formation of the central dojo, and other demon gods are temporarily unaware of these chaotic visions produced by the central dojo.In fact, after experiencing such chaotic visions several times, Furukawa felt that the visions produced by his Closed Door Training could not be known by the demon gods outside, "otherwise it would disturb other demon gods.So he established a series of Restriction formations in the central dojo, just to cover up the visions that occurred during his cultivation and avoid disturbing the demon gods in Chaos City."Finally promoted, reached the Realm of Kaitian Saint, and controlled one hundred and eight avenues."Furukawa perceives the situation in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. After such a long period of Closed Door Training, and with the help of a lot of merit light, he finally broke through to the Realm of Kaitian Saint and controlled the 108 avenues.One hundred and eight Dao scriptures floated in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, flickering like stars, as if these one hundred and eight Dao had formed a complete law of Dao in the prehistoric world.You must know that controlling 81 avenues is completely different from controlling 108 avenues. Although there are only 27 more avenues, it symbolizes a perfect "ten full Heavenly Dao cycle.It seems that countless rivers converge to form a boundless sea.This increase in strength is not as simple as one plus one but is increasing at a geometric progression.It seems that as long as he moves his mind, he can instantly envelop realms of avenues, suppress countless lives at once, and stop this piece of time and space.If you have to compare, the power of the previous Dao Realm is equivalent to the Great Thousand World, but the current Dao Realm is equivalent to the Primordial World.Let me ask how the power of the Great Thousand World can be compared to the Great Desolate World. It is estimated that a wave in the Great Desolate World can crush hundreds of Great Worlds in an instant."The strength has also increased."Furukawa felt that the Demon God cells in his body had also been further expanded. It seemed that each Demon God cell had turned into a completely small thousand world, enough to hold infinite energy.It can be said that the number of demon god cells in his body is almost as large as that of Hengsha. As many demon god cells as there are, there are as many small thousand worlds and as much energy as there are.At this moment, the Magic power on his body should not be said to be Dao power, it is the power of Dao that can only be possessed after becoming a saint, and Magic power is the power of law, the power that only immortals can have.As for the mortals under the immortals, what they have is Spirit Power.At this time, Furukawa's Dao power has increased by hundreds of millions of times compared to before, and it is not at the same level as when he mastered the eighty-one Dao.If Furukawa at this moment is estimated to be able to kill Furukawa who controlled the eighty-one avenues in an instant, his strength will not be the same.He found that just one breath of his own seemed to be able to cause a terrifying energy storm, easily destroying the chaotic time and space with a radius of tens of thousands of light years, and countless demons would be shocked to death."The body of the demon god has also grown."Although at this time Furukawa is still in the state of transformation, still like a human being, meditating in Lotus Position, "but he can perceive the situation of his own real body at any time.Under his perception, the length of his original ancient snake body has also been further increased, from a length of ten light-years to a length of one thousand light-years, which has increased by a hundred times.If other demon gods see Furukawa's real demon god body at this moment, they will be scared to death, even Pangu at this moment is not as good as the current Furukawa in terms of body size.After all, this is the length of a thousand light years. At the speed of light, it would take a thousand years to cover the distance. Thinking about it, it is scary. How many circles of the world?"If it's me at this moment, maybe I can open up the prehistoric world."Furukawa's eyes showed a gleam. He knew that his own Cultivation Base had reached the same level as when Pangu opened up the prehistoric world. "Pangu was even stronger when his combat power and Cultivation Base were both developed.However, he still has no confidence, because it is not that simple to open up the prehistoric world. It is not only enough to open up the world, but also to separate the world and make the whole world full of vitality.You must know that the pressure of opening the sky alone is enough to make magic treasures such as the sky-opening axe, the earth-opening chisel, and the chaotic green lotus crumble.Not to mention whether ordinary demon gods can stop it, the crushing between heaven and earth is enough to crush a Dao demon god, even the treasure of chaos can't stop 4.1.Furukawa has fought with Pangu, so of course he knows how terrifying the defense of Chaos Qinglian is. Even the Chaos Demon Shendu who controls the eighty-one avenues can hardly break through the defense of Chaos Qinglian.But Chaos Qinglian couldn't resist Kaitian's pressure and was shaken to pieces. This pressure was extraordinary.And if it's just to open up the world, Pangu won't die.Just separating the heaven and the earth will only form a dead and desolate world, without any vitality, and there will be no birth of life.Therefore, it is extremely difficult to open up a prehistoric world, far from being as simple as imagined.Controlling one hundred and eight avenues is only in line with the initial conditions for opening up the prehistoric world. If you want to open up the prehistoric world and remain immortal, that is another Realm.