The Gate Of Eternal Life!

"Interesting Devil family, worth studying.Furukawa stood outside the realm of darkness, observing these Devils. Under his Divine Sense perception, the bodies of these Devils contained infinite mysteries and contained a part of the original energy of the Lord of Hearts Demon.If you can study the essence of these Devils clearly, maybe you can control the Hearts Demon Avenue by yourself."Confinement!"Thinking of this, Furukawa didn't hesitate and pointed lightly towards the Dark Realm, and an invisible and powerful force of time and space instantly enveloped the entire Dark Realm.The many Devils who were still arguing endlessly didn't even have time to react at this moment, and they didn't know what happened. The time and space of the entire Dark Realm stopped flowing.In an instant, they were all imprisoned, unable to move, and even stopped thinking."Catch it first."With a big hand, Furukawa grabbed the entire Dark Realm in an instant, put it into the space of the Chaos Orb, and temporarily sealed it up. In the future, he will slowly study the Devil race.Whoosh!Then, with a flash of his figure, he left this place and returned towards the Chaos City.Not long after Furukawa left, the disappearance of the Dark Realm also attracted the attention of powerful gods such as the Lord of Light, the Lord of the Furnace, and the Lord of Titans. After all, the Lord of Darkness is too powerful to be regarded as the top of the gods. one.Its every move will involve countless changes, so they can't help but pay attention to it."What's going on? Why did the Dark City suddenly disappear, and what exactly did the Lord of Darkness want to do?""I don't know, it seems that not only the city of darkness has disappeared, but also the aura of the Lord of Darkness has disappeared. I can no longer find where the Lord of Darkness has gone."Just kidding, I can't even find the breath of the Lord of Darkness. Could it be that he has fallen?""Impossible, there are only two existences in the entire chaos that can kill the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Darkness can't offend them so stupidly, and there was no sign of it before."That's true, but if that's the case, where did the Lord of Darkness go?""Perhaps it has some conspiracy and tricks. We must pay attention, otherwise, when the Lord of Darkness appears again, it may cause huge waves.""What conspiracy does the Lord of Darkness have and what is he planning?"Many gods talked a lot, they were very curious and confused about the disappearance of the Lord of Darkness and the Dark City, and at the same time tried to find some clues about the disappearance of the Lord of Darkness.But no matter how they searched, they couldn't find the slightest clue, as if the Lord of Darkness and the City of Darkness just disappeared into this world out of thin air.In the end, they also chose to give up.At this moment in the chaotic world, there is a place at the end of Likong.At this time, three powerful gods arrived here, they are the Lord of Death, the Lord of Disaster, and the Lord of Destruction.The chaotic look in the eyes of these three gods seemed to be controlled, and there was a frenzied look in the depths of the pupils as if there was a trace of Hearts Demon in the heart.I saw that their hands formed seals, which seemed to arouse the resonance of the chaotic void as if communicating with the chaotic book Genichi at this moment.Immediately, ripples appeared in the surrounding chaotic void, and a huge chaotic portal emerged. This portal is like Shrouding the Heavens, even the Chaos Demon God is insignificant in front of it.There are dense chaos runes engraved on it as if it records the scriptures of the Infinite Dao. Just looking at this door, you feel that the mystery of the entire chaos is contained in it.It seems that the mystery of eternal life is at the back door of the door, where all the rivers of fate gather."I found it, I finally found it. That guy was right. This is the legendary door to eternal life."The Lord of Disasters widened his eyes and looked at this portal with great excitement."The Gate of Eternal Life, the only gateway to the outside world from the chaotic world in the legend."The eyes of the Lord of Death revealed a gleam: "It is said that as long as you pass through this portal, you can find the law of immortality beyond the chaos, and realize the real immortal Immortal beyond the ancient times.You must know that even if the demon gods have an endless lifespan now, it does not mean that they can achieve eternal life. If they encounter a powerful enemy, they will still die.This can only be said to be longevity at best, not eternal life.True immortality is immortality, no matter what disasters you encounter, even if the chaos collapses, you will not die, immortality, eternal Immortal.This is the real realm of eternal life, and this is also the supreme realm pursued by the demon gods."What that guy said was true."The Lord of Destruction did not expect that he would find the legendary door to eternal life. After all, this is just a legend, whether it is or not is another matter.They didn't know this at first, but when the Lord of Hearts Demon was sealed by Furukawa, the master of Hearts Demon's backhand activated, leaving a trace of Hearts Demon seeds in the depths of their sea of ​​consciousness, and sent them Lead to the door of eternal life."|| Regardless of opening this door, can I gain eternal life?"The Lord of Death is quite skeptical about this."I don't know, but we always need to try. If we continue like this, we will not be able to reach the highest Realm. The gap with the Chaos City Lord is too great. Only by entering the gate of eternal life, do we have the hope of surpassing the Chaos City Lord."The Lord of Disaster clenched his fists, his eyes filled with enthusiasm and excitement."But this door to eternal life seems to be difficult to open."The Lord of Destruction tried it just now and found that under a single strike with all his strength, he was unable to shake the door of eternal life. All his strength was swallowed up by the door of eternal life, and there was not much left."It doesn't matter, one time won't work, then two or three times, as long as we persevere, this door to eternal life will be opened by us sooner or later." The Lord of Disaster has made long-term preparations.To the demon god, time is nothing at all, even if it takes hundreds of millions of epochs, it is just a child's play."Okay, let's get started and break open the door to eternal life."The Lord of Death has also made a decision. Since they have all come here, it is impossible to give up halfway. No matter what, it also wants to see what the world outside the Gate of Eternal Life is like.In an instant, the three gods, Lord of Death, Lord of Destruction, and Lord of Disaster, began to bombard the Gate of Eternal Life.Boom boom boom!!!The entire Gate of Eternal Life vibrated immediately, making a thumping sound, as if it was the quality of Heavenly Dao.On the surface, the attacks of the three gods seem unable to cause any damage to the door of eternal life, but, with their attacks again and again, the door of eternal life is also opening bit by bit.However, the opening process is extremely long, perhaps after hundreds of millions of trillion epochs.