The Development Of The Chaos Library

"This is Chaos City?! It's so spectacular."A group of golden-armored behemoths entered Chaos City, and when they looked up, all of them stared wide-eyed.They had never seen such a horizontal and vertical city, and so many strange buildings in their life, which had a great impact on them.Too many daemons. "The little golden-armored monster looked at the pedestrians walking around and found that besides the lives of the various races, even demon gods were walking on the streets at will as if they had long been used to it.It has never seen so many Chaos Demon Gods.Because the demon gods are the supreme creatures, they are low-level races, where that can be easily contacted, once contacted, I am afraid that it will be a disaster for the golden-armored giant beast family.If they were in other places, they would not dare to look at other demon gods so blatantly, otherwise, the demon gods would be angry with "Nine Seven Three" and kill them all, and there would be no reason to reason."Don't look around, we didn't come here to hang out, go to the Chaos Library."A behemoth guard in golden armor said in a deep voice.To be honest, the place they want to go the most when they arrive in Chaos City this time is the Chaos Library. Legend has it that this place contains all the magical powers, cultivation techniques, and avenues of the entire Chaos World.If they could go to this place, they might be able to find a way for the golden-armored behemoths to become stronger."Ok."The other golden-armored behemoths also restrained their mood and immediately walked toward the Chaos Library.Although it was the first time for them to arrive in Chaos City, the Chaos Library was also a well-known place, and they would know how to reach the Chaos Library after asking for directions.It didn't take long for them to expand the Chaos Library."A lot of lives."A group of golden-armored behemoths discovered that not only did they want to go to the Chaos Library, but the entire life of the Chaos City regarded the Chaos Library as the most important place, a place of knowledge dissemination.Countless magic gods are looking for the cultivation secrets they need in this place.Whoosh!They followed other beings and entered the Chaos Library directly. "Immediately, they saw the temple-sized virtual projection screens listed in the central hall.And these virtual projection screens list the names and catalogs of many books."This this!"A group of golden-armored behemoths stared wide-eyed.They found that there were so many books in the entire Chaos Library that they couldn't imagine, such as "History of the Chaos World", "Analysis of Demon God Types and Abilities", "Encyclopedia of Chaos Elixirs", "How to Refining Chaos Magic Treasures", "Basic Practice Encyclopedia" and so on.It seems that in this library, all the knowledge about cultivation is available and all-encompassing. It is simply dazzling to see them, and the blood is boiling, and I can't wait to find them all."Why are there so many books?"The little golden-armored behemoth said in shock, it felt like a particle facing the vast and boundless Universe, and its golden-armored behemoth was too small."Of course, there are many books."The Chaos Demon God next to him laughed immediately when he heard these words: "The books in this Chaos Library are not only provided by the Chaos City Lord, they can be said to have gathered the wisdom of most creatures in the entire Chaos World.Calculated in trillions, it can be called the crystallization of wisdom, and it is said that whoever owns this Chaos Library can get everything in Chaos."To be honest, there are far more books in the Chaos Library at this moment than when Furukawa started, and the number of books has reached trillions of books, which can be called as vast as a cloud.Such a development didn't even envision Furukawa."Why gather the wisdom of most creatures?"The little golden armored monster asked curiously."That's because many books are provided by other demon gods or other beings, and the books written by the Lord of Chaos City are an insignificant part.The Chaos Demon God explained."Why do other beings come to the Chaos Library to provide books?"A behemoth guard in golden armor asked puzzledly because knowledge is a very precious thing in the chaotic world, which one is not kept privately, and who would be willing to contribute it for free?"It's very simple. This is the rule of the Chaos Library. Demon gods need books from the Chaos Library, and they also need to exchange knowledge of the same level. This is a fair trade.The Chaos Demon God said: "Of course, apart from trading knowledge, other Chaos Demon Gods will also sell their magical powers or practice cheats to the Chaos Library in exchange for Chaos Coins... ...The Chaos Library has long become the largest knowledge intermediary platform in the Chaos World, and every life who wants to obtain knowledge needs to come to the Chaos Library to purchase.And every time the Chaos Library sells a book, it needs to give 50% of the profit to the creator of the Cultivation Technique. One can imagine how crazy other beings are.It is said that some powerful demon gods rely on the Cultivation Technique created by themselves, have been sought after by many lives, and have earned billions of Chaos Coins. This is simply getting rich overnight, knowledge is money.It is extremely emotional and very envious.You must know that Chaos Coins are everything, as long as you have enough Chaos Coins, you can buy the treasures you need, the training resources you need, the training cheats you need, and the spells you need, which drives countless demons crazy.Benefiting from such stimulation, countless beings crazily created all kinds of cultivation methods, supernatural powers, or various weird secret techniques.Once the spells or cheats created by themselves become popular items in the Chaos Library, they can immediately earn a lot of Chaos Coins, and thus get rich overnight and obtain inexhaustible resources.Moreover, this approach is very safe, and there is no need to fight with other Chaos Demon Gods. This is a great boon for some research-oriented Demon Gods, and it can be called a huge profit.Also because of such a virtuous circle, the knowledge of the Chaos Library is increasing and its reputation is growing. Almost every chaotic life knows the existence of the Chaos Library.Even the gods will come to the Chaos Library all the time, wondering if there is any new cultivation knowledge recently, which is also of great benefit to their cultivation.Other gods also want to learn from the model of the Chaos Library and create a library of their gods.But they don't have the endorsement of Chaos City's powerful strength, piracy is rampant, and they can't do it anymore. They can only do it in the Kingdom of Own God and can't get the approval of other demon gods."Chaos coins!"This group of golden-armored monsters squeezed their fists. Of course, they have heard of Chaos Coin. It is said that this is the currency that circulates in the chaotic world, and they can buy everything they want.But the golden-armored behemoths are too weak, and they are not eligible to get Chaos Coins at all.It can be said that they are simply poor.