The Chaos Demon God's Quarrel

"Has it finally appeared?"At this moment, Furukawa opened his eyes in the central dojo of Chaos City, and he sensed that the Chaos World was full of disasters, and there was a faint smell of doomsday.He knew that these doomsdays would definitely appear unbearably lonely, no matter how many years had passed, these doomsdays would always appear, but now it has only passed a billion years, and these doomsdays have appeared.Thinking of this, his heart moved, and he immediately notified all the Chaos Demon Gods through the Chaos Virtual Network to have a meeting in the Chaos Virtual Network.At this time, the Chaos Demon Gods seemed to have found their backbone, no matter what they were doing, they logged into the Chaos Virtual Network one after another and held a meeting together."City Lord of Chaos, indeed, as you said, the troubled sun has appeared."The Lord of Light looked at Furukawa with a serious face."And there are three doomsdays all at once, and their power is too weird and too powerful."The Lord of the Furnace said in a deep voice: "A doomsday seems to be able to spread a strange power, turning creatures into walking corpses, resurrecting dead creatures, and even these walking corpses can infect other creatures.Now more and more creatures are infected into walking corpses.Already, even my kingdom of God has such a weird power.Fortunately, I discovered it in time and killed all these walking corpses to avoid the further spread of the disaster.But even so, a lot of lives were killed and injured, and the loss was heavy.If it was a step later, I am afraid that the entire life of the kingdom of God would be wiped out, and not one would survive. "It couldn't help clenching its fists.To be honest, the lives of the believers are tied to the gods at this moment, it doesn't matter if some believers die, but if all the believers die, it will hurt the godsEven the fall of faith may lead to the direct death of the gods.Moreover, such strange powers not only make ordinary creatures die, but even gods, once infected with these strange powers, will also become walking corpses and completely lose their minds.Even the power of zombies transformed into gods is terrifying and boundless, far exceeding the threat of ordinary gods.Now hundreds of gods have been infected into zombies, and the threat is getting bigger and bigger.One can imagine the seriousness of this matter to the Chaos Demon God."No, no, what is the doomsday that turns life into walking corpses? The doomsday that can turn countless lives into petrification is a more terrifying and weird power."The Lord of the Storm gritted his teeth and said: "The place where the petrification power spreads will be turned into a dead zone, and all substances will be completely petrified and turned into stone sculptures.Some gods wanted to see what happened before, but it was useless at all. They were all petrified into stone sculptures after walking for a long time, and they had no power to resist at all. "Even though it is a powerful god, it couldn't help shivering at this moment. At this moment, it can be considered to understand the strength of these doomsday forces.Even if this is just the early stage of doomsday, it will show that countless Chaos Demon Shendu will fall, and the situation of Ragnarok will appear.They can't even imagine how many lives will survive in the entire chaotic world if it continues like this.Just this petrified doomsday caused hundreds of thousands of gods to fall and be petrified into stone sculptures."No, no, no, things should be prioritized. Although the power of petrifying doomsday is terrifying, its spreading speed is too slow. The chaos void is huge, and it won't petrify anywhere in a while."Another god, the Ice, and Snow Lord said in a deep voice: "The imminent doomsday is the doomsday of the Zerg race, and the power of that doomsday seems to have formed the nest of the Zerg race [bringing trillions of trillions of Zerg warriors.These Zerg warriors are extremely numerous, and they devour everything. Wherever they go, all matter is devoured, and nothing exists anymore.Moreover, they are not afraid of death, even in the face of gods, they will not back down in the slightest. As more and more substances are devoured, their strength is also increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.If it continues like this, enough energy will be devoured by them, then the chaotic world may no longer have any power to contend with this Zerg doomsday. "It has a serious face, thinking that the Zerg doomsday is the biggest threat.So far, these gods have not discovered the existence of the Slaughter Doomsday and the Slayer System, because the power of this Doomsday is too mysterious and has never been shown.At most, it's just murderers appearing in various parts of the chaos, but there are not a few such murderers in the chaotic world, so it's not an abnormal situation at all.So they don't know that there is a doomsday lurking, and this doomsday has begun to spread wildly and even merged into every place."Fart, you should first deal with the doomsday that can spread strange powers and turn creatures into walking corpses. If you don't handle it well, all believers will die, even gods will die.""The petrified doomsday is the scariest thing. We don't have any means to deal with it. If you enter the petrified Realm, you will be completely petrified. You can't resist it at all, and its power is still growing.If its petrified Realm continues to expand, then the entire chaos will have no place for us, don't you guys feel the danger?""So what, is there a Zerg doomsday at stake? Their number is boundless, increasing at a geometric progression rate, almost doubling in strength every day. If you don't stop them, how many gods will die? Think about it. Their aggressiveness is So powerful, it will eat almost anything."Many gods quarreled, and they all felt that the doomsday power they had encountered was the most terrifying. If the 860 is not resolved, then the entire chaotic world will be over."Shut up."At this moment, Furukawa spoke.Just one sentence made countless Chaos Demon Gods quiet down. They all looked at Furukawa, even though Furukawa did not have any leader in the name, but all Chaos Demon Shendu regarded Furukawa as their leader, this is the uncrowned king.They are also thankful that there is a leader in the chaotic world, otherwise, if there is such an apocalypse, they will all die, and all of them will be scattered and unable to gather together.We are already at a disadvantage, and we are not yet united, what else can we do before we die?"Go and kill the Zerg Doomsday first."Furukawa said these words lightly.He first wanted to kill the Zerg Doomsday, the reason is very simple, the core of the Zerg Doomsday is the Zerg nest, as long as this nest is destroyed, the Zerg Doom will be resolved.The other two doomsday petrification doomsday and virus doomsday, although they are also terrifying, they can't find the source of their spread at all.If the source of diffusion cannot be found, it will be difficult to solve these two doomsdays."Yes, Lord City Lord."A group of Chaos Demon Gods didn't ask anything. They just heard the order and obeyed. It's the same to deal with any doomsday. The quarrel was so fierce before, but they didn't have a backbone.