Secret Treasure: Universe Gloves!

Furukawa has no interest in talking nonsense with these creatures. Since they want to kill themselves, then he doesn't need to show mercy.Although he wanted to know information about the world beyond Chaos from these creatures, it was obvious that these creatures would not tell him easily.And it doesn't matter even if he doesn't tell, as long as he kills all these creatures and searches the soul to capture the memory of the other party, he can still know all kinds of information from the other party.Boom!Supreme Power - Vacuum Yin & Yang Fist!This punch smashed the past, containing the power of the Yin & Yang two avenues, forming the Yin & Yang mill, this power simply wiped out everything and turned countless substances into ashes.what?!The three tauten's hairs stood on end, feeling a great crisis as if they were crushed by infinite death energy, they tried to dodge but found that the speed of the punch was too fast.When they saw the fist, it had already hit them.rumbling~~In an instant, the three turns uttered a miserable scream, and they couldn't resist it for even a second, their entire bodies were blown apart by this punch, and they were wiped out in ashes.Even their souls were destroyed by the strength of the fist as if swept by the chaotic wind, they were completely shattered."Damn, this is no ordinary rookie!"The remaining two rock titans were shocked, they killed the tauren who was almost equal to them with just one punch, and their fighting power was simply sensational.They have never seen a creature that just came out of the universe, and it has reached this level."Asshole, you forced me."A rock titan yelled angrily, and it took out a blue glove from its body and put it on its fist like this, an unstoppable vast force pervaded from the rock titan.With its body as the center, terrifying energy fluctuations were produced, like ripples, destroying all directions, and even the surrounding chaotic airflow produced waves of fluctuations."Huh?․々!"There was a gleam of light in Furukawa's eyes, and he could feel that the azure blue fist was very unusual, and the level of this treasure probably surpassed the Chaos Supreme Treasure.After wearing this fist, this rock titan who mastered 1,800 laws of the Dao became more than a hundred times stronger than before.Even his avatar felt a wave of threats, and the other rock titan seemed to know this long ago, it retreated quickly, intending to avoid the aftermath of the battle."Damn bastard, you forced me to take out the secret treasure——Universe glove, you deserved to die, just obediently die under my fist."The rock titan roared angrily.In an instant, the rock titan punched Furukawa directly. The power of this punch was simply earth-shattering as if it contained the power of the entire universe.This punch came, the stars were shining, the sky was shaking, the universe collapsed, and the chaotic airflow in all directions collapsed, forming a terrible black hole, swallowing light, energy, soul, everything.If the body is hit by this punch, then Furukawa's avatar will be torn apart, and even the Karma barrier can't bounce back such a terrifying force.The supreme technique——space-time wings!In an instant, Furukawa's figure flashed, wings of time and space appeared behind him, and the flow of time and space around him suddenly slowed down, and at this moment his speed was extremely fast.Whoosh!In the next second, he appeared behind the rock titan in an instant, even at the speed of light, he was not as fast as he was at the moment, and in this flash, he completely avoided the rock's unexpectedly fierce punch."Stupid, do you think you can plot against me? Daddy already figured out that you would hide behind my back.But the rock titan smiled ferociously, not worried about Furukawa attacking him from behind, it turned around at an extremely fast speed and punched with its backhand.And this punch is even more terrifying than before as if it completely exploded this piece of the chaotic void, and at the same time, the fist contains endless devouring power.Any enemy locked by this punch cannot escape from this chaotic vortex.This is also the deadliest ultimate move of the rock titan. Anyone who has seen it use this fist will be directly killed by it. No enemy can survive."The reaction speed is so fast?!"Furukawa raised his eyebrows, he could feel that if it was the rock titan itself, it would not have such a fast reaction speed and strength, it was purely the bonus given to it by the Universe fist.After wearing this universe fist, not only the strength of this rock titan has been increased a hundred times, but also its movement speed, nerve reaction speed, thinking speed, and even its defense power have been enhanced a hundred times.This is simply an all-around improvement, so the combat power of this rock titan has been promoted to such a level in an instant.But he had expected this a long time ago, and he was not afraid at all.The supreme technique - blurring!In an instant, Furukawa's body transformed from a flesh and blood body into a virtual figure, as if blending into the chaotic void, entering the depths of time and space, which does not exist in reality at all.This is his strongest defensive technique, transforming reality into virtuality, and virtuality into reality, between the transformation of virtuality and reality, one can be immune to all spells and all attacksBoom!At this moment, the rock titan bombarded Furukawa with a punch, but unfortunately, this strike hit the phantom, it just hit the space and couldn't hurt Furukawa's body."々. Impossible, what I hit was just a phantom?!"The rock titan was stunned, completely stunned, it had lived for such a long time, and this was the first time it had encountered such an opponent.clatter~~In the next second, Furukawa's body condensed into a solid body again, appeared out of thin air in the chaotic void, and directly punched him."No no no!!!"That (Qian Zhao's) rock titan let out a shrill scream, its eyes revealed endless terror, and it felt the crisis of Death.But it was too late for it to dodge now.Originally, it exhausted its strength with that powerful punch just now, but now its old strength has just gone, and it is reborn.In addition, the distance between the two is only a square inch.How can it resist this punch with such a short distance and such a fast speed?This punch firmly bombarded the rock titan's body, and the terrifying punch burst out as if swept by the chaotic wind.With a bang, the entire body of the rock titan was shattered immediately, like sand blown by the wind, it turned into powder and disappeared into this chaotic void.And there was only a blue fist left on its body, floating in the chaotic void like this, filled with a mysterious aura.