The Appearance Of Grotesques

"What's going on? Why do you feel the attack of infinite calamity?"Furukawa, who was sitting in the central dojo, temporarily interrupted the connection with the avatar. After all, the avatar is rushing to the place of origin, and nothing will happen for the time being.There was a gleam of light in his eyes, and the chaotic Eight Trigrams technique in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness was constantly deduced, and endless data was flowing, trying to see through the fog of fate and predict the future.But the river of fate is covered with dark mist, which cuts off the prying of fate as if the power of doom covers the river of fate, and no one with great supernatural powers can spy on the future space-time picture."It seems that we have to see what's going on?!"There was a gleam of light in Furukawa's eyes, and he instantly felt that the power of doom had invaded the heavens and worlds, which led to the birth of the innocent catastrophe.Rumble~~In an instant, his soul fluctuations instantly covered the heavens and worlds, entering countless worlds.Immediately, he felt that the countless Great Thousand Worlds, Middle Thousand Worlds, and Small Thousand Worlds were filled with terrible evil spirits, darkness spirits, curse spirits, and killing spirits. 31 Although this breath is very subtle, it cannot be concealed from his perception.Indistinctly, the aura of catastrophe from countless worlds gathered together, and it seemed that there was an infinite amount of catastrophe attacking and killing, as if the sky was turned upside down, and the killing intent entered the earth."what is this?!"Furukawa's mind was immersed in a great world with the most serious situation, and he saw that the whole great world was full of ghosts, monsters, and monsters, and evil spirits everywhere on the land.If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you would think that this great world is The Underworld.The reason why this happened is because this Great Thousand World has become a battlefield for the gods to compete for. To snatch the primordial purple energy, many races fought fiercely in this world.As a result, one can imagine that there are too many strong people who have fallen in this world. After death, these strong people turned into evil ghosts and evil spirits, wandering in this world.All beings born in this world are accompanied by evil spirits and evil spirits and will be devoured by evil spirits at every turn as if this world has turned into a world of evil spirits.The whole world is filled with fear, Death, despair, and blood at this moment.But what surprised Furukawa most was not the birth of these evil spirits and evil spirits, but a more terrifying kind of evil, which it called grotesque.What is grotesque?!It means an unbelievable legend.Wherever life appears, there will be all kinds of grotesques and all kinds of unimaginable legends. These are rumors.However, due to specious evidence, these rumors have been known to countless beings, and over time, they have become well-known grotesques.Originally, this was just an ordinary rumor, and nothing would happen.However, after the doomsday force invaded, coupled with the brewing of endless negative emotions and the accumulation of negative energy, the situation changed drastically, and an incredible chemical reaction occurred.These horrible grotesques have gradually turned into reality, from illusion to reality, as if the characters in the legend have turned into real existence."It's troublesome now."Furukawa narrowed his eyes, with a serious look on his face.The reason why he showed such a dignified expression was because these grotesques were many times more terrifying than evil ghosts.First of all, the power of these grotesques comes from the fear of the beings. The more feared the beings are, the more powerful and destructive the grotesques will be.If countless lives are terrified of this grotesque, then the strength of this grotesque will surpass that of the Chaos Demon God, reaching the point of being unable to contend.Second, these grotesques have the quality of being immortal.Because they come from the fear of all beings, born from the emotions of all beings, even if they are killed, as long as there is a life that knows their existence, it will be resurrected again.So they are immortal, no matter how many times they are killed, they will be resurrected.The source of this catastrophe is not just the invasion of doomsday forces, but also the gods themselves.The source of the grotesque power comes from the belief of the gods."Faith is poisonous."Furukawa couldn't help but squeeze his fist as he thought about it.The world is fair and balanced, where there is yin, there must be yang, and where there is god, there must be demon.It is naturally a good thing for the gods to practice by absorbing the power of belief of all living beings to quickly increase the strength of their own, thereby speeding up their cultivation.But there is nothing so cheap in the world.Because of the belief that sentient beings have distracting thoughts, and they are endless distracting thoughts. At the same time, it not only has good emotions but also negative and fearful emotions.These emotional forces of negativity and fear are poisonous to the gods.So all the gods will repel these poisons of belief, but repelling them does not mean they disappear, they still exist in the heavens and myriad worlds.Although these poisons of belief did not cause the slightest harm at the beginning, it was because the accumulated quantity was not enough, and quantitative changes would lead to qualitative changes.Even without the invasion of doomsday forces, the poison of faith will cause infinite star power.But now, due to the invasion of the mysterious doomsday force, this process has been accelerated. It is as if the volcano is constantly accumulating lava energy, and finally erupts at this moment.The endless world has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.Grotesque, weird, and evil spirits are constantly being born.Worlds are becoming eerie, creepy, frightening, and complicated.Belief in a god is very difficult. It requires the persuasion of the gods, orderly order, and a complete set of rituals, but none of these may produce a loyal believer.Therefore, for the gods, harvesting faith is extremely difficult and takes years and months.But harvesting fear is different. It is too easy to get the emotion of fear. Killing, blood, terror, disaster, etc. will make endless creatures feel fear.Moreover, fear is chained and spreads continuously. Once it breaks out, it is almost unstoppable. Countless seeds of fear will be integrated into the souls of living beings and can no longer be eradicated.Because of this, grotesques are born in various worlds, and killing and fear are also spreading.Faith can become God.The same reason.Fear can also become a god.The power of the fear of all living beings will also give birth to grotesque gods. There will be as many evil gods as there are gods in the world.An endless catastrophe that swept across the heavens and worlds struck at this moment.After this catastrophe, no one knows how many gods will fall."It seems that we will go to the heavens and the world to investigate these weird birth principles."Furukawa squinted his eyes, he could perceive this mysterious apocalypse that suddenly appeared, definitely more weird, terrifying, and difficult to deal with than the apocalypse he encountered before.