The Plan Of The Weird Doomsday

"Doomsday? This is Doomsday? How is it possible? How did the power of Doomsday infiltrate the chaotic Star Universe formation, thus invading the heavens and worlds?!"A Chaos Demon God is unbelievable. I don't know why such a thing happened. They patrol day and night just to prevent the doomsday from invading.But even so, the heavens and worlds were invaded by the doomsday."It's too arrogant and arrogant to face the provocative city lord in Chaos City."Look, Lord City Master can kill this doomsday in an instant.""But if you dare to enter Chaos City in this weird doomsday, you must have something to rely on, and it is impossible to come to seek death."In other words, it is confident that it can compete against the city master?!"Many gods were talking about it. Thinking of this, they involuntarily took a breath, remembering the scene of the fall of countless Chaos Demon Gods in the chaotic era of "707".That's the devastation wrought by the Doomsday invasion.Some newly born gods don't know this, so they don't know the horror of the doomsday, but after experiencing the days of being invaded by the doomsday, they know the horror and horror of the doomsday.If the doomsday invades, it will cause infinite calamities, and even the gods will fall.Deep in the hearts of many gods, fear surged involuntarily.At this moment, the weird doomsday is ecstatic deep in his heart, yes, that's it, just be afraid of me like this, let's radiate fear, the more you are afraid, the stronger the power in me will beThe reason why it blatantly appeared in Chaos City and announced the arrival of its own without any scruples was because of its purpose, and it was to take this opportunity to announce to the world and make the gods fear.And the more fearful the god is, the more power the emperor will bestow.At this time, it sensed that the power in its body was increasing exponentially.The power of the fear of mortals is still too weak, and the power of the fear of gods is the most powerful. The power of fear born of a god does not know how many mortals.Its plan to come to Chaos City to announce to the world is indeed correct."I see. No wonder you dare to appear in front of me. It turns out that your body is not here, it's just your projection." Furukawa squinted his eyes, sensing the reality of the black skull.The opponent is just a projection, even if this projection is defeated, it will not hurt the weird doomsday division."As expected of the Lord of Chaos City, he has blocked several powerful existences of doomsday."The Weird Doomsday laughed and said: "But even so, you can't stop the destruction of this universe. My power comes from all living beings. If all living beings are not destroyed, I will be immortal. If you want to kill me, you must destroy all living beings."It was already a sure thing, and it took time to talk to Furukawa.Because the longer the time of talking, the more gods will know the arrival of their own and the appearance of the weird doomsday, then the more fear will be born, and its power will be stronger.Because the power of the grotesque comes from the spiritual power of all beings and the fear of all beings, and the emotion of fear is involuntary and uncontrollable.As long as all beings have grotesque memories, these grotesques will continue to revive.It is also very simple to kill the weird doomsday, that is to destroy the world, kill all life, and then the source of the weird doomsday's power will disappear.The problem is, that doing so is no different than destroying the universe.A universe without life is a dead universe, and sooner or later it will perish.And this is the horror of the grotesque doomsday, the almost indestructible doomsday monster."Don't worry, I won't destroy all life, but if you do this, the life in this universe will not be extinct."Furukawa said lightly.Why he said that the reason is also very simple.Because the grotesque power comes from the fear of all beings, they also rely on the power of all beings. The more lives there are, the stronger their strength will be.And the fewer the number of lives, the weaker their strength, and the two are directly proportional.Also because of this, the grotesques will not exterminate life but will continue to expand and increase the number of life, to maintain their powerful strength.After all, they only need the fear of beings, not Death, Death is just a means to stimulate fear.Furukawa can also let the grotesques appear in the heavens and the world, but in this way, the heavens and the world will fall into a horrible, weird, death, dark, bloody situation...All lives are living in the extremely miserable Underworld, where there is fear every moment, life is not guaranteed, and human life is worthless. This is not the world he wants to see."As expected of the Lord of Chaos City, I immediately saw the limitations of the grotesque doomsday. It is true. My power comes from all living beings, so it is naturally impossible to destroy all living beings."Weird Doomsday laughed and said: "But it doesn't matter, it's enough to destroy you high and mighty Chaos Demon Gods.The only gods in the heavens and worlds will be evil in the future, and all other gods will perish, and all living beings will be in fear all the time.There is no longer any existence to counter our grotesque."Its purpose is very simple, that is to kill the gods of the heavens and the world, replace the demon god of chaos with evil gods, rule the heavens and the world, rule countless mortals, and create a dark, terrifying, and desperate evil god Universe.But the weird doomsday didn't stop, and continued: "And the fact of annihilation is too childish, only despair, pain, Death, and darkness can please me, what's the point of dying all at once?Looking at your tiny lives, living in a hopeless world, with no way to struggle, fate has been doomed since birth, everyone is a lamb.Many gods and beings in Chaos City also heard such words, and all of them stood up in fear.At this moment, they seem to see 3.5 the world ruled by the weird doomsday, it is a dark world without any hope, and all the lives born are like lambs.The reason why these lives were born was only to provide the evil god with the emotional power of fear, and it was only food.Once despised by the evil gods, they will be killed and destroyed.In such a world, all beings are not allowed to cultivate, they only need to survive and reproduce.Thinking of this, these gods trembled, wishing to annihilate the grotesque doomsday immediately."Jie Jie, yes, that's it, just fall into despair and fear like this, your fear will be the strength and food for me to become stronger."The eerie doomsday is extremely exciting, it feels that its power is increasing at a geometric progression rate, almost reaching an unprecedented level.