They left the village sharp at noon as planned. There were no farewells or tears. That was unnecessary. Men calmly went through the serene streets, as if their departure meant nothing. They decided not to give up hope of returning, so there was no reason for goodbyes.

The familiar silhouette of the village faded with each step and soon got entirely lost behind the hills. Wei Huan confidently led his small group forward. No one asked him how he knew where to go, and never lost the sense of direction in this vast space. Hao Ning assumed that the man had already been near the Gates once. But why? What for? Well, one could only guess.

For the first few hours, the group barely talked, concentrating on the road, but then Wu Zhe Kai got tired of the silence and decided to ask Hao Ning about some mundane affairs.

– Xiao Hao, you came here quite recently. So you know better than us what is going on in the Earthly dwelling. Tell us please, who rules now?

Hao Ning smiled slightly at Wu Zhe Kai's address but didn't protest.

– I am not the best person to be asked about such matters. I used to spend most of my time behind the temple walls. Hardly I was interested in the outer world, – replied he, and thought for a moment. – But… well, the sorrow for the Emperor, who passed away was so great that even we could not stay indifferent. And I know for sure that the throne was taken by his son-heir, Xi Zhao Guo.

– Son? – Wu Zhe Kai's eyes widened. – Wait…how old is he? Three? Four years?

– Is it even possible to inherit the throne at that age? – wondered Jin Yu Ming, who was walking the last.

The healer shushed him, ordering to be quiet.

– The young Emperor is twenty.

Wu Zhe Kai's Adam's apple twitched noticeably, but the man quickly pulled himself together and smiled.

– It turns out that much time passed there. But here we don't notice it here at all. Wow… A young Emperor. Let's hope that he will not disgrace the honor of his father and make history with his noble reign.

Wu Zhe Kai's changed mood was too striking, but Hao Ning felt that it was not the right time for questioning. He knew that each of his new acquaintances had both secrets and deep sorrows in their hearts. Barely that could be talked out in a casual conversation.

Wu Zhe Kai himself sincerely tried to drive away his bad mood. Thus, he changed the subject to an extremely unexpected one.

– Hao Ning, what do you usually do in the Temple? Have always been curious to know the disciples' routine!

– Nothing that would distinguish us from other Taoist scholars. We pray. We call upon the mercy of the Nine Gods, begging them to forgive the sins of Their Tenth Heavenly brother – The Devourer. These traditions have been unchanged for many centuries.

– What did you just say? – Wei Huan's voice was filled with undisguised mockery. The man kept silent all the time, but this dialogue he could not ignore. – The Devourer? What kind of title is this?

– In the scriptures, the Tenth Heavenly Lord is called as such. And it is forbidden to speak of him as of a God, – Hao Ning noticed that Wei Huan was looking at him over his shoulder. – But you already know that, don't you?

– I have been wandering around the Middle World for too long. And I have not the slightest idea what fables are being told to worship the Gods, – Wei Huan narrowed his eyes. – So please enlighten us. And start from the very beginning.

Hao Ning felt the chill run down his back. Gusts of the wind like sharp needles pierced his sensitive skin. Wei Huan's oppressive energy was affecting the environment, and the man did not even try to subdue it in any way.

The young scholar noticed that Jin Yu Ming also tensed up. Perhaps he knew the reason for his friend's reaction to any mention of the Ten.

– Of course, I'll tell you. It's no trouble at all, – Hao Ning tried to soften the atmosphere. – But let's make a halt first, shall we? We've been walking for a very long time, and I'm tired.

– Xiao Hao, you can't get tired, – gently reminded Wu Zhe Kai. – You are…

– A ghost. Yes, I remember. But I do feel fatigued.

– Perhaps this is a residual feeling of your material body. Since you died recently, your connection to the mortal world is still strong.

Wei Huan stepped closer. He had already returned to his calm state and no longer exuded an intimidating aura. The man reached out his hand and touched the top of Hao Ning's head. This gesture was surprising, but the warmth that followed it and the faint glow from the man's palm made it clear that the general was sharing his energy.

– No need! – Hao Ning squeezed the man's wrist in fear. – Master Wei, not that I am injured! Please don't waste your spiritual powers on me.

– But you're tired, – the man smiled slightly. – Don't worry, it's just a tiny grain. I can easily replenish it

Hao Ning looked into Wei Huan's eyes and slowly let go of his wrist. The general's gaze was captivating with its bottomless darkness, and Hao Ning saw in this depth something very personal, very unhappy, but infinitely noble.

This man was a true enigma. Hao Ning could not even imagine what burden Wei Huan was carrying, but for some reason, at that very moment, he sincerely wanted to lend his shoulder and ease the man's hardships.

– General, I found a suitable place nearby. Follow me, I will show the way, – Jin Yu Ming approached, causing Hao Ning to break away from his thoughts.

Wei Huan took his hand away.

– Good job, thank you.

– Wait, – Wu Zhe Kai looked at the warrior in disbelief. – When did you manage to go anywhere and find anything?

– While you have been peeping at Master Hao Ning and General Wei.

The healer sighed indignantly but had nothing to object and pouted.

Hao Ning laughed softly at the behavior of his friends as he followed them. He knew absolutely nothing about the past of these people, about their sorrows and burdens, but with every moment spent together, he inevitably felt attached. His teacher always said that true friendship is born from carefully built trust, which is uneasy to earn, but easy to lose.

Hao Ning did not want to be imposed and rush things, so he was ready to wait – patiently and gradually proving the sincerity of his intentions.


The campsite place Jin Yu Ming found was on a ledge of a low mountain. The quiet rustle of rare leaves on a lonely growing tree pacified the mind, and the waters of the river flowing at the foot of it cooled the bodies that had spent the whole day under the burning sun.

Even though the ghosts did not need either rest or comfort.

Hao Ning let himself take pleasure in relaxing in the shade of the tree. He closed his eyes for a moment. Several hours had passed since the beginning of their journey, but changes in the surrounding area were already evident.

Vegetation became less and less common, the stony soil almost replaced the grass, and instead of the hills, sharp peaks of rocks could be seen here and there.

Like fanged monsters, they looked down on the travelers from above, ready to unleash their wrath on the unwanted guests. This empty, lonely, and cold place seemed to be trying to draw energy from those that fell into it, absorb every drop of the "life energy" and then again hide in an ambush, waiting for the next careless victim.

That is why the oasis of green among the stone giants found by Yu Ming seemed like a true haven. A small stream was merrily running around the hill. On top of it sprouted a tree with an unbending will to live. That was the sight to evoke truly strong feelings. Here Hao Ning was ready to talk out the worries of his heart.

Wu Zhe Kai took a seat near Hao Ning under the tree and started studying the herbs he had collected along the route. His healer instincts tingled every time he saw some intricate curiosity.

Jin Yu Ming climbed a small boulder that gods know when had fallen here. The warrior was dutifully watching the area. Wei Huan sat down opposite Hao Ning in a lotus pose, hands on his knees, eyes closed. Not a word was heard from him. The man was waiting. And Hao Ning knew exactly what he wanted.

Fortunately, the general didn't press or push him with a surge of his terrifying energy. He allowed Hao Ning to find enough strength to speak on a topic that any follower of the Ten would consider uneasy.

– Master Wei, – the youth began cautiously. – I will only speak of what I have been taught. These are not my thoughts, but the Church Doctrines that have been followed by many generations. I don't dare misrepresent anything, so please listen and stay unprejudiced.

– Fine. Get started, – Wei Huan did not give away his true emotions, however, Hao Ning still exhaled quietly before starting.

– Every person prays The Ten. Five Gods of Harmony and the five of Martial Arts once formed an eternal unbreakable balance of the Earthly dwelling. Many centuries ago, The Ten walked among people, bestowing their mercy and protecting us from troubles. Under their care people knew no hunger, grief, or fear. They prayed to the Guardians of the World and the Guardians answered. But one day everything changed. In his lust for power, The Devourer decided to overthrow the other Gods, but his strength was not enough. He managed to defeat only one deity. What happened to The Devourer and the Ninth Heavenly Lord afterward is unknown, but since then the harmony among the Divine has been broken, and trust shaken. There are eight Guardians of the World left now, and so far no one has been able to ascend to become a new deity. Many have tried, desperately cultivating in their devotion, but Heaven stays closed.

– Why, then people still pray to The Ten? – Wu Zhe Kai got distracted from his work, as he was carefully listening to the story. – If there are only eight of them left?

– We sing eight chants to the Gods who live – one praise for each. We mourn the God who's gone forever. And we crave pardon in private devotion for the sins of The Devourer.

– Is that what they teach in the Temple?

– Yes. The children, capable to cultivate, are often sent to become the Taoists. To serve the Ten. In the temple, we pray, begging the Gods to set foot on the land of mortals again. And with our faith and training, we try to prove the sincerity of our pleas.

– So dumb. These creatures do not deserve such efforts. They are useless.

– Lord Wei… – Hao Ning looked at the man with sad eyes. – I grew up with these doctrines. And I don't understand why you are so prejudiced towards the Gods.

– You worship them. You won't understand.

– I worship them, but I am not a fanatic of some sort. I want to understand the reasons for such condemnations. Please share with me your point, – Hao Ning swallowed. – Everyone has the right to an opinion, and I consider it a good decision, to listen to various sides.

Wei Huan opened his eyes and Hao Ning noticed a deep thoughtfulness in that gaze. It made those piercing eyes even darker than usual.

For a while, the man remained silent, and then slowly rose to his feet, put his hands behind his back, and looked up at the sky.

– It is dangerous to move on. We'd better stay here for a night. Tomorrow we shall continue the journey.

The words spoken were in no way related to the subject raised. Wei Huan whatever reasons he had, decided to keep them unuttered.

Hao Ning had no choice but to sigh quietly. His hopes were not justified, but he got prepared himself in advance for rejection.

– Yu Ming, I will guard us today. Have some rest.

Jin Yu Ming, who was still holding his observation point, nodded and settled down on the same boulder. The silent warrior, although he did not actively participate in the conversation, clearly heard and remembered every word of it.

Wu Zhe Kai also made no attempts to disobey Wei Huan and returned to his herbs.

The sun was slowly setting below the horizon, and it was perceived here – among the crushing stone walls – not the same as it was in the village.

The creeping night only accentuated the emptiness of the lifeless lands, and the shadows of the broken sharp ledges seemed to be mutilated limbs of people and creatures.

Gentle rays brought no healing to the barren soil. They inexorably faded away in this forgotten land.

Hao Ning rose and touched the tree with his palm. He carefully listened to the sounds of the surrounding. The quiet splash of a flowing river, the rustle of falling leaves, the crunch of small pebbles underfoot. This place, despite the will to live, was slowly but inevitably dying. It was only a matter of time before the waters would evaporate and the last green leaf would fall on the ground, turning the tree that had been fighting for its existence for so long into a dry, disfigured log.

– You should rest, – Wei Huan said. The man stood at the edge of the ledge, observing the same view that had recently attracted Hao Ning. – We have a long way to go.

– The ghosts do not need it, do they? You have been trying to convince me of it all this time.

– Showing your little claws? – Wei Huan smiled. – What inappropriate behavior for a disciple of the Ten.

– The Five Martial Gods will understand and forgive.

– The Four.

Wei Huan noticed the confusion on the face of the young man and added:

– The Four Martial Gods. The Devourer was The Ninth Martial God, not the Tenth. He was not the last in line among the Guardians of the World. Didn't you know that?

Hao Ning shook his head.

– There are practically no records of The Devourer. His crime is considered so terrible and self-serving that all information of it is reduced to a minimum.

– Interesting, – Wei Huan chuckled. – So, they think if you forget about something, then it doesn't exist?

– I… don't know. We follow the doctrines, not doubt them. It's our truth.

Hao Ning bit his lip. Before that day he had never doubted the Ten and the doctrines taught, but for some reason now, standing next to a person who was mocking those foundations, he felt bitterness in his own words. And for the first time, the youth felt ashamed of his words.

– You said that the path of Harmony was easier for you to follow. What does training of a scholar include?

– We learn how to think differently and smooth out conflicts. How to dance, write poems, play musical instruments, and even cook. How to carry on any conversation and find a strategic way out of difficult situations. Well, guess it's… a little bit of everything?

– So is this the routine of any scholar of the Ten? – Wei Huan barely suppressed a burst of loud laughter. – I think it's more like a young wife course.

– You asked me and I answered. I don't understand why you continue asking if that annoys you so much.

– Oh, no. You got me wrong. That was quite funny actually, – the general crossed his arms over his chest, turning his whole body towards the youth. – So you were the best at it, then?

– I was one of those to whom Harmony was easier to study than the War.

An inexplicable soft smile appeared on Wei Huan's lips, and a slight gleam sparkled in his eyes. The man seemed to be having fun and thinking about something serious matters at the same time. There was a feeling that he perceived Hao Ning as an unintelligent child or a dumb pet.

– Why are you smiling?

– Had some pleasing thoughts.

The general turned away from the young man, giving only an evasive answer.

– Go, get some rest. Ghosts do not need sleep, but meditation and rest replenish the lost energy.

With that words, Wei Huan ended their conversation. An unshakable statue, he remained standing, steadily observing the area.

Hao Ning still wanted to ask him about many things. How did he know what is not mentioned in the books of yore? Why was he anticipating The Ten so much? What happened in his past? How much had he already seen in the vast lands of the Middle World?

The youth wanted to know more about the person with whom he was bound by a random marriage contract, but he had yet to find answers to all these questions.


Xi Zhao Guo – 郤照国; Zhao: to illuminate; Guo: country. The name means – the one Illuminating the country with his light. The character Xi (郤) has, however, a special meaning. In history the surname belonged to people of nobility but Xi (郤) itself means "a crack / a discord"