Chapter 20

They both got into the car, and Liz still couldn't believe what she was doing. She wanted to run far away, but at the same time, she wanted to be near her love. Silence filled the car. Then Henry turned on the music, playing the song he always listened to, the one he said was the song of his life, which he never got tired of hearing. Liz felt cold and stayed silent until they arrived. He stopped the car, got out, and then opened the door for her. He took her hand and led her inside.

He told her to sit and make herself comfortable while he fetched a glass of wine for them to drink while they talked. He turned on the music, which made Liz even more nervous. The song that once relaxed her now took her breath away.

Henry arrived with a glass of wine in hand and handed it to her, sitting very close to her. Liz felt her body tremble, tried to move away a bit, and said that coming with him was a mistake, that she should leave. He moved closer to her, sensing how nervous she was. He said no, that she should be exactly where they were. He took her hand and led her into a dance. He placed her arms around his shoulders, squeezed her waist, and completely enveloped her in his arms. He pressed his lips to hers, and they kissed as if it were the first time. Then he led her to his room, where she completely surrendered to his arms. Her body no longer responded to her. They had a beautiful night of love.

At dawn, Liz opened her eyes and saw her beloved clinging to her. She gave him a gentle kiss and said goodbye, telling him she would love him forever. She left quietly, got dressed in the bathroom while ordering a taxi. She slipped out, opened the door, and left.

When she arrived home, she went to Penne's room and told her everything that had happened. She cried and hugged her friend. "Do you see why I can't stay here?"

"Why don't you give him another chance? You two love each other and ignite when you're close."

Liz said she needed to leave. There was no other way. "I left his house while he was still sleeping. I know he will come after me when he wakes up, and I don't want to be here to see it. That's why I already have a taxi waiting outside. I just came to say goodbye to my best friend, my sister at heart whom I love very much. Stay well, my dear. I will always be with you."

Liz didn't think about anything else. She grabbed her bag and suitcase and left.

Henry woke up and saw that Liz wasn't by his side. He got up and looked for her around the house, but there was no one there. When he went to get his phone to call her, he also saw a note that said: "GOOD MORNING. MY FLIGHT IS THIS MORNING. IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT. GOODBYE!!!"

Henry called her, but the phone was off. He called Penne, who confirmed that her friend had already left. "When she said she was leaving in a week, it was because you know she doesn't like farewells." Henry was desperate. Penne said she was sorry and hung up.

Henry got into his car and drove to the airport but saw that his beloved had left again. He had lost her for the second time. He sat down for a while, then got into the car and went home. He told himself that now he would also live for his work. And that's what he did, he changed and went to the office.

Meanwhile, Liz was arriving at her new home. She thought, "Now I will focus only on my work." She rested that day because starting tomorrow, it would be a new life.