Chapter 36

Henry went out in search of the bakery to buy the sweet that Liz was craving. After some time, he returned with several packages. Liz, surprised, asked why he had brought so many sweets. He explained that he wasn't sure which one she wanted, so he decided to bring various types. Fortunately, one of the packages contained the sweet she had been craving.

After eating so many sweets, Liz started to complain of nausea again. Henry, jokingly, said, "Well, you did eat a lot of sweets…" Liz responded, "It's your child who wants to eat, not me… Are you afraid I'll get fat?"

"I'll love you even if you get round," he said, smiling at her. "I hope you're not laughing at me," she retorted. "Never," he replied, becoming serious.

In the afternoon, while Liz rested in her room, Henry had a long conversation with Mrs. Morrison. He explained everything that had happened, how it happened, and assured her that he never intended to hurt her daughter. He spoke about his feelings, which had existed for most of his life, and how much he desired to make her happy, wherever she wanted to be.

Mrs. Morrison kindly said that she hoped everything would be resolved in the best way possible between them. "If her father were here, he would say that you two should already be married. We are still very traditional families, and we like things to happen at the right time. You two rushed things a bit, so now you need to resolve this situation, because a child changes everything."

Henry, agreeing, stated that his family was also very traditional and that he was eager to return home and tell everyone. "I think they won't be disappointed with me because they love your daughter and will be very happy when they find out they're going to be grandparents. Like Liz, I'm an only child, so they're eager for me to get married soon."

"I want to marry your daughter, and I would be very happy if you came to stay with us. You would be very welcome. Think about it carefully. That is, if your daughter still loves me and wants to spend the rest of her life by my side," Henry said, smiling. He then mentioned that he needed to pack his suitcase because it was almost time for his flight, and he hugged her, wishing for her to get well soon.

In the bedroom, while Henry was packing his suitcase, someone knocked on the door and entered. Liz, looking through the slightly open door, asked if she could come in. "Of course, come in. Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I came to see if you needed anything. But I see you're almost finished packing to leave. Why did you let me sleep so long?" Liz asked.

"You weren't feeling well, so we thought it best to let you rest. But I'll be back soon," Henry replied.

Liz approached Henry and said, "I don't want to be away from you anymore. I love you very much too. And seeing you packing your suitcase made me very sad, as if you were leaving me here alone. I felt very afraid," and she started to cry.

"What's wrong, Liz? Why are you crying?" Henry asked, worried, as he embraced her. He kissed her face, her forehead, her lips, and ran his hands through her hair, looking into her eyes, waiting for her to talk about her feelings.

"I accept your marriage proposal," Liz responded. "I don't want us to be apart anymore. I don't need to wait for you to come back to give you an answer. I'm yours, and I always will be. I want to be your wife and the mother of my children, if you still want that."

"Liz, you've made me the happiest man in the world," Henry said, as he hugged her and spun her around in joy. "Wait just a second," he said. He opened his wallet and took out the commitment ring they used to wear, placing it on her finger. Emotionally, Liz asked, "You kept the ring?"

"Of course, I did," he replied. "I told you it was only yours, and that you were only mine."

The two kissed. Henry commented that he didn't even want to travel anymore, but that he had to go. Liz asked him to come back soon to be with her, and Henry promised he would return flying… literally.

"Will you walk me to the door?" he asked. "Of course," Liz responded, and the two walked down hand in hand.

Her mother was in the living room, and when she saw the two holding hands, she was very happy. She blessed their union, saying she was gaining a son from that moment on. She embraced them, filled with emotion.

Henry said goodbye and left, promising to return as soon as possible.