Chapter 39

The next morning, while having breakfast, Henry asks Liz what was decided with her mother. Liz replies that her mother doesn't want to leave her home, her land; that her whole family is there. "As for us two, one will visit the other, and when I can't travel anymore, she'll stay with me for a few days." He interrupts her, saying: "You mean with us, right?"

Henry continues: "During these days I was away, I looked at some houses and brought options for you to choose the one you like the most; then I'll take you to see it in person. I also looked at some possible dates for our wedding. I thought about your birthday, but since it's very close, I thought maybe you wouldn't like that and might get mad at me. I picked a few dates and left it open for us to decide together."

"And there's more: my parents want to host an engagement dinner for us. They asked if we could bring your mom. So, I thought maybe it would be good for her to get away for a bit, and who knows, maybe she'll like it there and decide to stay with us. So? What do you think?"

"Wow… You did so much in these days that I don't even know where to start."

"Liz, I want us to start our life together soon. Time flies by so fast. Soon our child will be here, and I really want them to be in a home where their parents love each other, and they feel very loved by us."

"I know, but the project I'm leading is still unfinished. I have a lot to do there."

"Didn't you and Penne travel whenever necessary before? Your team is very good. I know they can handle it, and now it's almost done, isn't it? And being there, we'll be close to all our friends, the godparents of our child, the grandparents, and if everything goes well, this grandma here too. It will make things easier for everyone."

"That's true. And I miss having my friend close by."

"And what about the date? What do you decide?"

"We need to see the house, decorate it, furnish it... There's a lot to do."

"I've already talked to a designer who says they have a very good and fast team. Once you choose the house, we'll take care of that, and only the baby's room will be left, since we don't know the gender yet."

"My love, everything I looked at, I thought of you first, whether you'd like it or not. I haven't told anyone because I wanted to tell you first, so we could decide together. So, what do you say?"

"Henry, you thought of everything, every detail. How could I be mad? And you're right. We need to be close to the people we love, especially after we have our child."

"Liz, when do you plan to travel?"

"I was just waiting for you to arrive so I could buy the ticket. My exams are ready. I need to go to the appointment. I was thinking of leaving tomorrow night, if there's a flight. What do you think? Are you still coming with me?"

"Of course! That's why I'm here."

"I love you so much, Mr. Henry. Now show me the houses you saw. Let's decide."

After some time looking at videos and photos, we decided and chose our house. And the best part is that it's close to the apartment where I always lived with Penne. We'll still be close to each other.

"And about the wedding? A month from now sounds good. Otherwise, no dress will fit me."

"Done! We've settled everything."