Chapter 47

Finally, they arrived at the house where they would live. Everyone was enchanted.

"What a beautiful house, daughter," Liz's mother said. "Here, you will build your family. A home full of love and happiness."

"I'm so glad you liked it, Mom. There will always be a room reserved here for you. We really want you to visit us whenever possible. If you want to live here, even better," Liz said while hugging her, and Henry nodded in agreement.

They looked around, appreciating every detail in each room. It was a very large house. "It looks like you plan to have a big family. I'll have many grandchildren," Liz's mother commented.

"Calm down, Mom..." Liz and Henry hugged. He said he wanted many children. "It's very lonely not having a sibling. And they'll have two loving grandmothers to spoil them."

"That's true. But let's see."

"The furniture will be delivered next week. Everything will be ready before the wedding."

"Thanks to you, dear Henry, my beloved fiancé."

"And now? Do you want to go anywhere else?"

"No. We can go home."

"Then let's go."

Antony asked if he could keep the car since he would leave later.

Liz said it was fine, and everyone left and went home.

Henry asked Liz if Antony had made any friends yet. She replied, "You won't believe what I'm about to tell you. Antony and Zoe flirted right in front of us."

"Maybe she'll fall in love and give up on trying to win over my fiancé."

"Liz, let's not talk about that. We agreed not to bring up anything from the past that could interfere with our relationship. Zoe still works with me because she's a good professional, nothing more."

"I know. I'm sorry, my love."

"It's okay. I just don't want you to be upset about anything. You know I only have eyes for you."

They arrived home; her mother and aunt said they would rest a little, and the two stayed in the living room, talking and hugging. Liz said she was very tired that day.

Henry took off her sandals and said he would give her a foot massage. Liz relaxed even more and said he could stay at her house. He replied that maybe her mother and aunt might feel awkward.

"It's hard here without you. I leave for work and don't see you, don't even get my good morning kisses. Your son and I miss you. Did you know?"

"Good to know you miss me because I think about you both all day. I've even found a doctor to take care of you. And I've already scheduled your first appointment for next week, Monday morning. Eight o'clock, to be exact."

"You are unbelievable. I'm so embarrassed. I should be the one taking care of this, and look at you, handling everything."

"The baby is ours. So it makes sense for us to help each other. I thought about scheduling the appointment for tomorrow or the day after, but I was worried you'd think it was too soon. That's why I chose that date, but if you want to go sooner, I can call and reschedule for tomorrow."

"No, that's perfect. I have to organize the birthday dinner that's in two days."

"You're sleepy, go rest a bit too. I'll come to give you a goodnight kiss before bed."


"Yes, I promise. I'll talk to my dad for a bit, and after I shower, I'll come back."

"I'll be waiting for you."

Liz turned on the TV and put on a movie to watch. Her cousin arrived, said goodnight, and mentioned that he was tired from visiting the bar where they all hang out. "I had a great time. But I'll tell you more tomorrow."

"Okay. Have a good night."

"You too."

The door opened, and Henry entered, walking towards his beloved. "You put on that outfit just to keep me from sleeping, huh?"

"That's right. If you want to see my room, it's the first on the right."

"Why do you do this to me?"

Liz took his hand and led him to the room. "I love you, Henry. And I don't want to spend another day away from you."

They entered the room, closed the door, and made love. When they came to their senses, the day had already dawned. They had simply passed out from so much love and passion.