Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 14

The Harry she had known always had a close connection with his magic, being able to cast a corporeal patronus charm while still only thirteen came to mind. This 'back to the future' version still came with that ability, along with a boost to his magical power, but now had an entirely different attitude to studying that Hermione could only describe as oh so sexy. She didn't need to be swept off her feet with grandiose romantic gestures, sitting holding hands with her boyfriend while they studied was the height of romance as far as Hermione Granger was concerned. Harry, under her tutorage, was flying through the first year work they'd supposedly already covered at a rate of knots.

Herbology only needed one lesson for her to run him through the basics before they were both able to rejoin the class, Astronomy was the same. History of magic was purely a case of reading the textbook, no one actually listened to Binns. Charms, transfiguration and defence would see that subject's professor set up a silencing charm for the corner of the room they were working in, allowing Hermione to push Harry with revision while the professor concentrated on the rest of the class.

Harry was up to speed in transfiguration and charms in two weeks, she deliberately dragged defence to three. While delighted Harry had no reaction to the presence of the turban wearing Quirrell, she didn't want Harry performing too well in front of the possessed professor.

Potions tuition from Dumbledore was everything Hermione had hoped for, it was easily their most enjoyable class of the week. While no one doubted Snape's ability to brew potions, his attitude to those he was paid to teach was nothing short of disgraceful. It could be broken down to 'I'm brilliant - so if the students don't learn then it must be their fault'. Dumbledore, though without doubt a brilliant wizard, never acted like that. It was almost as if he enjoyed the lesson as much as his students did. No detail was too small to be overlooked or not explained properly. Each step was carefully revealed in meticulous detail - your instructions are on the blackboard was not for Dumbledore.

Hermione even joined Harry for his flying lesson, Madam Hooch easily believing that she needed the extra practice. Harry's natural skill on a broom was still all there for anyone to see, as was the wide grin he wore zipping around while getting faster and faster.

His reintroduction to Hagrid was also a highlight. They'd been invited down for tea and Harry had once more immediately hit it off with his biggest friend. That Harry had wanted to become a vet added yet another layer to their renewed friendship, Hagrid's knowledge of his beasties enthralled the now eleven year old wizard. They left with wide grins on their faces and promising to return.

Hermione was sure coincidence played no part in them bumping into Dumbledore as they left Hagrid's hut, she was also sure Harry's wide grin pleased the old wizard no end.

As expected, Hermione's letter from home contained an invitation for Harry to spend Christmas with the Grangers - if he wasn't returning to his aunt's. Harry had written home, explaining about his accident and asking about things he thought he remembered. It had taken two weeks for the reply to come and Harry was now terrified to open it.

Since it was a Saturday, Hermione suggested they wrap up warmly and go for a walk around the lake. This would guarantee their privacy to read what the letter said, and also allow them that same privacy to deal with Harry's response to reading it.

They were spotted though and soon had a visitor, a very welcome one. Hedwig swooped down to join them and perched on Harry's shoulder. Both his girls now sitting either side of him gave Harry the courage he needed to open the envelope. He would need their support as the letter got off to a bad start and went downhill faster than a four man toboggan team on an olympic run.

There was no 'Dear Harry' or even just a 'Harry'. Like an assassin's dagger it plunged straight into the heart of the matter. Harry of course recognised the handwriting as his Aunt Petunia's, he just couldn't get his head around that the person who wrote this was the same woman. This was not a letter written to a loved one, more like curt answers you would politely give when stopped on the street by a stranger. A stranger with a clipboard who asked you to complete a quick survey on double glazing. The entire thing was short, abrupt and so impersonal.

'To the best of our knowledge, you have not visited Brighton - and certainly never with us. As we weren't expecting you home for the holidays anyway, you may spend them wherever you wish. If this Christmas arrangement works out, perhaps you could spend part or all of the summer there too?

Please let us know nearer the time as Dudley's Aunt Marge is hoping to spend part of the summer with us, we would like to arrange her visit for when you are not here. I do appreciate you sending your letter by normal methods, please do the same to let us know about summer.'

Hermione's head was right next to Harry's as she read this alongside him, she was fighting to contain her anger. "That woman didn't even have the decency to sign it, she probably couldn't think what to put there. It certainly wouldn't have contained the word 'love', and probably not even 'aunt'."

Harry understood Hermione was angry on his behalf but it wasn't helping here. He gently kissed her quiet before asking a question. "Every day I see how much you've done for me, the sacrifice you made for me. You said the only other people you would do that for are your parents. Do you still believe that, Hermione?"

"Yes, of course I do..."

"The woman who wrote this is my family. It's maybe not a family I would recognise at the moment but, apart from you, the Dursleys are all the family I've got left in the world. You have nineteen years worth of memories of growing up in a loving home. Would me telling you those memories were false change how you feel about your mum and dad?"

Stunned into silence at that, Harry asked her another question. "Why did you come back to Britain? Was it to save me, or all of this?" Harry indicated toward the castle but Hermione's eyes never left his.

She leaned forward, kissing Harry as passionately as she could with Hedwig still perched on his shoulder. The clever owl then gave her opinion on the matter by using her beak to try and weave their hair together. The young couple's foreheads were now resting on each others, both trying not to laugh at Hedwig's antics.

"I think I get the message both my girls are trying to give me here, a message I'm very happy with. I've made no secret of the fact I'm not impressed with the whole idea of magic, you two are the only reason I don't tell them all to fuck off and give me back my old life. I't may not be real to those who changed it but it was real enough to me and my family who were living it."

"I get it now, Harry. You can see from that letter though what we have to work with here. Getting your family back is going to be every bit as difficult as what we came back in time to change."

"To me, it's every bit as important. I also need something else from you, a promise. If things start to get that bad again, we grab our families and get the hell out of Britain."

This was one thing Hermione had absolutely no problem promising. "I will not lose you again. Things start going pear-shaped, we are so gone."

They stayed like that until the cold eventually forced them back into the castle. Hedwig seemed to enjoy hopping from shoulder to shoulder, making her message clear that these two should stay together. Harry and Hermione may have been chittered as they made their way back to the castle but both considered their condition to be well worth the further strengthening of their relationship.





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