Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 17

This overwhelmed Harry. "You were sitting safe in the South of France, yet you risked all that - for me!"

She kissed him as the girl he first met. "I told you I loved you - and the Harry I knew would have done the same for me in a heartbeat."

"Hermione, what I feel for you is too much to fit into this eleven year old body. It's growing every day too, so I don't think my body will ever be able to contain it. I'm just going to let it overflow and pour all over you."

"I can't make up my mind whether that's pure cheese or twenty four carat gold. Since my whole insides melted at hearing you say that, I'm leaning more toward precious than pasteurised."

They could have sat there all night but Ron's snores signalled it was time for bed. Harry's groan had Hermione giggling, she would have bet long odds against that after their earlier conversations. In Harry's arms though, she just felt safe.

"You have got to teach me that silencing charm. Better yet, come up and cast it now."

"I can't go into the boys' dorm when they're all in there..."

"Hermione, they'll be asleep..."

Hermione was very comfortable, and really resented the voice that was trying to rouse her.

"Miss Hermione, you need to wake. The others will be up soon."

She lifted her head off Harry's chest to grumble. "Don't wanna. Comfy." It was then it hit Hermione where she was. Sleeping in Harry's bed, wrapped in his arms. Both had their pyjamas on and had done nothing more than cuddle all night, that wouldn't stop them getting into serious trouble though. A quick peck of a wakening Harry's cheek and Dobby took her hand, he was standing on Harry's bed with her housecoat and slippers in his other hand.

Harry blinked awake and she was gone, the silence inside the curtains of his four poster was total.

Hermione emerged from the shower area in housecoat and slippers while towelling her hair to find her two roommates waiting on her.

"Where were you?"

"Did you spend the night with Harry?"

"Your bed hasn't been slept in."

She could see what was happening behind her roommates and just loved Dobby. The little guy had popped her into the shower area and was saving her bacon once again. "I would ask where you two spent the night, since your beds don't appear to have been slept in either."

Both spun around to see their beds made up before turning confusedly back to Hermione. "It would seem the house elves are really on their game today." Hermione deliberately dropped the towel used for drying her hair, and it disappeared before it could hit the floor.

"Yes, definitely on their game. Thanks very much, guys." Hermione walked past her two dumbstruck dorm mates to get dressed.

The rest of his dorm mates were surprised to find Harry in such a good mood that morning, especially after the altercation last night. He was walking about whistling a tune that only Dean recognised as being by Heuy Lewis.

Ron could hardly look in his direction so Harry broke the ice. "Look Ron, I meant what I said last night about Hermione but I'm sorry I shouted at you. If you can't handle Hermione and me being together then there really is no hope of us ever being friends. You need to go and seriously think about that before saying any more."

The redhead nodded as Harry breezed past him, almost skipping in his haste to reach the common room. Hermione was waiting and, a quick peck later, they were out the portrait hole en route to breakfast.

"This is the best I've felt since coming to Hogwarts, we are so doing that again."

Seeing Harry so chirpy, his girlfriend didn't disagree. She too had been very comfortable but they had to take precautions. "I'll need to make sure Dobby knows to wake me earlier the next time. Even although we were only sleeping together, McGonagall would have a fit."

Feeling two light taps on the small of her back immediately focused Hermione's mind on other things. Harry felt his hand being squeezed and then Hermione's thumb tracing a 'D' on the back of it. This had Harry raising a questioning eyebrow, since he couldn't see any danger. They had only taken a few more steps though when Malfoy and his posse stepped out to block their passage. Hermione however was concentrating further down the corridor, Dobby had appeared silently and very briefly to indicate there was someone else present too.

"Walking around the castle holding a mudblood's hand. There really is no hope for you, Potter. Your father did the exact same, and look what happened to him."

Knowing what was going on here, Hermione interrupted before Harry could react. "There really is no hope for you either, Draco. You actually think you're a Slytherin, when a real Slytherin would get themselves sorted into another house. Picking a fight while your head of house hides down the corridor isn't cunning, it's juvenile bullying at best. Then again, that's exactly what you lot are, a bunch of juvenile bullies."

Struggling to believe they'd been so easily read, Draco tried to force a reaction out of Potter. "You know nothing, mudblood. Do you let this bitch do all your talking, Potter?"

Now seeing this for what it was, Harry played along with his girlfriend. "Why not, she's easily got your number. Aren't you going to come out, Professor Snape? I mean, there's only five of them and two of us - they're gonna need help when Malfoy cries like the bitch he is and draws his wand. We all know Hermione will kick the little shit's arse all over this castle."

Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson all glanced toward where they knew their head of house was, only Knott didn't respond. Draco was far too busy now hurling insults at the top of his voice.

"You think you're special, Potter, but you're both nothing…"

Hermione cut Draco off in the middle of his very loud rant. "Then why are you bothering with us? You are forever quoting how your pure blood makes you superior, perhaps you could explain that? You see I'm magically more powerful than you, easily more intelligent so just what does this superior blood do?"





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