Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 19

Repeating her behaviour, Harry told his girlfriend what she was dying to know. "Just putting more pressure onto Snape. He's obviously near the top of your shit list and I certainly have no love for the arsehole."

"I sometimes forget how smart you are, sorry about that. Since Snape murdered Dumbledore and then allowed Draco to do whatever he wanted, feel free to pile as much pressure on as you can. If we can get him chucked out of Hogwarts, I'll certainly sleep sounder at night."

Harry could only nod in agreement, and wonder just how far he could push Dumbledore on this. He also had to whisper something else. "I need to know what you know before we can make those decisions, that needs to happen during the holidays at the latest. I understand it'll take a lot longer to learn everything else you're going to teach me but I hate being kept in the dark."

Knowing how much she hated not knowing things, Hermione had no arguments against that. Instead she offered a suggestion. "If Dobby can pop me to your bed, we could get an extra couple of hours practice every night. Over and above what time we can practice during the day, we might just be able to pull that timescale off. My oath though won't allow me to tell you everything until your mental shields are strong enough, I can't fake it."

"I'm gonna learn everything I'm desperate to know, and get to spend every night cuddling into my girlfriend - I can do this."

Hermione was just as pleased with the arrangement and kissed Harry to seal the deal. Her main worry now was that, when he discovered everything she had to tell him, Harry wouldn't want to come within a hundred miles of Hogwarts.

She could only hope that her plans for the rest of their first year would meet with his approval, at least enough to see them return on the Hogwarts Express come January. Harry appeared happy to let her take the lead in certain situations but wasn't afraid to make sure his opinion was heard. Only his lack of knowledge was stopping him doing that more often.

They would be working their socks off to remedy this imbalance in their relationship as quickly as possible, and she'd also get to spend every night in her Harry's arms. Now that was a plan Hermione really liked.

After interviewing the three Slytherin students in Minerva's office, it had taken Albus mere moments to ascertain the level of Severus' involvement in this plot. A quick scan of the wands involved soon determining who had cast what too. It was rather ironic that Mister Malfoy cast the same boils curse, and again had it reflected back at him by Miss Granger. Only also having Miss Parkinson's Densaugeo reflected at him too stopped the boy's screams once more ringing out around Hogwarts. Nott had cast the stinging hex that had also been reflected by Miss Granger's shield back at his housemates, with Goyle catching it with his face.

"Miss Parkinson, Mister Nott, for deliberately setting out to ambush fellow students, and then casting curses at them, you will receive a week's detentions. Those detentions will be spent helping Professor Sprout in her greenhouses. Mister Crabbe, while you didn't cast any curses, you were there with intent to do so - and this is your second offence. The leniency I showed in the last instance was apparently the wrong approach to take with you, since once more you were assisting in an attack on a fellow student. You shall receive the same punishment as the other two. Do any of you three have anything to say on this matter?"

The trio of Slytherins had nothing to say. Facing the wrath of Dumbledore and McGonagall in the Deputy Headmistress' Office was utterly terrifying for the three first years. They wanted out of there as soon as possible and all gladly accepted their punishments, just to get away before they started crying.

After dismissing the first years, Dumbledore and McGonagall headed for the infirmary to deal with the other half of the problem. While they were walking along the corridors, Minerva just had to say what was on her mind. "Those children need a firm hand, not a head of house who wants to be one of the ambushing gang. I find his behaviour disgusting. I don't care what you say, Albus, Severus was the force behind this whole incident."

"I was thinking of Septima. Do you think she would be firm enough?"

Minerva was speechless for a moment, then had to ask for conformation of what she thought Albus had just said. "Septima Vector? Head of Slytherin?"

There was a slight twinkle in Albus' eyes as he answered his deputy. "I don't know any other Septimas working at Hogwarts who I would be considering appointing. Do I have your backing for offering her the post?"

"Providing it's a permanent appointment, and not just some token punishment of Severus, oh Merlin yes!"

"I think Severus has crossed way over the line of what could ever be considered acceptable behaviour for a Hogwarts professor, far less the higher standards demanded by a head of house. What happens next will partially be up to him. Losing his position as Head of Slytherin though is non-negotiable as far as I'm concerned. I'm pleased you agree with me."

Minerva didn't just agree, she thought this was a decision that was long overdue. She graciously didn't say so, just thankful that Albus was finally taking the proper action.

Albus himself was thinking he didn't really have any other option. Severus had been incredibly stupid, letting his hatred for James Potter totally warp his senses. This coupled with the crystal clear signals coming from the two time travellers gave Albus the strongest indication yet that Snape simply had to go. After promising himself he would do everything in his power to aid Harry and Hermione, Albus was really left with no choice.

He had actually shed tears at the very thought of the sacrifices these two must had made to travel back in time, something the supposedly great Albus Dumbledore didn't have the courage to do himself. He'd tried to convince himself this forbidden magic and knowledge shouldn't be used for personal gain, traveling back in time to fix his own family would certainly be considered that. To save his family though, Albus would have to travel back to an age before Arianna was attacked by those muggles. Speaking of age, that would see him being too young even to attend Hogwarts. Being totally honest with himself in the wee small hours of the morning, Albus was forced to admit he just didn't think he could live through all those years again.

His future self had obviously trusted Miss Granger enough to not only train her in occlumency, but probably revealed his greatest secrets to the girl as well. He would have to trust her now, just as Harry clearly did. She obviously loved Harry, and Albus was positive that love was the power behind her decision to leap into the past. That she brought Harry with her astonished Albus, both from the magical power required to complete the ritual and the incredibly complex calculations needed in her preparations. This was why he was so certain the girl's own studies wouldn't be affected by tutoring Harry. He didn't know how far back in time they'd travelled but Albus suspected Miss Granger could probably teach at Hogwarts, never mind pass her first year exams.

They entered the infirmary to be faced with an infuriated Severus, a Severus who had obviously decided attack was the best form of defence. "Once again, I have had to take members of my house to the infirmary. I would like to hear what's going to be done about this. I already know Saint Potter won't be blamed for anything."





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