Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 24

Harry's mind was clear as he monitored his mental shields. Both he and Hermione were certain those shields were getting stronger but as Harry sensed her mental probe, they hit the same problem again. Instead of deflecting Hermione's probe, Harry's mind and magic welcomed her with a loving embrace. The intensity of love expressed in that embrace left his girlfriend blushing.

"Haarrryy! You're supposed to reject me…"

"…and that is where we're having the problem. From the first time I laid eyes on you in the uni bar, there was never going to be any rejection from me. I think I can be honest enough with myself to say it wasn't just because you were stunningly beautiful, I've never felt a pull of attraction to another person like that in my life. When Brian gave me an excuse to go over and talk to you, my insides were cheering like mad."

This had Hermione leaning in and offering a tender kiss, Harry was still smiling as he commented on his situation.

"I'm sitting here in an eleven year old body. That young body is stuck in a magical castle somewhere in the Scottish Highlands and has a family back home in Surrey who now apparently hate me. That right there is more than enough cause to drive anyone crazy. The only reason I'm not insane with all of this is currently sitting right across from me. Have you any idea how weird it is to think about marriage, settling down after uni and having a family - all when you're still a kid yourself. Of course you do. You do, don't you?"

Harry had noticed the tears forming in the corners of Hermione's eyes, her wide smile though dispelled any fears Harry had about just upsetting his girlfriend.

"Of course I think about those things, and it's always you standing beside me. I just didn't know you shared the same thoughts, it's like I'm falling for my new Harry all over again."

"The other Harry you described clearly didn't have the best of upbringings, probably didn't even know what love was. My memories tell me different. Those memories may be manufactured or engineered, they are still my memories though. I know what love is, Hermione, and I love the wonderful girl who's sitting here beside me now. If we hadn't had our 'back to the future' trip, I like to think that an eighteen year old Harry Potter would have been introducing his new girlfriend to his family that Christmas, while making arrangements to visit yours in France. I think of that night in our hotel a lot, every single day, more than once a day too…"

This had Hermione giggling. "I get the picture, Harry. I was there too…"

"The point I'm trying to make is that night was special, the most special night of my life. We connected in ways far beyond the obvious ones. My main thoughts that night revolved around never letting this wonderful girl out of my life - ever. I would have preferred a DeLorean to that ritual though. While naked was nice, the car would at least have had a heater."

Hermione just had to snog her boyfriend after that, their training was over for tonight. Lying snuggling into Harry, she realised they now had a major problem.

"I can't tell you what you need to know without checking your shields are strong enough..."

"...and you can't check my shields when I keep inviting you in. Why don't we get Gandalf the White to do it? You know he's going to want to speak to us before the holidays anyway."

"Ask Dumbledore to check your shields?"

"Why not? He already knows about us, and he's proven trustworthy so far. I know enough to at least tell if Dumbledore gets through my shields. I still don't know any earth-shattering secrets, and Dumbledore would lose our trust if he didn't immediately withdraw after getting past my defences. That would be a big loss to him for very little gain, he's smarter than that."

"If you really think so..."

Harry moved until he was staring into Hermione's eyes from mere inches away. "I can see the burden you carry. Considering some of the things you've already told me, it must be very bad. What I really remember though is you promising to be my girlfriend in the past, present and future - I certainly intend to hold you to that promise. We do this with Dumbledore, and then we'll face those things you're terrified of telling me about together."

"From that first Halloween, Harry, we always have..."

"...and from this Halloween, we always will."

They snuggled in, each drawing comfort from the other and delighted with the way their relationship was growing. Christmas was going to be a big test. Two families to face and revelations about the future to be unveiled to Harry. Both were confident they would help each other through the tough times ahead, and that they would still be a couple at the end of it all.

Harry couldn't help but laugh. He liked the Weasley twins, even if they were currently taking the piss out of him. Fred and George though had style, and that style had Harry in stitches too as he finally sat down to breakfast.

"Make way for the great one - move along there and leave room for his lady too…"

"You honour us with your presence as we break our fast, oh vanquisher of dark lords…"

"Slayer of trolls…"

"Youngest seeker in over a century…"

"…but, more importantly, the wonderful boy who rid us of Snape!"

"The boy-who-lived becomes the boy-who-rid, rid us of the greasy git."

"Oh George, I like that."

"So do I, Fred. The boy-who-rid, do you think It'll catch on?"

"Hey, they might even write books about that…"

Their capers were interrupted by the arrival of Professor McGonagall, her stoic expression threatening to break into a smile at the twins' hilarious antics. "Mister Potter, Miss Granger, the Headmaster would like a word with you both after breakfast. Professor Dumbledore has a tendency to talk for hours, please remind him he has a potions class to teach second period. Your teacher has been informed where you will be, just don't take all day."

Since they had transfiguration first period, Hermione thought that was about as close to a joke as she'd ever heard McGonagall crack. It just highlighted the change in atmosphere within the castle.





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