Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 26

"I'm going to be staying with Hermione, her parents wanted to meet me."

Knowing what the old Dumbledore had been like at controlling Harry's life, and also understanding some of the reasons behind it, Hermione headed the headmaster off before he could say anything. "I'll also be meeting Harry's family over the holidays, we're looking forward to learning more about each other."

Recognising what the girl was doing, deflecting his concern, Albus took a chance and asked a question. "I know you made an oath to the other me about information but I was wondering if you could possibly confirm a suspicion I have. Harry's scar is now much lighter, does that mean what I think it does?"

Deciding that Dumbledore had played fair with them, Hermione gave the old wizard an early Christmas present. "It means exactly that, Professor. There is no taint whatsoever attached to my Harry."

Harry had no idea what was being talked about here but couldn't fail to notice the effect Hermione's words had on Dumbledore. The Headmaster slumped into his seat, leaving Harry to initially think this was a bad thing. Dumbledore's smile was then wide and genuine, there might even have been the beginning of tears in his eyes. It was easy to see his main emotion though was that of relief.

"Miss Granger, you are probably the only person in the world who knows how much those words mean to me - and that is because they will mean even more to you. I had hoped to convince you both to stay in Hogwarts, yet this morning you have given me so much more than that. If there is anything I can do for you, please just ask."

She was initially going to say that wasn't necessary when Hermione had a brainwave. "Sir, if at all possible, could you be at Harry's quidditch matches?"

While not understanding the request, he now knew Hermione wouldn't make such a request unless it was really important. Since it was such an easy request to grant, and may somehow protect Harry, Albus quickly concurred he would be there. They chatted back and forth before it was time for all of them to leave for class.

As the couple left the headmaster's office, Dumbledore's heartfelt wish they would have a Merry Christmas ringing in their ears, Harry tried to rein in his curiosity. The instant they were alone he had a question for Hermione. "I understand I will be getting an explanation for what just happened in there later, it seemed important though?"

He got a kiss from his girlfriend, and a wide smile. "That piece of news is unbelievably important, and all good for us. It will certainly feature prominently in our talks during the holidays."

Harry was happy with that, since those holidays were only a week away. They walked hand in hand to their next class.

Both Harry and Hermione found themselves back in the headmaster's office before that week was up. The visit this time wasn't nearly so pleasant, Dumbledore had some news for them and the also summoned Professor McGonagall.

"Severus Snape stands trial tomorrow, and we four have been called as witnesses. Someone is spreading gold, almost certainly Lucius Malfoy, in an attempt to turn the entire incident into a mere misdemeanour - and nothing more than a massive overreaction on our parts."

Turning his attention to the two youngest in his office, Albus explained his fears. "They have obviously used the boy-who-lived angle to push for a trial, knowing there is an insatiable curiosity about Harry Potter. This will be most people present's first chance to see Harry for themselves. Snape's representative will obviously want to get each of you answering questions, and then try to portray you both in a poor light - holding up Severus as a caring professional."

"If Snape's representative can manage that last part then we are in real trouble. I have no memories of his classes but, from what I've heard, that certainly was not the case."

This drew a smile from Dumbledore as he outlined more of the trial arrangements. "Madam Bones will lead the ministry case. As you can imagine, she's as angry about this situation as we are. Professor McGonagall and myself will accompany you both to the ministry and at least one of us will be at your side for the entire time you are out of Hogwarts. My advice would be to stick to the truth, no matter how much they try to twist your words or actions."

"And there was me looking forward to the holidays too. He won't be returning to Hogwarts, will he?"

"Not unless they sack me, Harry..."

McGonagall was quick to add her name to the list of those who would need to be sacked too before Snape could reenter Hogwarts as a professor. Since it was getting late, their head of house led them back to Gryffindor Tower. "Neither of you has anything to hide, so just follow the Headmaster's advice and tell the truth."

The truth though would get the pair in more trouble than they, or even Dumbledore could deal with.

Dobby had popped Hermione to Harry's bed and they had spent the night together. There wasn't much sleeping done though as Harry had wanted information, specifically on Snape and Malfoy. Hermione knew plenty, and had spent most of the night passing that information on to her boyfriend.

As Hermione greeted Harry in the morning, his hug and kiss couldn't mask his rage. "You need to remember what happened the last time you lost your temper in a courtroom." Her whisper struck home, but not in the way she expected.

Harry pulled her to him and gave Hermione their most passionate public kiss to date, causing wolf whistles and shouts inside the Gryffindor common room. Using the ruckus he'd just caused, Harry whispered into his now dazed girlfriend's ear. "And you need to remember I'm a different Harry. I'm rather more articulate now, so I'm hoping for somewhat better than telling the cowardly bastards to go and fuck themselves."

Taking his girlfriend by the hand, they headed through the porthole in search of McGonagall, neither felt much like having breakfast this morning.

Since Dumbledore was a witness, he wasn't present at today's trial in his capacity as Chief Warlock, rather that of Hogwarts' Headmaster. He and his deputy took up flanking positions, all four sitting in a row with Harry and Hermione safely sandwiched between their professors.

Harry's eyes wandered all around, taking in the people and large gloomy room. Since he had no memory of his visit to Diagon Alley on his eleventh birthday, this trip to the Ministry was his first real contact with the magical side of Britain - outside of Hogwarts that is. Harry wasn't liking what he found. All the staring, pointing and unwanted attention was adding fuel to his already simmering temper. "This is a bloody circus, and we're the freak show. The boy-who-lived, here for everyone to stare at - and they didn't even need to pay admission money."





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