Harry PotterYou are my Cosmic Connection.

Chapter : 29

"Oh this one really is a politician. The Minister would certainly be able to grant you permission to do that, he would probably be quite pleased to help."

"That's great. Madam Bones, is there anything else you think I should ask the minister for?"

This time the stern Minerva McGonagall couldn't help herself, she burst out laughing.

The Minister of Magic was left confused and bemused. Cornelius' only consolation being that he certainly wasn't the only one who got more than they bargained for when meeting Harry Potter for the first time. He was of course delighted to give permission for Dumbledore to erect wards around Miss Granger's property. He wasn't quite sure how he came to be signing underage use of magic licences for both Harry and his intended. Cornelius couldn't dispute though that there were elements of their society who would wish both children harm, thus felt justified at his actions. That Albus and Amelia also signed those licences meant they at least shared the blame, should the young couple use their exemptions to cause trouble.

Cornelius had enough trouble of his own. After that latest humiliation today, he was sure Lucius would soon be back at his door with some scheme to clear the Malfoy name. Given that Lucius had now refused two chances to do that very thing, Cornelius would need to have a ready excuse for denying whatever Malfoy wanted. After witnessing what happened today, nothing less than a full trial under truth serum would stand any chance of seeing Lucius Malfoy being believed.

He was so glad to have taken Albus' advice and had already started to publicly detach himself from the head of the Malfoy family. A cold shiver of fear ran through the minister at the thought he could have been sitting beside Lucius today, and therefore would have been tarnished purely by association. Cornelius intended to make sure that wouldn't happen by putting as much distance between him, his ministry, and Lucius Malfoy as possible.

Harry was having his second experience of wizarding culture. The boy-who-lived and Albus Dumbledore flooing into the Leaky Cauldron caused quite a stir. Hermione was able to use her new exemption to spell all the soot and dust off herself and Harry, though, with everyone's attention focused on the two gentlemen she was with, there was no notice paid to that at all.

Since, from an educational viewpoint, today was shot and tomorrow they boarded the express to London, Dumbledore offered to drop both of them off at Hermione's home. This would allow him to check the location and decide on the wards he intended to erect over the holidays.

It would be a few hours yet though before Hermione's parents finished work so Dumbledore had offered to take them to Diagon Alley and allow them to do some shopping. Watching a wide-eyed Harry as the arch opened up onto Diagon Alley was reward enough for Albus. Hermione took over the role of tour guide and, with her hand that wasn't wrapped in Harry's, pointed out the sights to her boyfriend/intended.

She of course was waxing lyrically on the many wonderful old tomes held in Flourish and Blott's, her only regret was she didn't have enough space in her bedroom at home for all the books she wanted. A cough from behind reminded both Harry and Hermione they had an escort today.

"Miss Granger, I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. As a young man I faced the exact same problem. I solved this by creating a library trunk for myself. On the outside it looks just like a normal trunk but on the inside - let's just say it easily held all the books I had amassed. Since I have my own library at Hogwarts now, it would give me great pleasure in seeing it once more being used by someone who will appreciate it as much as I did. You never know, I might even leave a book or three in there as well…"

With a squeal of delight, Hermione acted like any other twelve year old receiving a wonderful gift from her grandfather - she hugged Albus to within an inch of his life while spouting thank-you's at speeds only matched by a machine gun.

A smiling Harry then stated the obvious. "I take it we're hitting the bookstore then?"

"Oh yes, but first I want to get presents for my mum and dad. They would really appreciate something from the magical world."

"Great idea - you can help me with that too."

Grabbing Harry's hand, Hermione dragged him off in the direction of a shop she'd chosen. A smiling Albus followed on behind. He was a little sad that his chosen lifestyle had denied him the opportunity to have children and grandchildren of his own, that didn't mean he couldn't be a grandfather figure to these two though. Miss Granger's very presence here was a massive wake-up call that he had clearly made a complete balls of the situation. Every time he saw that young witch smile gave him hope this time he could get it right. That she was currently grinning from ear to ear made Albus feel better than he had for years.

Minerva was perfectly capable of running Hogwarts while he indulged himself for a few hours in Diagon Alley. As long as he was back for the feast tonight, Minerva probably wouldn't even know he was still missing.

The Range Rover pulled into the Grangers' driveway and Dan applied the brakes a touch sharper than he'd intended. As Emma felt the seatbelt tighten, she ignored the sensation in favour of concentrating on the same thing her husband was. There were lights on in their house when no one was home. Both their unasked questions were answered as their front door flew open and their beloved daughter rushed toward the car.

This may have left the parents with a whole different set of unanswered questions but those questions could wait a few moments. Emma had her seatbelt off and was out of the car before Hermione had reached them, her arms soon locked around her growing girl for the first time in nearly four months. For a family that liked their hugs, that now felt like an absolute age. A pair of masculine arms wrapped both his girls up as the Granger family was complete once more.

The icy December drizzle that was falling cut the family reunion short, and meant any questions would be kept for inside. Even although they now had a witch for a daughter, the Grangers were still a very practical family. Discussions were far better held sitting comfortably around a cozy fire, rather than standing outside in weather that couldn't make its mind up whether to be rain, sleet or snow.

Taking a few seconds to ensure the car was locked and secure, Dan then took his daughter's offered arm - Emma had the other - as all three headed inside. The wide smile Hermione was sporting allayed any fears that, whatever the reason she was home early and unannounced, this was bad news.

As a Tolkien fan, only this man's almost regal robes - and his lack of a staff - stopped Dan drawing the obvious comparisons. Hermione made the introductions, her parents' attentions quickly shifting focus to the young boy who'd practically gone unnoticed in Albus Dumbledore's colourful presence. Hermione introducing him as 'my Harry' instantly made this boy the centre of attention for Daniel and Emma Granger…

Hermione poured cups of tea as Dumbledore provided both parents with the explanation they were looking for. Dan and Emma listened intently and, while not pleased that their daughter ended up in a courtroom, they recognised that the school had done everything in their power to protect both children. It was when the Headmaster mentioned erecting magical protection around their home that mental alarm bells started going off in both Grangers' minds. Emma just beat Dan in voicing her concerns. "Is that really necessary?"

Sitting comfortably squished into a large chair with Hermione, and of course holding her hand, Harry had been studying her parents during their discussions with Dumbledore. Hermione said he had met them briefly in the last timeline but, having no memories of that, this was the first meeting for all three of them. Harry could instantly see the beautiful woman his Hermione would become sitting across from them. He knew Hermione as a twelve year old, a nineteen year old and now had the early thirties version to confirm he was a lucky man. Emma seemed every inch as warm and loving as her daughter who Harry adored.





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