Chapter 2: The boss

I'm still in disbelief that I've made it here so quickly; just yesterday, the agency's service brought me to meet Aunt Nely. Today, I've been granted the opportunity to explore the city at the behest of my superior.

As I glance at my reflection, I find myself clad in a maroon dress, complemented by my "classy" yet "cheap" white shoes. I chuckle at the paradoxical description – "classy" because they were a thoughtful gift, and "cheap" because they didn't cost me a penny. Go ahead, have a laugh with me

This place is absolutely incredible! There are so many stunning skyscrapers, parks, and even the sidewalks look impressive.

"Whoa~ Hi sissy," I greeted as Stacey appeared on the screen.

I continued walking as we talked. "Check out the background, Stacey, isn't that building beautiful?"

"Sis, I want to visit the city too!" Stacey exclaimed, her expression filled with awe.



"What the heck was that? Oh, of course, a car! Dang!"

The sudden beep of the car startled me so much that my heart raced and I couldn't help but curse out of surprise.

Ignoring Stacey's questions, I abruptly ended the call and turned to face the car. "WOOOW! It's a luxurious car I've only seen on TV... but heck! That car nearly gave me a heart attack."

I approached the car and slammed my hand against the windshield in frustration. "Holy fudge! I swear, I'll choke this person to death!"

"Hey! Get out!" I shouted, pounding on the windshield with all my might.


He suddenly opened his car door, and before I knew it, I was sitting there, stunned.

"Fudge! He? Yes! He's a he!" I thought, momentarily distracted by his appearance.

"Oh my! What a delicious food--- I mean…" My mind wandered momentarily, until my conscience snapped me back to reality. "Back to your world, please! That delicious man almost killed you, right?"

"Ugh, I can't even stand up. My butt! Ouch!" I winced in pain, still staring at him in disbelief until he roughly grabbed my hand.

"Damn that crude!" I exclaimed in my head, meeting his stern gaze as he snorted, brows furrowed in irritation. 

"What?" he demanded, his tone harsh.

I felt annoyance bubbling up inside me as I glared at his expressionless face.

"YOU! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME! CAN'T YOU SEE? AND YOU opened your door so harshly that I practically smashed down!" I complained, jabbing a finger in his direction.

What the hell, is he a robot? There was absolutely no expression on his face.

"Are you a chump?" he retorted coldly, and I cleared my throat, trying to ease the tension. But hell, my heart was thumping so hard!

"Don't you realize you were walking right in the middle of the lane? And using your phone? Is that my fault? Clumsy! Tsk!" His tone was filled with anger, as if he had completely lost his patience, yet his face remained devoid of any emotion.

I glanced back and felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me.

I chuckled nervously, trying to diffuse the tension. "Ah, sorry! I was just trying to pull your leg! Silly handsome," I excused myself, whispering the last part under my breath.

Suddenly, I heard some beeps. Damn!

"This is called stupidity, Lorence!" 

I could feel the weight of the situation sinking in as I stood at the center of the lane, surrounded by luxurious cars and a flurry of public vehicles.

"Argh! I want to pull my hair out and be swallowed up by the ground!" I muttered in frustration.

My conscience chimed in with a sarcastic remark, "How could the ground eat you if you're standing on cement? You're on the road, remember? Use your brain sometimes."

"I hate you!" I yelled at him before turning and running away from the chaotic highway, wanting nothing more than to escape the tense situation.

I leaned on my knees, sweaty and panting, trying to catch my breath.

Damn him! He ruined my morning!

That was so embarrassing! Argh! I can't get over it.

Taking a moment to compose myself on a nearby bench, I took out my compact and quickly retouched my makeup, wanting to appear more presentable.

Once I felt a bit better, I headed straight to Texno, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought.

"Good morning," I greeted the guard with my most irresistible smile, determined to shake off the earlier encounter and start the day anew.

"This way, Madam," he said, leading the way through the lobby.

"Thank you," I replied gratefully as we arrived at the lobby.

Wow! What a beautiful lobby. There were numerous game character statues scattered around, making it look like a museum dedicated to gaming.

I couldn't resist snapping a picture of myself with one of the statues and quickly posted it on Facegram.

"Uh, excuse me, miss. Good morning. Where's the room for applicants?" I inquired politely, approaching the lady at the information center.

"Good morning, ma'am. It can be found on floor 19, room 1319 is the waiting area," she replied kindly, her cute dimples showing as she smiled.

"Thank you," I nodded appreciatively.

Following her instructions, I made my way to the waiting area. As I entered, I couldn't believe my eyes - there was the same man from earlier, engrossed in his phone.

Oh? It's the DUMBASS!

My eyes widened in disbelief. What a coincidence!

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat loudly, hoping to catch his attention and distract him.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, trying to make my voice sound alarming.

What? What did I just say? Well, never mind.

"Hey! Mr. Crude," I continued, addressing him directly. "I see you're applying here too? Are you aiming for a specific position? Maybe as a janitor? Wow! What a cool tuxedo for a janitor," I remarked, not intending to degrade him or judge him, but simply aiming to rile him up.

It worked. I successfully got his attention, but now I couldn't help but shiver. He seemed scarier than watching a horror movie. I wanted to apologize, to say 'I didn't mean it', but the words wouldn't come out.

As our eyes met, I couldn't help but notice his striking sterling gray eyes, which only added to his handsomeness. But the coldness of his stare sent shivers down my spine, making him seem even more intimidating.

In an attempt to diffuse the tension, I quickly flashed a peace sign and smiled widely, as if to play off my previous comment.

But he ignored me once again, returning to his phone after shooting me another one of those killer looks.

Dang! Is he mute? Or just plain dumb?

"Anyway, I'm here to apply as a games designer or animator. How about you? Have you seen the boss's secretary?" I asked, trying to sound innocent, like a lost child seeking direction. But once again, I was met with that piercing gaze.

Dang it, what did you do, Lorence Catherine Celo?

You're a good girl, remember?

I heard him sigh before he turned and walked away from me.

"Yo! Yuhoooh! Mr. Crude! Please answer me! Don't leave me, you... ugh, forget it, you dumbass!" I yelled after him.

Argh! He completely ignored me. That frustrating bastard.

Oops, foul language again. You've been swearing a lot lately, Lorence.

I sighed and resumed waiting for the secretary while scrolling through my phone.

Finally, a beautiful woman approached.

"Good morning, miss-"

"Celo, Ms. Celo," I answered eagerly.

"Ah, Ms. Celo, the CEO wants to meet you in the examination room," she said, making my nerves kick into overdrive.

I just nod.

I reached into my bag and grabbed a chocolate bar, trying to calm my nerves as I followed the lady.

My hands were cold and slightly trembling. Why was I suddenly feeling so scared and nervous?

"Take a seat, ma'am. Wait for the boss here," the lady instructed before leaving.

I settled into a seat, enjoying my chocolate, when a familiar voice shattered my moment of peace.

"Eating's not allowed here!"

"Y-You?" I stammered in shock.

This man! Who is he, honestly?

"You're here for the interview?" I asked nervously, trying to break the tension.

"I'm here to check your resume and application form and to interview you! Anyway, I'm Pryce Raze Coleman. The CEO!" he declared firmly.

I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I'm doomed.

Save me! Please!