Chapter 6: The King and I

As I heard the familiar sound, it jolted me fully awake, reminding me of my best friend, Ching Galvez.

That was her favorite song, and she was Taylor Swift's number one fan. "Love Story" by Taylor Swift filled the room.

Facing the new day, I let out a deep sigh. I had no idea how to begin.

I felt lost in this unfamiliar routine, and fear gripped me.

Before shutting off my phone, I messaged Stacey. Then, grabbing a towel, I headed for the shower.

"Miss Celo, a special burger from Señorito," a chef approached me, presenting a plate. On it sat a black burger, oozing with cheese, adorned with meat and veggies. It looked absolutely delicious, and my stomach couldn't help but growl in response. I couldn't resist—it was love at first sight.

"Why did he give her that? It's not fair."

"She's only just arrived here, why her?"

"Wow, she looks stunning in that uniform."

"Oh my god, does Señorito like her?"

"That can't be true."

"Come on, Erika, stop it. You sound jealous."

"You guys don't understand! I've liked him since I got here, and you all know it!"

"Well, I guess you don't have a chance. You see? "

I couldn't help but overhear the murmurs around me. It didn't bring me any joy; instead, it fueled my frustration and left me feeling uneasy.

"Thank you," I managed to reply, accepting the plate with an awkward shyness.

As I walked, the whispers persisted, and I realized I didn't have any friends here. It felt like being a new student in high school, wandering the cafeteria alone, unable to find a place to sit.

Pressing on, I finally reached the spacious kitchen and spotted some coworkers.

"Good morning," I greeted, opting to change the atmosphere as I offered a genuine smile. To my relief, it was reciprocated, bringing a sense of comfort.

"Wow, I've never seen a black burger before," remarked Irene, her distinctive mole above her lip catching my eye. Despite her beauty, it was clear she was in her thirties now.

"Me too. Um, what did Señorito give to you guys on your first day here?" I awkwardly inquired, trying to maintain a friendly demeanor.

I assumed this might be a customary welcome gesture for new employees.

"I can't recall anything like that, can you?" Irene turned to the others for confirmation.

"He didn't give us anything special like that," one of them replied with a hint of disappointment.

Just as the conversation seemed to falter, an interruption broke the silence.


"Oh! Mother Sharn, good morning," I greeted with a sense of relief upon seeing her.

"Good morning, Lorence. Ah, a special burger, isn't it?" she remarked, giving me a peculiar smile.

"Y-you want, Mother Sharn?" I stammered.

"No, that's exclusively made for you. Everyone, guide her since she's new here. Is that clear?" Mother Sharn's authoritative voice rang out.

"Yes, ma'am!" a few responded, but it was enough to lift my spirits.

I began to eat the burger while they continued their conversation.

"Hmm, Lorence, I saw Señorito and Mother Sharn checking on you in your room yesterday. I wonder why," Stella initiated.

"A-ah? Did they?" I couldn't believe it. Did Raze let it slip? Did he really check up on me like he said? His mention of me sleeping well suddenly made sense.

"Yeah," Stella replied, taking a sip of her coffee.

After finishing the burger, I excused myself and headed to the restroom.

In a rush, I retrieved the note from my pocket, the same one I had found in the burger plate earlier.

Standing in front of the sink, facing the wide mirror, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as I unfolded the note. It simply read, "Thank you earlier. -Raze." So it was just a thank-you gesture after all.

I smiled, recalling the epic yet cool photo I had secretly taken of him.

"Ahem! You're the new girl, aren't you?" I was startled by Erika's sudden presence, accompanied by Rina and Teresa.

Quickly, I tucked the note back into my pocket and offered them a smile in return.

"Hi," I greeted calmly, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Tsk! Don't you ever flirt with Señorito, he's MINE!" Erika's aggressive tone caught me off guard.

But she didn't own him, not by a long shot.

I chose not to respond, ignoring their remarks as I made my way outside. Suddenly, Erika grabbed my hair.

"Ouch! Let go of my hair!" I complained, struggling to keep my temper in check. She wouldn't like it if I lost my cool, but she really was pushing it.

"HE. IS. MY. BOY!" she claimed, accompanied by laughter from her two friends, their mocking echoes ringing in my ears.

Finally, she released me. Well, Raze wasn't just a boy; he was a man, and certainly not anyone's possession.

I took a moment to compose myself, fixing my hair before leaving the restroom.

It had been a rough and exhausting day, and I felt like giving up at times.

I let out a heavy sigh, sinking onto a bench near the waterfalls.

"What's bothering you?" someone asked. Oh, it was Raze.

Glancing at the time, I noticed it was already 9:20 PM. Did I look okay? He settled into the Tapoila metal swing chair, just a meter away from me.

Hours earlier...

"Witch, wash the dishes without using the dishwasher!" Erika's command rang out, interrupting my thoughts.

"That's your job!" I calmly complain.

"I WANT YOU TO DO THAT!" she really loves yelling, that sucks.

Feeling utterly exhausted, I wanted to voice my complaints, but the words seemed trapped in my throat.

Supposed to be my rest time, I was drained from cleaning the entire second floor of the mansion, which seemed to stretch endlessly. And on top of that, I was still feeling the fatigue from yesterday's tasks.

Yet, there I was, faced with another chore. I reluctantly began washing the mountain of dishes, despite my hands feeling like they had been through hell and my body threatening to break down from exhaustion. I longed for rest, but how could I find it? Surrounded by new people, I couldn't bear the thought of showing my weakness.

"O-MY-GUSH! WHAT DID YA DO?" Erika's dramatic outburst shattered the tense atmosphere.

"Yeah, that's right! A clumsy newbie witch!" Her friends chimed in, as if Erika was the victim.

The glass slipped from my grasp, shattering on the floor into countless pieces. A drop of blood appeared, and in that moment, I realized it was mine.

Amidst the panic, Erika wasted no time in deflecting all blame onto me.

"This was your assigned task, Erika!" Mother Sharn's voice rang out with frustration.

"Come on! You've known me for years, Mother Sharn. She insisted on doing it! Don't blame me!" Erika yelled, shooting me a threatening look that said, 'Try to say something against me, and you're done for.' So, I remained silent.

Eventually, the chaos subsided, and everyone returned to their duties. Meanwhile, I painstakingly cleaned up the mess, gathering the broken glass and expensive plates strewn across the floor.

It was going to cost a lot to replace them. How much would be left of my salary after this?

I was certain I would have to pay for it.

It was clear to me that Erika had pushed me on purpose.

"What happened earlier?" Mother Sharn inquired, her tone serious as she finally addressed me after I finished cleaning up the mess.

"It was her, Mother Sharn. Erika. She's a sweet beast. A beast that pretends to be a nice princess," I responded, letting out a sigh of frustration.

Mother Sharn studied my eyes before turning her attention to my hands, where the tiny cut from earlier was still visible.

"This must hurt," she murmured sympathetically, reaching out to hold my hands gently.

"Far from my intestines, Mother Sharn," I joked lightly, trying to downplay the injury as I hid my hands behind my back.

It was just a small cut, insignificant in the grand scheme of things. She didn't break a bone, so it was fine.

"Don't worry, I'll warn her" That's pretty assuring.

After lunch I took good care and fed my babies, I mean Raze pets. They're very lovely.

After that I jumped into Erika's attitude again.

I clean the whole comfort room; we the workers only use that.

There's a 10 shower area for girls and 10 for boys too, pretty wide.

It's clean but Erika wants me to clean the area without using any advanced machines.

I use a brush, a tiny brush to clean the tiles.

My tiny wounds were hurting because of the cleaners but I had to continue doing the thing. She has an eye for me. She's a daughter of evil. Hell out of her!

Mind you! It's already clean but she's watching me cleaning the imaginary dirt. Damn her! What a sweet punishment.

"Ah, my back hurts." I whispered.

"Don't complain!" she utter that sounds alarming, she's a little beast. She heard that? That's a whisper dude! Hell her!

It's bewildering how much Erika seems to despise me. What have I done to deserve such hatred?

Now, I found myself in an unexpected role, tasked with leading the mini zoo – something Mother Sharn had never even mentioned during my tour of the estate.

Erika, of course, wasted no time in assigning me the most daunting tasks imaginable – feeding the crocodile, Hara, along with monkeys, horses, and even a lion in a fake cage.

To make matters worse, I had no idea how to operate the golf cart needed for the job, so I enlisted Erwin's help as a driver. This was shaping up to be quite the adventure, though not in the way I had hoped.

Present time~

Raze's gaze bore into me as he waited for my response.

"Why are you talking to me? Why are you being so kind and proving me wrong? Aren't you the boss?" I blurted out, unable to contain my curiosity any longer.

His expression shifted to one of intense curiosity. Had I asked the wrong question? I was simply curious, after all. He was the reason why Erika seemed to harbor so much animosity towards me.

"I'm the boss, so I can do what I want!" he replied, his voice firm and his demeanor commanding. There was an undeniable aura of authority about him that I found oddly appealing.

"I see," I murmured, putting on a facade of understanding as I sighed inwardly.

"Is there a problem?" Raze inquired, his voice carrying a hint of concern.

"In a palace full of princesses and princes, there's a group of witches causing trouble," I explained, my gaze fixed on the twinkling stars above. They provided a sense of solace, a comforting presence amidst the chaos.

"The princess should notify the king about it or let them be until the king notices it himself?" I asked, seeking his opinion.

"The princess must report those presumptuous witches so that the king can address the problem," he replied gravely.

"Okay," I responded quietly, unable to muster a smile. The weight of homesickness pressed heavily on my heart. I longed for the familiarity of home – my mama, papa, Stacey, and my beloved Toby.

I felt a deep sadness engulfing me. I despised Erika and the other mean girls, and I couldn't bear to be around them any longer.

"Is something wrong?" Raze's voice broke through my thoughts once more.

"Are you worried? Don't be; I'm just spinning a tale," I assured him, meeting his gaze directly.

"Okay," he responded tersely before standing up abruptly and leaving without another word.

Alone once more, I felt the tears threatening to spill over. I wasn't okay, I felt like crying.

I reached for my phone, hoping to find solace in a message from Stacey. But my heart sank when I saw that she had been active hours ago. I wanted to cry out for her.

Mama, I wish you were here to shield me from all of this.

"WAAAAAAHHHH!" I jumped in fright as something cold lightly touched my skin, causing me to let out a startled cry. Then I heard a chuckle.


As if in slow motion, his chuckle echoed around me, catching me completely off guard. I hadn't expected him to display even a hint of amusement. His usually stern expression softened, leaving me wondering if it was just because I had been frightened.

But if making him happy meant feeling scared, then I was willing to endure it.

"Come on, this is for you," he said, extending an ice cream toward me.

"F-for real?" I stammered, my eyes widening in surprise as I remembered my craving from the day before.

"You don't like it?" His kindness baffled me.

"Yahoo, thank you!" I exclaimed eagerly, reaching out to grab the ice cream. But just as I did, he lifted his arm slightly higher, causing me to collide with his robust chest, our eyes locking in an unexpected moment of intimacy.

My heartbeat thundered in my ears, and I couldn't believe it. Falling for him was impossible. I couldn't allow myself to do that.

He lowered his arms, and now it felt like he was embracing me. My face burned with heat, and I knew it must have turned red.

His smile widened, causing my heart to beat even faster. I felt myself shimmering with uncertainty, so I lightly pushed him away. This was all too strange.

Love takes time, doesn't it? Was this just admiration?

Feeling awkward, I couldn't tear my eyes away from his smile. I just didn't understand.

"Here," he said, handing me the ice cream once more. I quickly grabbed it before anything else could happen.

"I heard it," he whispered softly.

"Pardon me?" I replied, feeling utterly confused.

He settled beside me, opening his own ice cream cup.

He simply shrugged and handed me the ice cream spoon.

"T-thanks," I murmured, my hands trembling. He had such an effect on me. Damn.

We ate in silence, the awkwardness hanging heavily between us.

"Ah, um..." we both began at the same time.

"What's that?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Ladies first," he responded with a small smile.

"I forget what to say, sorry," I admitted sheepishly, feeling flustered.

"Tomorrow, I want you to come with me," he said suddenly, catching me off guard.

"Where is that?" I inquired, intrigued by his sudden invitation.

"In the morning, we're going to visit Texno. There's a special event there, and some gamers were invited to play for free. Would you like to try?" he explained.

"Oh my gosh! I won't reject that!" I exclaimed, feeling like a child who had just received her dream toy.

"Okay, I'll put you on the list. And in the afternoon, we're going to watch a horse race," he added, his expression remaining blank and unreadable.

"OMG!!! I'm excited!" I grinned widely, feeling as though I were floating on air. The excitement coursing through me was indescribable; it was a mix of emotions.

"Anata ga waratte iru toki, watashi wa sore ga daisukidesu," he said in monotone.

"Huh? That's Japanese, but I can't understand. What did you say?" I asked, puzzled by his sudden switch in language.

"I said finish eating the ice cream and sleep early; you need to wake up around 5 am, okay?" he clarified. A wave of conflicting emotions washed over me. Why did his words make me feel like I was falling in love? I hated it. He is just being nice.

"O-okay," I stammered nervously, trying to hide my surprise.

"Don't stutter so much. You're pretty obvious now," he remarked casually before turning to leave. The king had noticed? I needed to be more careful with my actions from now on.

I realized that I needed to understand myself better, or else I would end up hurting even more in the future.

"Good night," he bid me farewell before departing.

"D-do you like me?" I couldn't help but ask in a low voice as he was about to leave.

My question made him stop in his tracks, and he turned to look back at me. His aura seemed to loom over me, making me feel more scared than if I were standing in complete darkness.

"déjame averiguarlo," he replied cryptically, causing my heart to race even though I didn't understand the words.

I wanted to ask what it meant, but before I could, he had already left.

What's wrong with my heart?

I can't comprehend it, is this love? It's the most frightening thought," I mused to myself. 

Falling in love with a billionaire seemed impossible, and the notion of him reciprocating my feelings was even more far-fetched.


"Anata ga waratte iru toki, watashi wa sore ga daisukidesu." means "I love it when you're smiling" in Japanese.

"déjame averiguarlo" means "let me find out" in Spanish. (Please correct me if I'm mistaken!)