
Three months had passed since Lena joined Arin and Kai in the orphan shelter. Arin had now been in this world for half a year, growing accustomed to the daily routines and challenges of life in the tribe.

Kai's irrepressible friendliness had gradually drawn Lena out of her shell. Arin had also made a conscious effort to help Lena feel more at home. She would often seek out the young healer's advice on various herbs, partly out of genuine curiosity and partly to give Lena a chance to share her knowledge. These conversations seemed to ground Lena, giving her a sense of purpose in her new surroundings.

With Lena's knowledge of medicinal herbs, she had taken on the bulk of the responsibility for caring for the shelter's inhabitants. The constant worry about illness had gradually eased. Where once the air had been filled with coughs and fevered murmurs, now it rang with the laughter and chatter of healthier, more energetic children.

Most of their foraging now focused on gathering edible plants and hunting small game, which provided enough sustenance to keep the shelter fed without the risk of facing more dangerous creatures. Larger aura beasts were a rare sight, and they were content to avoid them whenever possible. They had learned the hard way that confronting such beasts often led to injuries they couldn't afford.

The trio's efforts had made a significant impact on the well-being of the orphans.

As Arin and Kai prepared to leave for another foraging expedition, Lena appeared at the shelter's entrance, a small child balanced on her hip.

"Be careful out there. And don't forget to gather some of those red berries if you can. They've been helping with the children's coughs."

Arin nodded, feeling a pang of guilt at leaving Lena alone with the children again. "We'll do our best. How are the little ones doing?"

Lena's face softened. "Better. The fever's broken for most of them. But they'll need more nourishment to fully recover."

"Then that's what we'll get them," Kai declared.

 Arin's mind wandered back to when Lena first joined them. The shy, withdrawn girl had blossomed into a confident young healer, her quiet strength a pillar of support for the entire shelter.

The approach to the shelter was marked by the excited chatter of the children. Even before they came into view, Arin could hear the familiar voices of Mika and Tarn, two of the youngest orphans, engaged in an animated game of make-believe.

"I'm the mighty hunter! I'm going to catch a Direbear and feed the whole village!" Mika's high-pitched voice rang out.

"No fair! You were the hunter last time. It's my turn!"

Kai chuckled softly. "Sounds like we've got some competition. Better watch out, or Mika and Tarn will be taking over our jobs soon."

As they stepped into the clearing where the shelter stood, a chorus of excited cries went up from the assembled children.

"They're back!"

"Did you catch anything?"

"I'm starving!"

Little Mika, her wild hair a tangled mess and her face smudged with dirt, came barreling towards them at full speed.

"Kai! Arin! You're back! Did you catch anything good? I'm starving!"

Kai laughed, scooping the girl up and swinging her around. "Whoa there, little tiger! Give us a chance to breathe!"

Mika giggled, her earlier game forgotten in the excitement of their return. "But I'm so hungry, Kai! My tummy's been grumbling for hours!"

Arin smiled, holding up a rabbit for all to see. "Well, I think this should help with that. How does roasted rabbit sound?"

A cheer went up from the assembled children, their eyes wide with excitement.

"Roasted rabbit! Roasted rabbit!" they chanted, dancing around Arin as she made her way to the cooking fire.

Lena emerged from the shelter, relief evident on her face. "Welcome back. I'm glad you're safe."

As Arin, Kai, and Lena settled into their usual routine, preparing the rabbit for cooking and tending to the excited children, the atmosphere in the shelter was warm and lively, filled with laughter and chatter.

Suddenly, a sharp voice cut through the peaceful ambiance, shattering the moment like a stone through glass.

"What do we have here? The outcasts and their pet projects, playing house like they actually matter."

Kai stiffened, his eyes narrowing as he placed himself between Dray and the children. "What do you want, Dray? We're busy, in case you couldn't tell."

Dray scoffed, his gaze flicking dismissively over the assembled orphans. "Oh, I can tell. Busy wasting your time with these losers, when you could be out there making something of yourselves."

He turned his attention to Lena, his expression shifting to one of mocking pity. "And you, Lena. Why are you hanging around these rejects? You belong with the village, not slumming it with the outcasts."

Lena bristled, her eyes flashing with indignation. "I belong wherever I choose to be, Dray. And right now, that's here, with my friends and the children who need us."

Dray's words hung in the air, heavy with contempt. The orphans, already malnourished and weak despite Arin, Kai, and Lena's efforts to provide food, seemed to shrink in on themselves, their eyes wide with fear and hurt. Dray's gaze swept over the humble shelter, taking in the patched animal hide walls and worn fur bedding with a sneer.

"Look at this place. You really think you're making a difference here? These brats will never amount to anything, no matter how much you coddle them."

"But don't worry," Dray smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "We're here to take care of that little problem."

With a nod from Dray, his lackeys surged forward, their hands reaching out to overturn the cooking fire and tear down the drying racks laden with herbs and meats. The children screamed, cowering in terror as their meager possessions were destroyed before their eyes.

Lena leaped to her feet, her heart pounding with fury and desperation. "Dray, stop! Leave them alone!"

Dray laughed, reveling in the chaos and destruction. "Or what, Lena? What are you going to do, heal me to death?"

Arin grabbed a sturdy branch, holding it in front of her like a makeshift spear. "Get out. Get out, or I swear to the Moonfire Crystal, I'll make you regret ever setting foot in here."

Dray's eyes narrowed. "Big words, from a scrawny little orphan. You really think you can take me on?"

Suddenly, a small figure darted out from behind Arin, placing itself between her and Dray. It was Mika, her face streaked with tears, but her chin lifted in defiance.

"Leave her alone! Leave us all alone! We never did anything to you!"

Dray stared down at the child. "Well, would you look at that. The runt of the litter, trying to play hero." He raised his hand, as if to strike the little girl. Mika flinched, but held her ground, her small fists clenched at her sides.

"Dray, no!" Lena screamed, lunging forward.

But before she could reach him, a blur of motion intercepted Dray's hand, knocking it aside. Kai stood in front of Mika, his eyes blazing with fury.

"Don't you dare touch her. Don't you dare touch any of them."

Arin and Kai instinctively moved to stand between them and the children. Lena, unarmed and untrained in combat, quickly ushered the orphans to the back of the shelter, her eyes wide with worry.

Dray's fist shot out, catching Kai off guard. The blow connected with his jaw, sending a shock of pain through his face. Kai stumbled back, tasting blood in his mouth. He shook his head, trying to clear the stars from his vision.

Gritting his teeth, Kai countered with a swift jab to Dray's ribs, causing the larger boy to grunt in pain.

Kai's eyes widened as he noticed one of Dray's followers trying to flank Arin. "Arin, watch your left!" he shouted, dodging another of Dray's swings.

She managed to dodge his first swing, but his second caught her in the ribs. The air rushed out of her lungs, and she gasped, struggling to breathe. Pain blossomed in her side, sharp and insistent.

Gritting her teeth, Arin pushed through the pain. She swung her branch, the wood connecting solidly with her attacker's shoulder. He yelped in pain, stumbling back.

Kai ducked under another of Dray's swings, but wasn't quick enough to avoid the follow-up. Dray's knee slammed into Kai's stomach, doubling him over. For a moment, the world swam before Kai's eyes, nausea rising in his throat.

Dray let out a frustrated roar and charged at Kai like an enraged Direbear. Kai sidestepped at the last moment, using Dray's momentum against him. He delivered a sharp elbow to Dray's back as he passed, sending the larger boy stumbling forward. However, Dray's superior strength and size allowed him to recover quickly, spinning around to face Kai once more.

"You can't dodge forever, runt," Dray snarled, his eyes blazing with fury. He lunged forward, his fists flying in a furious barrage.

Arin, meanwhile, was holding her own against Dray's follower, but she could feel her arms tiring from the constant defensive maneuvers. She deflected a kick aimed at her midsection, countering with a swift strike to her opponent's jaw. The boy's head snapped back, but he remained standing, shaking off the blow. She knew they couldn't keep this up for long.

"Kai," Arin called out, her breath coming in short bursts, "we need to end this quick."

"Working on it," Kai replied, ducking under another of Dray's wild swings. He delivered a sharp uppercut to Dray's chin, sending the larger boy staggering backward.

Arin's mind raced as she parried another attack, her branch splintering under the force of the blow. Her eyes darted around the shelter, looking for anything they could use to their advantage. Suddenly, she spotted a pile of stones.

Arin began to maneuver, slowly backing towards the stones. Her attacker, sensing what he thought was weakness, pressed forward eagerly, his fists flying in a flurry of blows.

"Now, Kai!" Arin yelled, dropping to the ground and rolling to the side.

In one fluid motion, Kai ducked low and swept Dray's legs out from under him. As Dray fell, Kai rolled towards the pile of stones, snatching one up despite his bruised and bloody knuckles.

Arin, seizing the moment of confusion, sprung to her feet and brought her branch down hard on her attacker's shoulder. There was a sickening crack, and the boy crumpled to the ground, clutching his arm in agony, his scream echoing through the shelter.

Simultaneously, Kai hurled the stone with all his might, striking Dray squarely in the forehead as he tried to get up. Dray staggered, his eyes unfocused, a trickle of blood running down his face. He swayed for a moment before slumping to the ground.

The second follower, seeing his companions fall, began to back away, his eyes wide with fear.

Arin and Kai stood side by side, panting heavily but triumphant. Arin raised her branch, fixing the remaining attacker with a steely glare.

"Still want to try your luck?"

The boy shook his head frantically and turned tail, fleeing from the shelter. Dray, still groggy from the stone to his head, staggered to his feet.

For a moment, it seemed Dray might try to fight again. His fists clenched at his sides, and his eyes darted between Arin and Kai, weighing his options.

The injured follower, still clutching his arm, spoke up urgently. "Dray, we need to go. Remember what your father said?"

Dray's expression shifted, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. "What about it?"

"If you show up battered and bruised, he'll know you've been fighting again. You know how he feels about that."

Dray's shoulders tensed at the mention of his father. For a brief moment, Arin caught a glimpse of fear in his eyes before it was quickly masked by anger.

"Damn it," Dray muttered, his jaw clenching. He shot one last venomous glare at Arin and Kai. "This isn't over. You got lucky this time, but don't think for a second that I'm done with you."

Kai stepped forward, another stone ready in his hand. "Yes, it is. Leave, Dray. And don't come back."

Dray's nostrils flared, but he didn't make a move to attack. Instead, he turned abruptly, grabbing his injured follower by the collar. "Let's go," he snarled, dragging the boy towards the exit.

Arin could hear Dray muttering angrily. "Father's going to have my hide if he finds out about this. We need to get you patched up before anyone sees."

The sound of their retreating footsteps faded, leaving the shelter in sudden, eerie silence. Arin and Kai turned to each other, breaking into relieved grins despite their bruises and scrapes.

"Nice throw," Arin nodded at Kai's hand still clutching the stone.

Kai chuckled, wincing slightly at the movement. "Not so bad yourself. Remind me never to get on your bad side."

Lena rushed forward, her eyes wide with concern as she took in their battered state. "Oh, spirits," she breathed, her hands already reaching for her pouch of healing herbs. "Let's get you both patched up."

Arin struggled to her feet, her body aching with the pain of her injuries. She looked around at the devastation Dray and his followers had left in their wake - the overturned cooking fire, the torn hides, the sobbing, battered children.

"Who the fuck was that?" she demanded, her voice shaking with disbelief.