Chapter 4

**[Reality Rewrite +1]**

**[Reality Rewrite +5]**


Using his powers, Su Chen's reality-altering ability was immediately strengthened. Without pausing, he continued running towards the distant entrance of the experimental base. Intercepting figures kept appearing in his path. However, under the terrifying waves of Su Chen's telekinetic power, the base's security personnel were no match. They were like targets hit by an air cannon, collapsing instantly. Su Chen's solitary figure leaped over their bodies.

"Damn it, send more X-Weapon units to capture that guy," General Marcus, who had hurried to the control room of the massive experimental base, was furious. Though there had been several incidents of mutant escapes before, this one was particularly troublesome for him. Despite his anger, a sense of excitement also grew within him. Watching Su Chen on the surveillance footage, Marcus's appreciation for him deepened.

"My God! I thought we had acquired a supernaturally healing individual, someone with a healing ability even more extraordinary than Wolverine's. But I never expected him to exhibit so many superpowers under emotional stress. The invisible telekinesis spread through the air, the deadly ability that could take lives with a single angry word, the bullet-resistant iron skin..."

"Moreover, according to the lab personnel, this guy possesses an extraordinary evolution ability. In an instant, his iron skin evolved further under the stimulus of adamantium alloy. The supposedly indestructible adamantium alloy broke apart. My God! This terrifying entity is even more formidable than the X-Weapon!"

"We must contain him! I must have him, I must..." General Marcus roared through gritted teeth. However, unlike the ecstatic Marcus, the others in the control room were filled with deep concern. The corridor barriers they had set up were all violently dismantled. The security personnel sent to intercept Su Chen were completely wiped out. An X-Weapon they had pinned their hopes on only stimulated further growth in Su Chen.

Soon, an even more desperate message arrived: the life signals of the X-Weapon units sent to intercept Su Chen had vanished without a trace.

"They're dead! The X-Weapons we just deployed are all dead," a control room staff member shouted in panic. This was the elite security force of the entire experimental base. What terrified them even more was that a method they had relied on to counter mutants had failed entirely.

"Something's wrong. The X-Gene suppressant mist has no effect," a staff member exclaimed. The most effective method to deal with mutants in the past had been the X-Gene suppressant mist. However, the surveillance footage showed Su Chen easily using his telekinesis, handling security personnel like toys. It was as if he wasn't a mutant or had quickly developed resistance to the suppressant mist.

In less than a second, Su Chen destroyed the surveillance equipment. Although they lost visual tracking, the control room staff could still trace Su Chen's movements through life signals. It wouldn't be long before he reached the base's exit.

"This isn't good..."

"He's changed direction. It looks like... he's heading towards our control room," someone shouted in panic. The tracked life signals had altered course, targeting them directly. General Marcus's face turned pale.

"Prepare the Black Hawk helicopter," he ordered, standing up. Surrounded by several cold-faced soldiers, he headed out of the control room. At that moment, he realized he had played all his cards and had no effective means to restrain Su Chen.

"Damn it," Marcus cursed, recognizing Su Chen's strong sense of retribution. This boy could not be allowed to survive. "Although it's a pity to lose such a valuable experimental subject, one that held the key to immortality, there's no choice. An uncontrollable individual will eventually become a significant threat. He must be eliminated in the earliest stage."

"Activate the self-destruct mechanism," General Marcus ordered coldly. The massive experimental base, situated on the snowy plains, was equipped with a nuclear self-destruct device. Once activated, it would erase all evidence of their crimes. Marcus had no doubt about its power. The nuclear yield was sufficient to obliterate any known living organism.

"Alright, goodbye," he sneered. He and several figures left through a secret passage, boarding a Black Hawk helicopter on the rooftop. The pilot took off, carrying General Marcus into the sky. Looking down, he saw the white structure standing alone on the desolate snowfield. In half a minute, the self-destruct device would activate, resulting in a massive explosion, with a brilliant mushroom cloud rising and the surrounding snowfield collapsing.

"Poor little boy. I heard you have a sister. I'm looking forward to what surprises she might bring me," General Marcus laughed coldly.

Half a minute later, the self-destruct device activated, releasing a terrifying blast that obliterated the experimental facility and the surrounding snowfield. A towering mushroom cloud ascended, demonstrating its destructive power.

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