Chapter 7


The sudden change before him left Su Chen momentarily bewildered. Just seconds ago, he was surrounded by an endless expanse of snowy wilderness. Now, he found himself standing in a city alley bathed in neon lights.

"Reality alteration..." he immediately recognized was the cause of this environmental shift. Confined in the experimental chamber, his emotions had spiraled out of control, resulting in instances where mere words had taken lives.

A single word like "go" sent figures flying. A single word like "die" left corpses in its wake. This was the power of reality alteration: mysterious, intangible, yet possessed of terrifying lethality and unimaginable potential.

Driven by a desire to see signs of urban life, Su Chen had inadvertently triggered this ability. Now standing beneath neon lights, the oppressive gloom in his heart dissipated.

Emerging from the alley, he cast a curious gaze at the towering skyscrapers around him. These colossal buildings, illuminated by neon lights, painted the city in vibrant colors even in the dark of night.

The city had changed. Even the sky had changed. Thirteen-year-old Su Chen recognized the geographical shift and quickly understood why he had arrived in this city through reality alteration.

"This is Manhattan..." Su Chen muttered with a tinge of bitterness. He recalled sharing his dreams by his mother's bedside: living in a top-tier apartment in Manhattan, driving the best cars, becoming an elite to provide his mother with the best medical care and live happily for the rest of her life.

Yet here he was, abruptly arriving in the city for the first time, utterly alone.

The novelty of the situation faded as bitter thoughts dominated. Su Chen's sole focus now was finding his younger sister. They had parted ways in a coastal town on the West Coast. Su Chen knew she wouldn't return home and doubted she would seek refuge with their malicious aunts and relatives.

Thinking of his sister, who possessed the ability to traverse space, brought some comfort to Su Chen. But how could he reach her without means of communication? Only his reality-altering ability could potentially reunite them.

"But I can't control this ability at will..." Su Chen sighed. Regardless of whether he wanted to bring his sister here or go to where she was now, he couldn't make the ability cooperate.

"I need to master this ability," Su Chen concluded with a sigh. Beneath his immortal physiology lay genes of limitless potential for evolution. However, the direction of this evolution was chaotic and beyond his control without external stimuli. His "system" was merely a mnemonic palace constructed in his mind to track genetic changes, not a novel-like "golden finger" with any capabilities.

"Maybe only intense emotional turmoil can trigger it?" Su Chen pondered. He wasn't one to easily lose emotional control like the women on TV dramas. Even if he could, it might not work.

"Gurgle..." Suddenly, a more immediate problem arose: his rumbling stomach. His keen sense of smell detected a tantalizing aroma from a nearby street food vendor, making his mouth water uncontrollably.

"But I'm penniless," Su Chen realized, lacking even a single cent.

"Should I steal?" A tempting voice echoed in his mind. "Go ahead, take whatever you want. No one in this vast world can stop you."

However, gazing at the hardworking girl behind the counter, Su Chen's conscience stirred. "They're all struggling..." he murmured, shaking his head. His mother had taught him empathy and kindness; he couldn't justify robbing her.

"Hey, kid..." Just then, a voice interrupted from nearby, belonging to a teenager in a denim jacket.

"You look hungry. You seem like a runaway," the boy said casually, handing Su Chen a bag of doughnuts. Su Chen was taken aback by the stranger's familiarity, but his tattered appearance likely made him appear as a runaway.

"This..." Su Chen was unsure how to react.

"Eat up. Don't be shy. I ran away from home a few years back, so I know what you're going through. These doughnuts are plenty; I won't miss them," the teenager continued, adopting a protective big brother persona.

Meanwhile, from deeper within the dark alley, another voice was heard.

"Hey, Matthew, stop dawdling. Come over and watch the show."

"I'm coming," Matthew responded.

"A show?" Su Chen was puzzled.

"Kid, haven't you heard? Stripper shows at the nightclubs in secret spots like this alley shop. You can't miss this. Let's check it out before you head home," Matthew invited.

"A stripper show?" Su Chen had glimpsed such scenes on mature TV channels but was always changed by his sister, Susan, with a serious face. The hormone molecules in the stage of long body also made Su Chen very interested.

Thinking of this kind-hearted big brother who gave himself a donut to eat, Su Chen always felt that his heart was warm, so he followed the big brother to walk for a few steps.

However, the gradually becoming powerful body also brought about a rise in awareness, not only the sense of smell, but also the ability to hear has been strengthened, from which he heard some of the fine words of the alley in the deep.

The next second, Su Chen's face, full of childishness, became more and more indifferent, and a cold shadow spread over his eyes with murderous intent.

His footsteps stopped directly.

A pair of cold eyes with a killing intent looked at the back.

It's not worth it in the world.

"Can you tell me what is human organ trafficking?"

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