Chapter 13

The power of a sniper rifle is naturally much stronger than that of a pistol. The anti-material sniper rifle, in particular, can penetrate an armored vehicle from a thousand meters away. Equipped with adamantium alloy bullets, its power was greatly enhanced.


A sharp bullet burst from the nearly one-meter-long gun barrel. The strong recoil made the soldier's shoulder ache. The bullet shot straight towards Su Chen, sitting on the garden bench, from a rooftop a thousand meters away.

In less than a second...


A bullet struck Su Chen's forehead, right between his eyebrows.

"Ah!!" The young girl, Mindy, was instinctively frightened, but what she saw next made her freeze. The sharp bullet was slightly embedded in Su Chen's forehead. The powerful penetrating force had come to an abrupt halt, and more than half of the bullet was exposed to the air.


The bullet fell off, leaving no trace of blood on Su Chen's forehead, just a light bruise. In a moment, even that disappeared.

[Man of Steel +2]

Due to the damage from the penetrating force, Su Chen's skin underwent a slight transformation. Compared to the nuclear explosion he had endured, the adamantium sniper bullet was still not enough.

"This..." The rooftop sniper was stunned. Through the scope, he saw an even stranger sight.

"Not good!" He saw the bullet on the park bench inexplicably pulled by an invisible force, flying into the air. In an instant, it was endowed with terrifying energy and shot back along its previous trajectory.


The bullet left a faint white trail in the air. In less than a second, it penetrated the sniper's scope and his head.

"No need to go, they've surrounded this place," Su Chen said calmly, still sitting on the bench.

"Ah..." Following her professional instincts, Mindy sensed the growing tension in Central Park. She knew that if she put on night vision goggles, she would see figures lurking in the darkness, slowly approaching.

Unfortunately, she had only a pink dress and a few butterfly knives strapped to her legs.

"What do we do?" Mindy found herself relying on the calm figure beside her.

Compared to the slightly nervous Mindy, Su Chen remained indifferent, as if he were merely taking a leisurely stroll. "Kill them all if they come," he said, unfazed by the surveillance equipment scattered throughout the city.

After surviving a nuclear explosion and escaping from the evil experimental base, he was composed and confident. There was always a solution. If the enemy came, he would send them to their deaths.

Mindy's smile turned bitter. Su Chen's arrogance surpassed hers. She had faced gangsters, but he was up against a modern army.

"You hide," Su Chen said to her, not wanting to involve others in his battle. He gently pushed the stray cat away, ensuring it wouldn't be caught in the crossfire.


A bright white searchlight shone, illuminating Su Chen and Mindy. The scorching light made it hard to see.

"Number 5162, raise your hands and surrender immediately," a voice commanded through a loudspeaker.

Number 5162? Su Chen recalled his assigned number from the experimental base.

"My name is Su Chen!" he declared, rejecting the dehumanizing label.


An invisible wave spread from Su Chen. His cold eyes fixed on the figure behind the searchlight, and coins appeared in his hand. Under the power of telekinesis, they transformed into sharp needles and flew around.


The air whistled as the needles flew, and gunfire erupted from all directions. Both sides engaged in battle without warning.


The sound of flesh being pierced echoed. The telekinetically enhanced needles possessed terrifying power, piercing through the hidden figures. The high-power searchlight shattered, plunging the area into darkness.

Bullets rained down on Su Chen, but an almost invisible barrier blocked all attacks.

"This..." Mindy realized that Su Chen had protected her within the barrier.

"Careful!!" Her pupils shrank as a giant figure emerged, each step causing the ground to tremble.


With a roar, the monstrous figure tore through the barrier and pounced toward Su Chen.

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