Chapter 15

"This is impossible!!"

Compared to the direct physical contact, the mental distress was far more annoying at this time. He couldn't believe that the little boy in front of him could actually knock him away with one punch. The huge difference in their physiques was worlds apart. Yet, this boy's fist felt like a massive mountain crashing down, and his body couldn't resist it at all.

"That's it?"

Su Chen repeated his taunting words again. He pointed his toes, and the wind provided kinetic energy for his feet to support him, making his tall and thin figure float in the air.

Su Chen had gained a lot of insight into absorbing and releasing external energy. The warm breeze around him was helpful, and his figure seemed to have wings as he suddenly flew towards the figure in front of him.

Here we go again.

There was a hint of anger beneath Abomination's hateful and ferocious face. He already had a bad temper, and under the influence of the gamma rays in his cells, although he wasn't as blinded by anger as the Hulk, the transformed Abomination still found it difficult to control his rage. He couldn't tolerate being humiliated by a little boy as small as a bean.


The enraged and humiliated Abomination roared and kicked the ground with both feet, his huge body, as big as a mountain, rushing straight into the sky, vowing to blow the flying little ghost away completely.


A huge roar echoed in the air. The surging waves swept around like a shockwave.


A voice filled with pain echoed from the air, and Abomination's figure was sent crashing to the ground like a cannonball.


The violent impact completely destroyed the park's lawn, creating a horrifying dent.

Damn bastard....

Abomination was furious. A figure stood up from the dusty ground, but the figure that rushed over was even more unreasonable. The thin figure burst out with terrifying impact force and knocked him away again with a punch.


At this moment, the flying Abomination broke through many thick trees in succession, and his rotten skin covered with scales burst out with foul-smelling plasma.

[Strength +50]

[Strength +50]

[Man of Steel +50]

The constructed system continuously recorded the information of transformation at the genetic level. The collision between Su Chen and Abomination's body made his strength continue to increase. After experiencing the nuclear explosion, his physical strength had risen to a terrifying level. Every cell in the thirteen-year-old boy's body contained tremendous and abundant power.

So what was the big deal about Abomination?

"You are a human turned into a monster. I see the cowardice of human nature in your eyes," Su Chen said coldly.

His figure walked slowly on the forest path, as if Abomination had completely become a meal on his plate, not affecting his patience at all. From time to time, bullets kept flying in from the woods in the dark night, and dull sniper sounds rang out one after another. However, it was as if Su Chen had eyes on his back. No bullets could get close to his body. They were completely stopped in mid-air by an invisible telekinetic wave.


With a thought, the hovering bullets returned to their original owners under the control of telekinesis, piercing the heads of the soldiers hidden in the dark.


Abomination roared again, unable to bear the young man's arrogance. He became furious once more. The earth trembled as he rushed forward and smashed his clenched right fist at Su Chen.

"Too slow."

There was no trace of fear on Su Chen's handsome and youthful face. His physical fitness had improved in all aspects. At the very least, his clear eyes, with distinct black and white, possessed extraordinary dynamic visual abilities, capturing the opponent's continuous movements and splitting them into frames like movie scenes.

In his perspective, the opponent's movements seemed slow.


Su Chen, without moving, stretched out his right hand. He was the first to strike, and his clenched fist, packed with violent force, collided head-on with the opponent's fist.


In an instant, the opponent's knuckles broke directly, and the bones of the entire arm were completely dislocated and shattered upon collision.

"Ah!!" Abomination screamed in pain. But what made him feel extremely ashamed and annoyed was that Su Chen's right hand directly grabbed one of his knuckles. The boundless force that surged in seemed to completely sever the finger. Driven by this force, Abomination's huge body left the ground.


He drew an arc in the air and fell heavily to the ground beside Su Chen. The finger used for leverage was ultimately pulled off.

"What a poor fellow..." Su Chen's expression was cold and showed little emotion.

The abomination in front of him began to shrink due to the severe injuries to his body. The bloody monster quickly reverted to a strong man. Unlike the Hulk, who could become stronger through anger, Abomination did not possess this ability after gaining intelligence. Each outburst of rage only resulted in more shame and anger.


It had a doubling effect.

"It is indeed a transformed monster," Su Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

With a snap of his fingers, an air cannon completely blew Abomination's head apart without much hesitation.

Now it was the turn of the others.

Su Chen's eyes swept towards the garden area in the distance. The people who had been shouting through loudspeakers seemed to have realized something was wrong and began to evacuate secretly.

But he would not let them go easily.

To Su Chen's surprise, the girl in the pink dress, Mindy, did not hide. Instead, she was chasing the enemy, pulling out a butterfly knife from somewhere and throwing it accurately, piercing a soldier's head.

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