Chapter 17

In fact, when the Defense Department's intelligence agencies began investigating Su Chen, they weren't the only ones who stumbled upon something unexpected. Big Daddy Damon wasn't the only one to come across surprising information.

Additionally, a mysterious organization devoted to uncovering the secrets behind the Defense Department—a group of elite global hackers known as the Rising Tide—was also secretly observing what surprises these intelligence agents might uncover.

Don't underestimate these hackers; even S.H.I.E.L.D. had recruited many of these elites. Future examples include Daisy Johnson, also known as Quake.

"They're here, they're here! There might be big news!"

Not long ago, a stationed hacker noticed that the intelligence bureau's backend was continually accessing various surveillance devices, tracking a young boy in Manhattan.

These bold and meticulous members, confident in their encryption algorithms, didn't fear exposure. They directly hacked into the government backend.

"Wow! Jesus above..."

"He's a superpowered individual who escaped from a large experimental base."

"The arrest operation is now being led by General Ross."

"Destination: Central Park, Manhattan..."

"Go, guys."

In an instant, a filming crew member hopped into a vehicle and headed to Central Park. They planned to secretly film the scenes and sell the footage to major media outlets for a hefty price.

Moreover, the Rising Tide organization would package the decrypted confidential files and send a perfect copy to the Defense Department.

Why send it to them?

It wasn't out of goodwill, of course! This was the Rising Tide's way of extorting the military. If they didn't pay up, they'd continue selling the footage to the media, further sensationalizing the entire event.

Soon, good news came from the front line. The Rising Tide members successfully captured some footage and even retrieved cameras from the helmets of several fallen soldiers.

It didn't take long for them to send a roughly edited video to a Manhattan TV station.

The TV station staff was shocked.

They knew that any exclusive footage, whether of accidental car crashes or gunfights and fires, could be sold to TV stations for a good price since they always needed eye-catching exclusive news reports.

This demand naturally fostered the work of many freelance reporters.

But the footage provided by the Rising Tide was too shocking and thrilling!

"Oh my God, immediately transfer money to the Rising Tide; we need this footage, and it must be an exclusive report."

At that moment, the female director's mind was already conjuring up an incredibly eye-catching headline:

"Shocking! Our nation's army couldn't withstand a boy's attack. What's happening with our military?"



Su Chen had no idea how events were veering further from his expectations. At this moment, he was being led by Hit-Girl Mindy to a secluded suburban house.

Mindy Macready!

Su Chen now knew her name.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived at a detached cottage.

"This is my safe house," Mindy introduced.

The little girl unlocked the heavily secured door and invited Su Chen inside.

Along the way, Mindy's extensive reconnaissance experience ensured their movements wouldn't be exposed to any surveillance cameras.

"Welcome, welcome..."

Like a child showing off her toys to a friend, Mindy enthusiastically introduced Su Chen to everything in the safe house.

"Barrett sniper rifle..."

"M16 series fully automatic rifles..."


"You can't get these on the market."

Seeing the walls lined with various models of firearms, Su Chen couldn't help but feel a bit awestruck.

What kind of childhood did this girl have?

This was just too fierce, too cool!

"My residence isn't far from here. I usually come to this safe house to gear up and change into plain clothes before heading out on missions," Mindy explained with a smile.

"How old are you?" Su Chen asked curiously.

"Just had my birthday, I'm 14."

She patted her chest, looking like a little grown-up.

"Really impressive," Su Chen genuinely admired her—a cold-faced 14-year-old killer girl was quite a shock.

"I admire you more! You're way cooler than me. You just took down an entire army!" Mindy patted Su Chen's shoulder and gave him a thumbs-up, embodying a lively teenage girl.

Getting familiar with her, Su Chen started talking more. The previously cold expression on his face began to soften.

"You look so handsome like this."

Mindy, the lively girl, even reached out to pinch his cheek but then hesitated, remembering his cold and ruthless demeanor earlier. She cutely stuck out her tongue and retracted her hand.

"Oh no..."

"I forgot to call my dad."

She suddenly remembered she hadn't contacted her father. In her rush to leave earlier, she had forgotten her phone.

But now, dialing back to her residence, there was no answer for a long time.

"Pick up, pick up..."

Mindy started to get anxious.

Su Chen also frowned, sensing something was wrong.

Half a minute, a minute passed, still no response.

"Not good!"

"My dad might be in trouble."

Mindy's delicate face filled with tension. She quickly grabbed a large-caliber automatic rifle from the wall, slung it over her back, and strapped throwing knives and butterfly knives to the band on her leg.

Su Chen didn't hesitate either and followed her out of the safe house.

Mindy's residence wasn't far from the safe house.

Following an alley, they soon saw a detached villa in the distance.

Mindy agilely climbed over the back wall.

"Someone's been here..."

She quietly walked into her living room, noticing the overturned tables and scattered utensils, indicating a fight had taken place.

"Damn! They took my dad!"

Despite searching every room, Mindy couldn't find Big Daddy Damon.

Moreover, the secret computer hidden in the toolbox was also gone.

Mindy was extremely anxious and quickly found a phone in a drawer.

"To prevent either of us from being captured, my dad and I always carry a micro tracker in our clothes..."

Returning from Central Park and stopping by the safe house had taken some time.

But the intruders tracking the computer's address also needed time to find them.

It was highly likely her dad hadn't been taken too far yet.

Everything could still be salvaged!

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