Chapter 24

Iron Man Tony's House Party Protocol officially commenced!

Through remote operation by AI Jarvis, numerous Mark suits stored at Stark Industries had already been activated.


In an instant, over twenty Iron Man suits soared into the sky, cutting across the landscape, heading directly towards the nuclear explosion site. This lively and grand spectacle was Tony Stark's House Party Protocol, his final curtain call for Su Chen.

"If the target absorbs external energy, then he must be restrained and imprisoned, not given any chance to absorb energy."

"Executing Plan B."

At this moment, the people in the city watched the numerous Iron Man suits flying through the sky, their cheers growing louder. The diverse, colorful suits naturally drew attention, especially since it was the first time Tony showcased these variations to the public.

"Superhero Iron Man...."

Su Chen naturally recognized the golden-red armor flying overhead. When he was younger, he admired superheroes. After all, everyone has a hero in their heart. Ironically, he had now become a supervillain. To deal with him, Iron Man had brought out his trump card.


In an instant, two black-coated Iron Man suits flew in from the left and right, driven by micro-reactors at supersonic speeds, too fast for Su Chen's dynamic vision to track.


A powerful impact, strong enough to shatter the ground, hit Su Chen head-on. He stood unmoved, like a rock against crashing waves. His body, tempered by the nuclear explosion, was impervious to such supersonic impacts.

[Dynamic Vision +10]

[Dynamic Vision +10]


The system continued displaying evolution information. With a cold expression, Su Chen unleashed a surge of telekinetic force, blasting the two attacking Iron Man suits over a hundred meters away.

At this moment, several Iron Man suits landed steadily on the ground before him.

Mark 24 "Heavy Tank."

As the name suggests, the Heavy Tank model was bulky and massive, visually unappealing. Tony designed this heavy combat suit to deal with the Hulk. However, now, to imprison the energy-absorbing Su Chen, he had to bring it out.


The nearly three-meter-tall heavy robots' steps made the ground tremble. Soon, they accelerated towards Su Chen.


Su Chen frowned, sensing an enemy behind him. This seemed to be a new ability from his recent genetic mutation—predicting enemy attacks, a god-like intuition.

[Combat Instinct]

The system displayed it as such. Su Chen understood. As predicted, an Iron Man suit appeared behind him, unnoticed until now.

Mark 15, Sneaky!!

Part of the House Party Protocol, the stealth suit was perfect for assassination, counter-radar, and counter-energy detection.


At that moment, the invisible Sneaky suit hugged Su Chen from behind with its steel arms. Meanwhile, several heavy Iron Man suits reached him, using their bulky arms to pin his arms down.

"Kid, enough is enough."

Iron Man Tony's voice came from the robots. Overhead, more than ten different Mark suits patrolled the sky, making it seem like victory was in their grasp.

To avoid giving Su Chen any energy to absorb, Tony relied on physical restraints, planning to imprison him.

"Is this it?"

Su Chen sneered.


In disbelief, Tony watched as Su Chen gripped a mechanical arm, crushing it effortlessly. He then ripped off the arm of the Heavy Tank robot before him.

"You've got to be kidding me. These junk pieces think they can hold me?"

Unleashing his physical prowess, Su Chen punched forward.


His punch created a sonic boom, shattering the head of the Heavy Tank robot.


With a roar, Su Chen's energy wave blasted the Sneaky suit holding him, sending it flying.

The last Heavy Tank robot activated its thrusters, trying to lift Su Chen off the ground.


With a snort, Su Chen stabilized himself mid-air using telekinesis, then punched the robot's head, shattering it.


An unremarkable punch, seemingly without any combat training, but devastatingly powerful, destroyed the robot.

Tony was stunned.

"Plan B failed. The opponent has an unbreakable physique, and it's unclear how he has so many abilities."

Jarvis's emotionless report deeply affected Tony.


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