Chapter 29


A deafening roar erupted from the monster before him. Just moments ago, the scholarly professor had transformed into a massive, hulking green giant.

The Avengers hadn't formed yet, but SHIELD had been trying to contact this professor for a while. It was pure coincidence that Bruce Banner was nearby. Driven by intense curiosity and SHIELD's guidance, he arrived at the scene.

"The Hulk?"

Su Chen had heard of this monster. The Hulk had evaded General Ross's pursuit for years. Even young Su Chen, and likely everyone else in the world, had heard of the Hulk. But he didn't expect that this monster, who once used a city as his playground and killed countless soldiers, would stand against him now.

To Su Chen, this was absurd. Not only had the authorities falsely branded him an extreme mutant, but now a globally notorious super-criminal was also his enemy. Was he abandoned by the world? Was everyone, good or bad, against him?


The ground trembled with each step the Hulk took. As the massive figure charged forward, Su Chen's face was filled with icy resolve.

"If that's how it is, then you can die too."


Facing the so-called strongest creature on Earth, Su Chen felt no fear. Instead, he was filled with fighting spirit. His confused and unresolved anger boiled his blood.

"Aren't you supposed to be an indestructible monster? Fine, I'll smash you to pieces with my fists!"


He launched himself like a missile towards the Hulk.


When they collided, it was like a meteor hitting the Earth. A terrifying shockwave rippled through the air, creating visible waves.


In the instant of impact, the seemingly unstoppable Hulk was the first to be sent flying.


The survivors were dumbfounded. Even with healing genes implanted, none could hope to last three rounds against the Hulk. His past feats were legendary, costing the military countless lives and billions of dollars to try to capture him.

Now, he was swayed by SHIELD's words and was back, only to be pummeled by Su Chen's heavy fists.


The Hulk roared in defiance. He quickly got up from the rubble, his incredible healing factor leaving no visible injuries. Astonishingly, as the Hulk's rage grew, so did his power.

But Su Chen didn't care. He charged again, relentless and giving no room for the Hulk to breathe. Without any combat technique or training, he simply unleashed his personal fury through his unadorned punches.


Once again, the Hulk was thrown back, crashing through several buildings.

"God, it's the Hulk!"

"Oh my God, why is this monster here!"

The still-evacuating city fell into panic. People feared the Hulk, who had wreaked havoc on cities more than the extreme mutant who had just caused a nuclear explosion. Despite Su Chen's youthful appearance, the Hulk was a terrifying figure, a massive, out-of-control giant who often unleashed his rage on cities. He was a demon in their eyes. Ironically, this demon was now on their side.

Banner wanted a normal life. He believed he could control the Hulk's anger. But under Su Chen's relentless assault, the Hulk's pride was shattered. His uncontainable fury broke through the rational prison Banner had built.

Kill him! I want to kill him!!

Banner's carefully practiced meditation failed. His primary persona could no longer control the Hulk.


The enraged Hulk grew larger and more muscular with every passing second. He crouched, then leaped towards Su Chen with terrifying force.


Su Chen met him head-on, unafraid. This time, the impact sent Su Chen back several meters.


Instead of being angry, Su Chen smiled.

[Body Strength +50]

[Body Power +50]

His system instantly presented the limitless evolution gene information. He didn't fully understand the Hulk's mechanics or the effects of gamma radiation on cells.

But he knew that if his opponent could keep getting stronger, he'd welcome it. Not only would it make him stronger, but having an almost indestructible punching bag to vent his anger on was perfect.

"Let's see which wire is crossed in your brain that made you stand against me."

Su Chen thought he had become a super villain, yet this notorious Hulk attacked him. Fine! If the world was his enemy, he wouldn't hesitate to bury anyone who opposed him.

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