Chapter:-30 I love grapes you know

When Quinn noticed Keith looking at her with a faint smile on his face, the tips of her

ears turned red, but she quickly looked away and said in a low voice, I owe you a favor.

Now, if there's nothing else, I'll be on my way. She turned and left along the same path

they'd just come down.

You shattered Quinn's desire to hide her gratitude. Attribute point plus one. Watching

her retreating figure, Keith smiled and called out, Sergeant Taylor, why don't you come

visit me empty-handed?

Don't forget to bring fruit next time. He chuckled and went on, I love grapes. Quinn

stopped and looked back at Keith, who was grinning from ear to ear.

The blush spread from her ears to her cheeks, and she spun back around and hurried

away down the path. After saying goodbye to his beautiful sergeant, Keith didn't rush

back into the hospital. Earlier, he'd received four attribute points from Blake's incident,

and now he'd acquired one more with Quinn that made five attribute points to distribute

as he wished.

After thinking for a while, he added two points to power, two to dexterity, and one to

stamina. Now his panel looked much better. Power, eleven.

Dexterity, thirteen. Stamina, eleven. His power and stamina were now slightly higher

than the average adult male, and at thirteen points, his dexterity was equal to that of an athlete