Chapter:-105 Dr. Connor's Dirty Plan(1)

People felt as if they'd been infected by his music and could barely go a day without

listening to it. Revenue from their website was transferred into Keith's account every

day. It had more or less stabilized by now at around $200,000 per day.

At the same time, under the push of the two explosive videos, Mastodon suddenly

became popular. Under Keith's instructions, the IT department started buying the rights

to TV shows and podcasts. The website was developing in a good direction.

His success with the site had silenced most of his detractors at Olive Headquarters. In

Olivia's words, if they still thought they could do a better job than Keith, then they could

bring her the numbers to prove it. And in addition to all of that, the meme of Keith

sleeping through the college entrance exams had resurfaced once again, since the test

results were about to be released.

People were eager to see how this shamelessly casual guy had scored. Finally, Keith and

Ari fixed a date to go see a movie. Keith prepared dinner and told Megan and Fran to be

in bed early.

He was getting ready to leave when he glanced out the window and saw a long line of

cars outside. For some reason, it was a traffic jam. He'd been planning to take a taxi, but

from the looks of it, by the time the taxi arrived, the movie would already be over.

After hesitating a moment, Keith smiled and looked at the roof. Meanwhile, Ari was

driving her Skoda slowly toward the movie theater parking lot. She hummed along to the

radio with a faint smile on her lips.

It was clear that she was looking forward to today's date. Suddenly, a motorcycle came

flying out of nowhere. Ari instinctively yanked the steering wheel and the front of the car

veered to the side and hit a Maserati in the next lane.

She jumped out of the car in alarm. When she saw that both cars were only slightly

scratched, she let out a sigh of relief. At that point, four men in bright clothes got out of

the Maserati.

Among them was Dr. Connor, the man who was pursuing Ari and who had challenged

Keith in the hospital cafeteria. But since the news had spread of a police tech

outsmarting him in his own field, Dr. Connor had become a laughing stock. He knew that

he didn't stand a chance and hadn't dared to show his face around her again.

But now, as he saw Ari looking more beautiful than ever and realized that her car had hit

him, his eyes revealed a trait of ruthlessness. A sinister smile crept over his face as he

said, Ari, I didn't expect to see you here. Connor! Dr. Connor! Ari instinctively took two

steps back and her eyes clouded with fear.

Seeing this, Dr. Connor sneered and gave a look to the people behind him. The other men rushed forward, pretending to be shocked by the collision. One of them said, Bro,

your Maserati's worth more than a million.

How did it get hit like this? Another man laughed. Repairing a scratch like that'll cost at

least $100,000. I think I heard the engine blow up too.

You don't think it's broken, do you? If that's the case, it'll be at least $300,000 to fix. Dr.

Connor's friends were clearly setting Ari up. Ari's eyes turned red and she trembled as

she took out her phone to call the insurance company.

But before she could make the call, she was knocked over by Dr. Connor. Her phone

clattered to the floor and broke. Dr. Connor sneered.

Why have you still got such a crappy phone? Did you find some rich hotshot to be your

boyfriend? The collision had attracted a crowd of onlookers. Ari said with red eyes, No,

I'm not dating anyone. No! Dr. Connor yelled angrily.

Then why did you reject me? Ari bit her lower lip and said, Because I don't like you. We

aren't compatible. Why are you still pestering me? Dr. Connor gritted his teeth and said,

I treated you so well.

I even cured your father. And all you can say is that we're not compatible. You've got

some nerve.

Ari snapped. You're a doctor. It's your job to save people.

Yes, you cured my father. And I'm very grateful for it. But I'm also still paying your

medical bills.

Holding that over me isn't fair. You're trying to use it to sleep with me. You bitch! Dr.

Connor roared.

You're right. I do want to sleep with a little slut like you. When he said this, the crowd

burst into an uproar.

How could this doctor be such a scumbag? Seeing everyone pointing at him in

disapproval, Dr. Connor frowned. He looked at his Maserati and sniffed. Fine.

I won't ask you out again. But you've hit my car. You need to give me $300,000 for the


And until you do, I'm not letting you go anywhere. Ari's knees went weak. She was a


She didn't have $300,000. Seeing Dr. Connor and the other three walking towards her,

she stumbled backward and said in a trembling voice, What are you doing? Keith will be here soon. Stop messing around, Keith.

Dr. Connor laughed. You mean that poor bastard from the hospital? I knew you liked him.

So what if he's coming here? Let him.

I'll beat the shit out of him. Ari kept retreating in fear. Suddenly, amongst the crowd, she

noticed the motorcyclist who caused her to veer off the road in the first place.

He was smiling at her coldly. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized that she'd been

tricked. It had all been set up.

She was truly frightened. She wanted to turn around and run. But the four men had

already surrounded her.

Dr. Connor's eyes flashed with a brutal coldness as he said, I'll give you two options.

Either you pay me immediately, or you get in the car with us. I want to ask you why you

would rather have Keith that piece of trash than me.

Ari's face turned pale. She had no idea what to do. There was no way she could get in

the car by herself.She stood her ground and searched the crowd, hoping to see the shadow of the person

she was waiting for. When Dr. Connor saw this, his anger surged and he roared, You

bitch! You're still waiting for Keith? Drag her into the car. His friends jumped forward to

snatch Ari.

Although the crowd was still watching, when they saw the men being so fierce, not a

single one of them dared to intervene. Ari cried out as she struggled violently. Keith,

where are you? Help me.

Dr. Connor was furious and he roared as if he'd lost his mind. Even if this asshole was

here, he couldn't help you. Ari screamed and kicked as the men dragged her towards the


But just as they were about to throw her inside, a strong wind knocked them backward

and the thunder of propellers was heard. The crowd looked up in the sky in shock. Where

did a helicopter come from? After hovering in the air for a while, the helicopter slowly

landed on a patch of lawn.

The hatch opened and a young man jumped down with a smile on his face. Keith? Ari

stared blankly at Keith as he strolled over. It looked like something out of a movie.

Keith's appearance stunned everyone. The bystanders immediately started whispering to

each other. Didn't he say this Keith kid was poor? Damn, what an entrance.

Are you an idiot? How could a poor kid turn up in a helicopter? Oh my God, this guy is so . handsome. Keith took one look at the situation in front of him and without saying a word,

he took three coins from his pocket. A split second later, the three men holding Ari

screamed at the same time.

The coins were lodged into the bones of their hands. They let go of Ari and she threw

herself into Keith's arms. Keith gently patted her shoulder and said softly, You're safe


I'm here. A thousand lines of poetry couldn't compare to those few words. An intense

wave of emotions surged out of Ari's heart and she hugged Keith even tighter.

Her tears spilled over her like a river bursting through a dam. You fulfilled Ari's wish to

be protected. Wish value plus one.

You appeared in time to save Ari from Dr. Cooper. Intimacy plus 30. Current intimacy 80.

Keith's expression was ice cold. From the chattering of the bystanders, he already knew

most of what had happened. He said in a steely voice, I let you go last time.

I thought you learned your lesson and would leave Ari alone. Seems like I was wrong. He

shook his head before going on.

Tell me, where did you get the guts to do such a thing in broad daylight? Keith's sudden

appearance had shocked Dr. Connor out of his imposing manner. When he heard Keith's

words, his body trembled violently and he said, Oh, what did I do? Ari crashed into my

car. It's only right and proper for me to make her pay.

I'd say the same thing to the police. Is that so? Keith looked at the Maserati and sneered.

This car is yours? Dr. Connor replied sternly.

Yes. What about it? Hmm. Keith scoffed.

And how much do you want Ari to pay? Dr. Connor snorted and said, the engine is

damaged. It'll cost $300,000 to repair. Ari, who was still buried in Keith's arms, choked


Oh, I barely swiped it. The engine can't be broken. Dr. Connor said angrily, listen, bitch, if

I say it's broken, then it's broken.

Ari wanted to say something else, but Keith patted her on the shoulder in motion for her

to calm down. He walked to the front of the Maserati and looked at Dr. Connor. Isn't

$300,000 a little cheap? With that, he threw a kick at the car.

Mega strength activated. Current power, 60. There was a muffled bang, and the hood of

the Maserati crumpled inwards.

Under everyone's dumbfounded gazes, Keith yelled, tell me, how much is that worth? Dr.

Connor was stunned. With one kick, Keith smashed in the front of his car. What terrifying


Faced with such power, Dr. Connor trembled all over, and his words died in his throat.

You're not going to answer me? Keith snarled. He aimed another forceful kick at the car.

With a dull crunch, the front of the car was sent reeling. It crashed heavily into the wall.

An explosive sound rang out, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Everyone's hearts began to tremble violently. Was this man a human? He was a

goddamn humanoid beast. Keith coldly looked at Dr. Connor, who was trembling all over.

He took out his phone and made a call. Uh, Ms. Sampson, it's me. I'm sending you my


Bring the company's legal guys over here immediately. On the other end of the phone,

Yvette was slightly stunned, but she was a smart person. She agreed with no questions


Keith looked at Dr. Connor and said coldly, I smashed your car, so now this has nothing

to do with Ari. It's between you and me. Ari looked at Keith with admiration.

This young man occupied almost all of her heart. There was a moment when she

wondered what it would be like to stay by Keith's side forever. You've shattered Dr.

Connor's wish to plot against Ari.

Attribute point plus one. You've resolved Ari's crisis. Intimacy plus 10.

Current intimacy 90. Dr. Connor looked at Keith with fear and unwillingness. He gritted

his teeth and said, Keith, you deliberately destroyed my property.

This car is worth over a million dollars. If you fail to pay back even a single cent, I'll sue

the hell out of you. Is that so? Keith said indifferently.

Don't tell me. Tell Olive Industries lawyers when they get here. Sure enough, in less than

10 minutes, Yvette rushed over with the company's lawyer, Maxine Hargraves.

Maxine was in her 30s and her eyes sparkled with a mature charm. The two of them

made their way through the road. When they saw Keith, they immediately rushed over.

Mr. Sandberg, this is Maxine Hargraves, our top lawyer. Good to meet you, Maxine, Keith

said as he shook the woman's hand. The crowd was stunned.

That's Yvette Sampson from Olive Industries. And she's speaking to this kid like he's her

boss. I thought it was some poor kid from out of town.

Are you stupid? I ain't never seen a poor kid flying a helicopter. After getting a quick

overview of the situation, Maxine made a call. A few minutes later, she hung up and

looked at Dr. Connor, who was still in a daze.

Dr. Connor, she said. It seems that this car isn't yours. It's a hire car.

The crowd gasped in unison. It was rented. The doctor was pretending to be rich by

hiring a fancy car.

But now the real rich people had exposed him. Furthermore, anyone with a brain could

figure out that he'd rented the luxury car to extort money. He'd been trying to scam Ari

out of everything she had.

The crowd looked at Dr. Connor with disdain, and people even started to reprimand him,

accusing the doctor being a fraud. Dr. Connor's expression was so ugly that it was as if

he'd swallowed a fly, he said with a stern and restrained expression. So what if I rented

it? Keith smashed up the car, so he should pay for it.

Maxine said calmly. According to the law, we should indeed pay for the damage to the

vehicle. However, you're suspected of framing Ms. Park and trying to assault and kidnap


There are plenty of witnesses. Our vice CEO's only trying to defend Ms. Park and

wrecking your car was a reasonable means of ensuring you couldn't commit your

intended crimes. What? Everyone, including Keith, was dumbfounded.

Lawyers were lawyers, intelligent and eloquent. Maxine's words reframed the matter as

an attempted kidnapping, making Keith the hero who'd save the damsel in distress.

Seeing Dr. Connor's jaw drop open in disbelief, Maxine delivered the final blow.

I'll take the CCTV footage and make a statement to the authorities, and we can let them

make the final judgment. But before that, I think the car hire company will be looking for

you, Dr. Connor. After all, you rented the car, not us.

There was another audible gasp from the crowd. After submitting the surveillance

footage and making statements, they would have to wait for an investigation and a court

judgment. The whole process could take months.

And even if this Connor guy could afford all that, if he lost the case, not only would he

not get a single cent, he might even be sentenced. What's more, during the investigation

period, the car rental company would probably knock at his door every day. If such a

thing happened, as a doctor, his reputation would be ruined.

Dr. Connor's entire body went limp, and his face was deathly pale. This time, he was

completely defeated. You've fulfilled Ari's wish to settle this matter.