Chapter:-107 New System Character Mia

mansion and jumped in surprise. Olivia, who should have been asleep a long time ago,

was sitting in the living room.

She seemed to be in a daze. Keith asked curiously, Mistress, were you waiting for me?

Ah, you're back. Olivia came back to her senses and said, somewhat reproachfully, Why

are you so late? Keith answered honestly, I went to watch a movie with a friend.

Friend? Which girl is it? Seeing Keith rub his nose, Olivia knew she'd guessed correctly.

She sniffed elegantly, then suddenly looked at Keith with a complicated expression and

asked, Are you hungry? Huh? Keith was confused. He'd just used his new spaced control

skill and was indeed a little hungry.

But why was Olivia suddenly asking? After hesitating for a moment, he said, You can't

sleep when you're hungry? Okay, I'll get you something to eat. Oh, wait a minute, Olivia

said seriously. Sit down.

I'll make you something. You're going to cook for me? Keith looked at her in surprise. He

didn't expect the young CEO would know how to cook.

Seeing her serious look, he suddenly laughed and said, Okay, thank you very much.

Olivia nodded her head and walked towards the kitchen. Keith frowned slightly.

Her eyes were slightly red, and it seemed like she'd been crying. Knowing what he did

about Olivia, if the sky wasn't falling, she wouldn't cry. Could it be that something

happened to the old man? Keith wondered to himself.

His eyes involuntarily looked in the direction of Mr. Strauss mansion. After a while, the

food was ready. Keith looked at the bowl in front of him.

He didn't know what it was. But he looked at Olivia with amusement. Olivia's face was

slightly red.

She turned her head and snorted. If you don't want to eat, then forget it. I won't force


Keith wondered if he would be poisoned to death if he ate it. He muttered a little, but the

dish had been personally made for him by Olivia. He saw her looking at him with some

anticipation, and so he forced himself to take a bite.

He carefully picked up the half black and half red piece of meat. The moment it entered

his mouth, he paused for a moment and then revealed a satisfied expression. It tastes

pretty good.

Mr. Strauss, you should eat some too. Really? Olivia gave a small smile. You fulfilled

Olivia's wish to eat her food.

Wish value plus one. Current progress four of ten. Keith chuckled and held out another

mouthful with his fork.

Here, you can try it too. Olivia's face turned red. Keith had just used that fork.

Wasn't that almost equivalent to an indirect kiss? But after a moment of hesitation, she

opened her mouth and gingerly ate the meat. As soon as the food touched her tongue,

she felt dizzy and immediately spat it back out. Keith couldn't help but laugh.

Mr. Strauss, your cooking is lethal. You lied to me? Olivia glared angrily at Keith, but

seeing his grin, she couldn't help but break out into a smile. She sighed lightly and said,

Am I really that useless? I can't even cook a simple stew.

Keith smiled faintly and said, No, it just needs some seasoning. Wait a minute. As he

spoke, he turned and walked into the kitchen.

He took out some bottles and jars, salt, garlic powder, pepper, and other seasonings.

Keith casually put some of each seasoning in and stirred them around. He smiled and

said, Do you want to try again? Seeing that Keith was serious, she nodded slightly and

tasted another spoonful.

It was a little sweet when it entered her mouth, but soon a delicious, savory taste spread

over her taste buds. It was a special kind of flavor, as if the warmth had entered her

heart and made it melt. She looked at Keith blankly and said in surprise, How did you do

that? Keith smiled and said, That might look a mess, but as long as some seasoning is

added, it can be delicious.

It's sweet and savory, just like life. What do you think? Olivia heard the meaning behind

his words, and her eyes turned a little misty. She looked at Keith, and her voice trembled


Life can be hard. Usually, things change people, but it's more difficult for people to

change things. Keith, let's get a divorce.

Keith was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything. He just stared at the

beautiful woman in front of him. In the past, he thought that the most beautiful girl he'd

ever met was Christina, but when he saw Olivia, he realized how naive he'd been.

He knew that it was his honor and fortune to have such a wife, but at that moment, two

tears quietly slid down Olivia's exquisite face. Her desolate and sorrowful expression

made Keith's heart palpitate with beauty and agony. He stared at her, and Olivia stared


Her eyes were filled with reluctance, helplessness, and a trace of despair hidden within.

Sighing lightly, Keith smiled and said, It seems like I've no place in your heart. Olivia's face became even more desolate when she heard this.

She shook her head and said, Don't say that. I can't tell you the reason, but it's best for

both of us if we separate. You're still my vice CEO, but from now on, we... we... Olivia's

voice choked up, and tears kept flowing down her face.

Keith handed her some tissues and smiled. Actually, even if he didn't say it, I would have

guessed. Is there someone else? If it makes you so sad, they must be very important to


Olivia felt like her heart was being stabbed by a knife, but she didn't know how to

explain it. She just bit her lower lip and tried to stop her tears. Keith's judgment couldn't

be wrong.

Olivia's intimacy level had reached 80. That was almost love. Her tears were proof of the

weight in her heart.

There must be a reason why she said she wanted a divorce. Keith sighed again and

walked to her side. He looked at Olivia seriously and said, Do you trust me? If you trust

me, then tell me what happened.

There's no hurdle that can't be crossed in this world. I'll take care of everything. Through

the haze of tears, Olivia saw the young man's firm gaze.

Yes, she thought to herself, he's the man who's created miracles time and time again.

He's the man who will stay calm even as the sky is falling. He's still my husband.

Keith, she murmured. With a sorrowful cry, she dropped all her reservations and

persistence and hugged Keith tightly. She choked with sobs.

Mom said that she was going on a trip this morning, but I know from the day you saved

her she liked you. She doesn't want to face me. She doesn't want to face us.

I don't want to make mom sad, but I also don't want to lose you. What should I do? What

should I do? As Olivia sobbed, Keith let out a long sigh. It was exactly as he'd guessed.

Other than old Mr. Strauss, the only person who could make a person like Olivia so upset

was her mother, Mia. System has detected that Olivia currently has a strong desire. She

hopes that you can bring Mia back.

A wish mission has been released for a new system connection character. Convince Mia

to change her mind within three days and persuade her to come back. Mission success

reward all attributes plus 10.

Your success will increase your favorability with the Strauss family and you will officially

become one of the core members of the family. Mia will become the system connection character. Mission failure penalty.

Olivia's intimacy will reduce by 50. The identity of the system connection character will

be removed and host's skill will also be randomly deducted. Host can choose if he wants

to accept the mission.

When Keith heard this, he sucked in a breath. Both the reward and the punishment of

this mission had high stakes. It was like heaven and hell.

Holding Olivia in his arms, Keith took a deep breath and whispered in her ear. This isn't

like you. Keep your spirits up.

I'll bring her back. Olivia's whole body shook as she looked up at Keith. The confidence

and gentleness in his eyes seemed to melt her heart.

Host has chosen to accept this mission. You've made an agreement with Olivia. Intimacy

plus 10.

Current intimacy 90. Keith smiled and patted her shoulder. It's late.

Don't you need to work tomorrow? Go and get some sleep. Olivia straightened up and

wiped her tears away. I think mom's gone to New York.

There's an old classmate of hers there. Keith, you know that my dad hasn't been around

for a long time. Mom has never remarried for the family and me.

I only hope that she'll come back. Nothing else matters. Keith looked at her in surprise.

He suddenly smiled and said, You're a good woman, Olivia. Before I go, is there anything

else you want to tell me? Anything else? Olivia looked at Keith in confusion. She saw a

strange smile on the young man's face.

He seemed to have thought of something and blushed. She bit her lower lip and

hesitated for a while. Then she whispered, You're still my husband.

Take care. Be careful on the way. Keith couldn't help but laugh when he heard her.

Did he ask her to call him her husband? 90 intimacy points was powerful. Even this

elegant and cold CEO was shyly calling him husband. But the way she said it was so soft

that it made his heart beat nonstop.

Keith squeezed Olivia's hand and said, All right, take care of yourself while I'm away. I'll

see you soon. He only had three days.

Time was of the essence. So he didn't waste any more. He turned and left the mansion.

As Olivia watched him go, she suddenly thought of something. She said loudly, Keith, . when mother's in a bad mood, she likes to go to the Catskills Diamond Spa. Keith, who

was at the door, waved his hand and disappeared into the darkness.

Later that night, Daria was still live streaming when suddenly the door opened. Whoa,

what a uproar. Daria said in surprise, Keith, why are you back? Keith.

This was the first time Keith had shown his face on camera. The comments seemed to go

crazy. Oh, my great God.

Keith is so pretty. Wow. Wow.

Wow. Keith looks amazing. Damn, Mom, I'm in love.

If Keith puts a dress on, I'll immediately send 10 rockets. The fan who'd set up the

account called Keith forever immediately started sending rockets. He sent 30 in one go

as though money were no object.

Keith, I want to marry you. Daria smiled happily. Keith didn't care about the comments.

Instead, he said to Daria, Daria, can you take me to New York? Daria asked in surprise,

New York now? Yes, I have something to do. I need to sleep in the car for a while. Daria

nodded when she saw how serious Keith was.

OK, let me get ready. After saying that, she apologized to the audience and quickly

began to change her clothes and prepare to leave. Keith patted his sister awake and

said, Megan, I'm going on a long trip.

I've transferred ten thousand dollars to you. Take care of yourself in France. Megan

waved her hand in the days and said, got it.

Close the door. I'm going back to sleep. You ungrateful brat to think that your elder

brother loves you so much.

Keith rolled his eyes, then smiled and shook his head. A while later, Daria was excitedly

driving the BMW down the freeway. She giggled and said, running off to New York so late

at night.

I'm guessing this is all for your beautiful friend. Keith smiled slightly and said, sort of, but

not the beautiful friend you're thinking of. What nonsense? Daria pouted and suddenly

asked curiously, then between this beautiful friend and me, which of us is more

beautiful? Keith was stunned when he heard that.

After looking at Daria, he said seriously, I'd say you're about even. If she was ten years

younger, she'd be prettier than you. That pretty, huh? Daria snorted in dissatisfaction,

but she was still curious about what this person looked like.