Chapter:-109 Grant

Is he even human? How much strength does he have? Keith was already used to this

kind of attention. He smiled and said, well, do you submit? The muscular man's strength

wasn't fake. He tensed the muscles in his waist and lifted his upper body out of the


He spat out a few mouthfuls of milky water and shouted loudly, you tricked me. You're

cheating. I see the muscles in your brain aren't as well developed as the rest of you.

Keith chuckled. He flexed his arm again and flung the man into the air. The muscular

man ascended 15 feet, then fell down with a scream.

Just as he was about to hit the water, he suddenly stopped. Turned out that Keith had

grabbed his calf again. He asked with a faint smile.

Are you convinced I'm not cheating yet? Yes. Don't throw me again. I believe you.

Keith smiled and turned the man over so that he could stand on his own two feet. The

scene was silent as the same thought appeared in everyone's mind. This kid was born

with extraordinary strength.

The girls around the pool were all beaming with joy. This guy is so amazing. Wow.

I feel so safe. Mia stared blankly at Keith's back as if she could see another person's

shadow in this young man. You've shattered the wish of the muscular man to hit on Mia.

Attribute point plus one. You've fulfilled the wish of the girls for you to win. Wish value

plus one.

The muscular man took a few deep breaths and suddenly said seriously, young man,

may I ask what technique you use to flip me over just now? Keith was surprised and

asked, well, what do you ask? The brawny man became energetic when he heard that.

He said respectfully, I'm Grant Hartley, the founder of Hartley's gyms. Are you taking on

any students? Huh? Everyone widened their eyes and gasped Hartley's gym.

That's the biggest chain of gyms in the country. There are hundreds of branches. I didn't

realize this muscle man was a legendary Grant Hartley.

Thinking of this, they all looked at Keith in the same time with disbelief in their eyes. This

pretty boy took care of Grant Hartley in just a few moves. Could he be some rare martial

arts genius? Keith had heard of the gym too, and he looked at the man in front of him in


He hesitated for a second and said, give me your phone number. I'll call you when I have

time. Grant was overjoyed when he heard that.

Maybe others didn't know Keith's strength, but he knew very well that even the national champion couldn't have beaten him in only one move. He was fortunate enough to have

met some of the masters of his time. They were all on a completely different level.

No matter how much money he had, in the eyes of those people, he was nothing. And

the strength and skill shown by the young man in front of him was almost on the same

level as the grandmasters he'd met. This young man must have learned from a master, a

master that had never appeared in the world.

Thinking this through, Grant became even more respectful. Here's my number, he said,

and handed Keith a card. It's my good fortune to meet someone like you.

I'll pay your bill while you're here at the resort. Everyone widened their eyes. Grant's

attitude had changed too quickly.

He was a big boss, but he stood there as respectfully as a waiter. Keith frowned slightly

and said with his eyebrows furrowed, no need. I said I'd call you if I get time.

You've shattered Grant's wish to get close to you. Attribute point plus one. Grant smiled

coyly when he heard that.

All right, then I'll leave you to it. You must contact me. As the robust figure walked away,

Keith turned his head to look at Mia.

When he saw her face, he was slightly stunned. Mia's cheeks were red and there was a

blurred look in her eyes. Mia's body softly leaned against the green stone beside the


You, but before Keith could say finish, Mia's whole body went soft. He hurriedly ran over

to support her, only to find that she had no strength left at all. Keith had obtained the

traditional Chinese medicine skill, and he calmly checked her pulse and frowned.

Mia had been in the hot spring for too long. Her blood was rushing straight to her head. If

he didn't act soon, she might be in danger.

In his panic, Keith slapped a few of her acupuncture points. Mia, who was in his arms,

gasped lightly and her breathing calmed down. Seeing this, Keith let out a sigh of relief.

The crowd was still watching, and their eyes nearly popped out of their heads. This

young guy knew how to treat illnesses, too? Ignoring their gazes, Keith carried Mia in his

arms and slowly disappeared down the path. But when he passed by a flowerbed, he

suddenly felt something.

He looked over and saw two men looking at him. They saw Keith looking over and

hurriedly pretended to be chatting as they walked away. A trace of doubt appeared in

Keith's eyes very quickly.

A few members of staff rushed over to help. They helped Keith take Mia back to her

suite, and then he left to go back to his own room. He was thinking about something in

the elevator when a middle-aged man beside him suddenly said, Young man, everyone

likes beautiful women, but there are some women that you can't touch.

If you meddle in other people's business, I'm afraid you'll get yourself into trouble. Huh?

Keith turned his head to look at the man who had spoken. The man was dressed

casually, but he was handsome and looked to be in his thirties.

He had the charm of a mature man. He said indifferently, What? If you have something

to say, say it clearly. The handsome man smiled and said, If you speak too clearly, you'll

look stupid.

From the looks of it, you're a smart person. There's no need for me to say any more,

right? That's all I have to say. You take care of yourself.

He looked at Keith indifferently and calmly walked out of the elevator, but within a few

steps, a strong force suddenly came from behind him and pulled him back into the

elevator. With a bang, he crashed into the wall. Keith said lightly, If you have something

to say, say it clearly.

Why are you speaking to me in riddles? The handsome man felt sore all over after being

smashed against the wall. He said angrily, You dare to attack me? Keith said lightly, If I

wanted to attack you, you'd already be dead. Tell me what you meant, and then you can


The handsome man harumphed and said, Fine. Since you asked, I'll tell you. The woman

you were holding just now is one of the higher-ups at Olive Industries.

She's a straws. If you don't want to play with fire, then don't get close to her. Oh? Do you

know her well? Keith said indifferently, And who are you? The handsome man sneered.

I'm her classmate, her best friend, and the owner of two companies. A person like you

who relies on brute force and good looks is on a completely different level from us. Keith

said faintly, You're right.

I'm not on the same level as you. I'm used to being undisciplined. I'll do whatever I want.

I'll get close to whoever I want. You better keep your mouth shut. Also, I'm warning you,

don't provoke me because you can't afford to offend me.

As he said this, a cold aura spread out from his body. Under Keith's gaze, the handsome

man felt as if he was in an ice cellar. His body couldn't help but tremble, and he couldn't

say another word.

Keith laughed when he saw this and thought to himself, Just now he acted so pretentiously. I thought he was some amazing person. He let the man go and said, That's


Then walked out of the elevator without sparing the man another glance. You've

shattered Mia's friend's wish to act cool in front of you. Attribute point plus one.

In the elevator, the handsome man's face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Keith's

back with hatred. He gritted his teeth and took out his phone to make a call. A moment

later, Keith was back in his room.

After sorting out his thoughts, he found that the situation was getting more and more

complicated. Mia's health wasn't bad. Even if she'd been bathing in the hot spring for a

long time, it seemed highly unlikely that she would faint like that.

Even her blood flow had felt a little unstable. Could it be that someone drugged her?

Keith frowned to himself. After thinking for a moment longer, he suddenly remembered a

detail that might be a clue.

He wasn't sure, so he could only take one step at a time. He had a feeling someone had

been waiting for Mia to leave the pool. Thinking back to the men he'd seen on the path,

he suddenly felt like there was an invisible hand closing in on the Strauss family.

Keith decided to add his three new attribute points to his power score and left the room.

He'd barely eaten anything since last night, and he decided to find some food. Night fell.

Mia, who was in the VIP suite, slowly woke up. When she thought of all the things that

had happened earlier, her face turned red. She had been a little dizzy and confused, but

she hadn't completely lost consciousness.

She vaguely remembered that it was the young man who had carried her back to her

room. Her husband had passed away more than ten years ago, and this was the first

time that another man had held her since then. If only it was him... Mia sighed.

What nonsense am I thinking? She thought of Keith, the young man who'd played such

beautiful music on the brink of death, and saved her. The memory felt bittersweet. She

sighed and shook her head.

Then she got up and started to change her clothes. As night fell, Mia parked her red

Jaguar outside the entrance to a restaurant.