It's been six months since Kushina officially became an academy student and 7 months since she's become a Konoha citizen. During these times, Kushina has been focused on her training. Increasing her mastery of her chakra natures and learning new elemental releases. Because of her godly chakra control, she's able to delve deeper into Space-Time Ninjutsu.  

She no longer needs to rely on the power of her RinneSharingan to create portals. Also she learned the Flying Thunder God jutsu, it only took her a day to master it to her satisfaction. During this time Kushina has been spending a lot of time with Mito, whether it's about fuinjutsu, taking a stroll around the village or just being in each other's presence. Mito knows Kushina is far above what the academy could teach her, so she didn't mind Kushina skipping classes and sending a clone to take her place. They've grown very close, close enough to where Mito informed Kushina about her jinchuuriki status. 

Mito wasn't surprised when Kushina revealed she had already known about the Nine-Tails sealed inside of the older Uzumaki woman. There was no way Kushina could miss Kurama's chakra signature with her insane sensory abilities. It was flat out impossible even if Mito isn't using the fox's chakra. 

Kushina also continued growing closer with Tsunade and Nawaki. Thanks to Kushina's training Nawaki is as strong as a mid-level Chunin, if it wasn't for Nawaki's team being frequently called on missions. He would be high-level Chunin by now in strength. Kushina suspects he's going to be promoted soon. 

As for Tsunade, so far she's been called back to the war once and was only away for a month. This means the war hasn't reached a point where Tsunade is required to be for long periods of time. It also meant that Kushina had a lot of time to help Tsunade, she always wondered why Tsunade never utilized elemental ninjutsu in the original series. Especially considering Tsunade has mastery over 4 out of the 5 basic chakra natures. But then again, why waste time using elemental ninjutsu when you have the power to destroy an enemy in one punch?  Still, Kushina did force Tsunade to start using elemental ninjutsu in their spars. 

What Kushina mainly focused on with Tsunade is increasing the blonde woman's already insane natural physical strength and speed. So she forced Tsunade to train under gravity seals and taught her Soru of the Rokushiki.

Her current goal is to make Tsunade a greater physical monster than the Third Raikage. 

Once Kushina teaches Tsunade how to use Armament Haki, Jiraiya might die the next time he pisses off Tsunade.

Speaking of Jiraiya, Kushina hung out with him the few times she's seen him. Sometimes he gives her small tips here and there about the shinobi lifestyle.

Oh and she finally met Orochimaru as well, she's actually supposed to meet him up with Tsunade later on today. Apparently, Orochimaru is going to be leaving for the battlefield for a couple months. 

"Guy sure likes you Kushina-san." Fina said to the younger girl with a soft smile. 

Yes, a couple months ago Might Guy was born to the world.

"You think so?" Kushina asked as she was holding baby Might Guy in her arms. 

She was visiting her two friends Duy and Fina, ever since Guy was born Kushina often comes to visit him about two times a week. Even though she's made friends in the academy, as weird as it may be from an outsider's perspective, Duy is still Kushina's closest friend. Over time their friendship has only grown stronger. 

"Oh without a doubt, Guy always gets excited when you visit. You do often spoil him." Fina replied.

Fina is a brunette woman with light brown eyes and a fair skin complexion. She's a civilian woman who wasn't cut to be a ninja. Fina had met her husband when she caught sight of him being bullied by a group of Genin. Once the Genin left, she went over to check on Duy and from that point on they developed a friendship which eventually turned into Duy asking Fina to marry him. 

"It's because he senses the passionate energy of youth that Kushina emits!" Duy voiced his opinion.

"Duy, what did I tell you about yelling so loud close to Guy?" Kushina narrowed her eyes in his direction.

"U-Uhhh right sorry." Duy awkwardly apologized.

Kushina shook her head while Fina laughed. 

After nearly two hours, Kushina felt it was time for her to depart. 

"Here you guys go, this should help you guys out a lot with the supplies and food you need for Guy." Kushina gave them an envelope full of money. Growing up, she raided a lot of bandit camps and stole from many rogue shinobi in the Elemental Nations. So outside of having access to the Uzumaki and Senju funds, Kushina has lots of funds of her own. 

"Kushina…you know you don't have to keep doing this." Duy said. He wasn't the most comfortable taking money from his friend because of his own failures. 

"He's right, we do greatly appreciate everything you do for us Kushina-san but this…seems a bit much." Fina added to her husband's words. 

This isn't the first time Kushina has helped them out by giving them an envelope full of money. 

"And I keep telling you two to not worry about it, the money I give you is not hurting me in any way. Also now that Duy can properly utilize the Eight Inner Gates, we can get him promoted which will allow him to take missions that provide higher pay than Genin missions. Duy's situation is even worse since in the reserves and barely gets called for missions. So please shut up and accept the money, I will not stand by and watch my two friends struggle. Plus it was the idea of both of you to make me little Guy's godmother. So it's my responsibility as his godmother to help take care of my godson. This is the consequence of your decision ya know." Kushina said as Fina accepted the envelope.

Fina sighed. "You're such a stubborn child Kushina-san."

"I'm an Uzumaki my sweet Fina-chan, it's in my blood to be stubborn." Kushina grinned.

Duy made a decision that he's been thinking about for awhile now. "Kushina, tomorrow morning meet me at my usual training spot." He said in a serious tone. 

"Hmmm? Alright no problem." Kushina shrugged. 

After holding her godson for another few minutes, the young Chakra Goddess went to go meet up Tsunade.