"Damn Mito, you were still beautiful in your elderly years and I saw pictures from your prime years. But wow those pictures weren't enough to give you your proper justice. It's no wonder Hashirama made you his wife, you're a very sexy woman!" Kushina praised the now younger Mito. 

"Oh hush you foolish child." Mito blushed with a bright smile on her face. She was checking herself out in the mirror, no more wrinkles and maroon colored hair. Her skin looks vibrant and her once beautiful, bright red hair has returned. The long length of her hair did remain, however she has no issues with it. She's grown to appreciate her long hair in her older years so she plans on keeping it. 

Even though she's seeing it with her own eyes, Mito can't believe she's really young again! 

"I'm being honest, you now only look a couple years older than Tsuna." Kushina noted Mito's figure was more like a milf's body. Her breasts are smaller than Tsunade's but bigger than what Kushina expected. "Do you feel comfortable still being called grandma?"

"Of course, I've been a grandmother for more than 20 years. Being young again won't change that." Mito acknowledged with pride. 

Kushina nodded. "Well if you are done checking yourself out, we should let Kurama out now."

"Yes, you are right. I can feel the fox's excitement and impatience." Mito giggled. 

'Sorry Hashirama but the next time you meet Mito, it won't be as husband and wife.' Kushina thought before opening a portal using Yomotsu Hirasaka.

They walked through the black tear in space and arrived in some kind of rainforest. Kushina did not sense any animals within the range of her Observation Haki or Kagura Shingan. She triple checked with her Byakugan.

"What a beautiful forest." Mito commented.

"Heh, maybe we should come back here to explore it one day. We can bring Tsunade and Nawaki with us." Kushina suggested. 

"I wouldn't mind." Mito smiled softly.

"Anyways, let's free the grumpy Kurama. I'll provide you with chakra as you undo the seal." Kushina said.

Mito nodded, she covered the fingertips of her right hand in chakra, then slammed her chakra covered fingers onto her seal. She twisted her hand counterclockwise, which completely opened her seal.

Kushina had her hand on Mito's back as she flooded Mito's body with chakra. 

The older woman was mind blown by the amount of chakra Kushina was giving her. The amount of chakra Kushina is causally passing onto her, as if the amount itself was insignificant, is nearly 4x the chakra leaving her body. Not even Hashirama himself had this much chakra. 

'To think she can effortlessly give away such a massive amount of chakra without consequence. Does her chakra reserves even surpass that of Nine-Tails? How terrifying.' Mito thought. 

Mito's body was shrouded in the jinchuuriki version 1 chakra cloak with 9 chakra fox tails. Red tailed beast chakra traveled out of her seal as a red chakra avatar of Kurama's head formed over Mito's body, roaring loudly. Seconds later the chakra surged toward the sky, Kurama's full body was released out of the seal, the ground shook and cratered a bit when the fox landed on its feet. 

Kurama's eyes were glowing red as it arched backwards to unleash an ever louder and fiercer roar. A thick strand of bijuu chakra is still connecting the fox and Mito for a moment before the red chakra surrounding Mito had dissipated. 

Mito sighed in relief, during the entire process she didn't feel any discomfort or moments of weakness. She still feel full of chakra and strong vitality, also she can sense and feel Kurama's chakra is still sealed within her body. All she has to do is call upon it and it will respond like her own chakra. 

"How do you feel?" Kushina asked her.

"….Stronger…much..much stronger…" Mito answered.

"Good, you're gonna have to keep growing stronger because this isn't enough against the Otsutsuki Clan." Kushina said.

Mito nodded, she was well aware of the situation.

"And what about you Kurama?" Kushina asked the fox.

"Hmph, it's nice to finally no longer be restrained in that prison. I still don't like humans, however you did not deceive me and  kept your word. You've earned my gratitude and a hint of my respect Kushina. Now, this is where we part ways." Kurama began to leave.

"Hey! Just in case you get lonely, you can contact either me or Mito telepathically even though we are in different dimensions! Mito may not be your jinchuuriki anymore but I made it so you two are still connected through your chakra. And no she cannot draw chakra from you directly before you start complaining! That's why I had you leave all of your chakra with her in the first place. I linked you with my chakra for us to communicate and you can see through my senses to see what's going on back in our dimension! Bye for now Kurama! GURARARARARA!" Kushina waved at the giant fox as her loud and odd laugh echoed loudly in the rainforest. 

Kurama nearly tripped on its legs when it heard her words. 'Guess I'm not as free as I thought, stupid brat.' Kurama internally grumbled, not looking back or acknowledging Kushina's horrifying words.

Mito laughed at her adoptive granddaughter's antics. She too waved bye to Kurama. "See you Kurama-san!"

Of course the fox ignored her as well. 

Both Uzumakis watched Kurama's form disappear deeper into the rainforest, the sounds of its footsteps growing more faint by the step. 

"Do you really believe we will see Kurama again, Kushina? Its hatred for humans is genuine and not unwarranted." Mito asked.

"Without a doubt, I'm gonna annoy the hell out of it by randomly dropping by to visit. It may be in denial now, but me and Kurama are going to become great friends. I already took a great step by earning its respect. This entire situation is a win for Kurama, a win for you, a win for Konoha and a win for myself." Kushina replied confidently.

"Speaking of Konoha…I'll have to explain the entire situation to the Hokage. This changes quite a lot." Mito said.

Unknown to the shinobi world, Kushina has once again boosted Konoha's military strength. The legendary Mito Uzumaki has not only returned to her prime but is stronger than ever.

The future Hokage takes great care of her village.