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-Seraphina "Seraph" Valen-


[Feranmut: Black King]

[CLASS-Aetheric Guard, LVL 56-420,000/450,000]


Pact Bearer: +10 Constitution, +5 Wisdom; Enhanced resilience, Insight into draconic lore; Dragon-related missions and hidden lore quests.

Voice's Acknowledgment: +5 Intelligence, +5 Charisma; Ability to communicate with the Voice of the World, foresight into global events; Ancient secrets quests.]

[Sanity: 66/80] +2 from rest cycle

[Attributes: STR:130, DEX:120, CON:125, INT:145, WIS:135, CHA/LUCK:128]

[NEW PARAMETER; Armour Rating: 65/C-]

[Vital Stats: Vitality: 3400/3400, Magiclues: 2700/2700, Stamina: 1900/1900]



- Titan Strength: Provides a constant boost to physical strength, allowing Seraph to perform feats of immense power.

- Sankta's Grace: Enhances agility and reflexes, granting Seraph fluid and precise movements in combat.

[NEW SKILL ACQUISITION] Empathy: allows them to feel other Sankta's emotions when coming close to each other.

- Dragon Resilience: Grants natural resistance to physical and magical damage, making her exceptionally durable.

- Aetheric Vision/Sense: Allows Seraph to perceive energy flow, magical auras, unnatural items/phenomena and aiding in tactical decisions.


- Drone Deployment (Grade 3): Deploys a drone that can scan the area, attack enemies, or provide minimal medical support to allies 30 seconds.

 - Cooldown: 45 seconds, 150 Magicules

- Aetheric Shield (Grade 2): Creates a protective barrier of aetheric energy that absorbs incoming damage and increases resistance to debuffs for 15 seconds.

 - Cooldown: 35 seconds, 135 Magicules / 50 stamina

- Sankta's Dash (Grade 1): Utilizes angelic energy to perform a rapid dash, evading attacks and repositioning strategically and grants temporary invincibility during the dash and increases movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds.

 - Cooldown: 20 seconds, 175 Stamina

Advanced Skills:

- Eclipsing Overcharge (Grade 4): Overcharges "Phantom Requiem" with aetheric energy, causing her next shot to pierce through enemies and obstacles.

 - Cooldown: 40 seconds, 215 Magicules/ 105 Stamina 

- Sankta's Fury (Grade 5): Deals continuous damage in a straight line in front of Seraph for a short duration.

 - Cooldown: 30 seconds, 30 Magicules per second/ 10 Stamina per second

- Aetheric Ascendancy (Grade 6): Fully taps into her Titan, Sankta, and Dragon heritage, dramatically enhancing her abilities, Temporarily increases all attributes by 50%, grants limited flight, and enhances all skills for 20 seconds.

 - Cooldown: 7 minutes

 - Sanity Cost: Reduces sanity by 20]

[Resistances and Nullifications :

- Physical Damage: High resistance due to Titan strength and Dragon resilience.

- Magical Damage: Moderate resistance, enhanced by Sankta and Dragon traits.

- Elemental Damage: Moderate resistance to Fire, Ice, and Lightning due to Dragon heritage.

- Ailments: Complete immunity due to Dragon's robust lifeforce.

- Fear: Immune to fear effects due to Sankta's grace and Titan's indomitable will.]

[Elemental Affinities:

[Fire][Lightning][Light/Aetheric: Can manipulate energy, two-faced and can harm if not used carefully.]

[Curse of the Black Pact: Accepting the pact with the Black Dragon King bestowed immense power, gradual deterioration of sanity over time, resulting in increased susceptibility to fits of rage and insanity.

Sanity Restoration: Requires periodic meditation or use of rare, calming elixirs to maintain sanity.]


[ERROR! eRR07!]

Above Seraphina's head, a faint, pure white glow begins to form, swirling into a radiant, physical halo. As the halo solidifies, the room's atmosphere electrifies. The air crackles with energy, and a harmonious hum resonates from the halo. The light pulses rhythmically, growing stronger with each beat, syncing with Seraphina's heartbeat and sending ripples of luminescence across the room.

Despite the system's persistent warnings and the growing intensity of the halo's light, Seraphina remained in her deep slumber, her features serene and undisturbed. The halo, now a solid ring of radiant energy, hovered above her head, its presence both awe-inspiring and formidable. The light enveloped her, creating a cocoon of brilliance that hinted at the immense power lying dormant within her.

As the halo reached its full intensity, it became clear that Seraphina's new racial change was not merely a transition from sleep but a transformation. The radiant glow that now surrounded her symbolized a new chapter, one that would unleash her latent abilities and elevate her to heights of power previously unimagined. In the quiet of her quarters, amidst the flicker of holographic displays and the hum of machinery, Seraphina's true potential began to stir, ready to be awakened, alas if only she were awake.

"Mmm 10 more minutes mom...just 10.." Seraph mumbled as she was still fast asleep, one foot dangling by bed. 

[What fool would sleep through such troublesome matters...sigh..the thing i do as your creator.]