Ronan sighed. "Wow, way to expose me there, friend. But okay, yeah, I might have a few speeding tickets to my name. But I'm always careful, and besides, my dad's influence helps keep me out of trouble. It's a perk of being a senator's son, you know."

Lia shook her head, still amused by his nonchalant attitude towards speeding. "Right, a 'perk.' More like a privilege. But I suppose when you're the son of a senator, rules don't apply to you."

"Okay drive "I said grumpily.

Ronan chuckled and started the Mustang's engine, revving it for effect. "As you wish, my grumpy princess. Here we go!"

He shifted into gear and sped off, weaving through the traffic like a pro.

Lia held on for dear life, gripping the door handle tightly. "Easy there, speed demon! I don't want to arrive at campus with a heart attack!"

Ronan chuckled at her fear, enjoying the thrill of his driving. "Don't worry, I got this. I'm a master of the road. We'll be at campus in no time, and you'll be perfectly alive, even if a bit carsick."

Lia rolled her eyes, not entirely convinced. "Great, that's reassuring. How about you slow down a bit? We don't need to break the speed record just to get to uni."

Ronan smirked, clearly enjoying the thrill of the speed. "Come on, live a little. Where's your sense of adventure? We're young, we're reckless, and I've got a Mustang to show off. Enjoy it, grumpy."

Lia chuckled nervously, still holding on for dear life. "Adventurous? More like suicidal. And your Mustang can show off at a more reasonable speed, thank you very much. Just slow down a little, for my sanity's sake."

Ronan chuckled again but relented slightly, easing off the gas pedal. "Fine, fine, I'll slow down a bit. But only because I don't want you puking in my car. That'd be a shame, you know. My precious Mustang deserves better than that."

Lia let out a sigh of relief, albeit a nervous one. "Yes, let's avoid that. Your precious Mustang would be traumatized for life, and I'd rather not spend the rest of our drive smelling like vomit."

Ronan chuckled at her exaggeration. "Don't worry, my Mustang is a tough one. It's been through a lot with me behind the wheel, a little puke won't phase it. But let's save ourselves the hassle and keep the car clean, shall we?" He winked playfully.

Lia rolled her eyes, still clinging to the door handle. "Oh, you think you're so charming, don't you? Well, your little winks won't get you out of trouble when you're driving like a maniac. Slow down, mister, or you'll be walking the rest of the way to campus."

Ronan chuckled at her threat, amused by her feistiness. "Oh, you're feisty today, aren't you? I like it. But don't worry, I have more than just winks to charm my way out of trouble. I have my boyish charm and my irresistible smile, remember?"

Lia rolled her eyes again, although a small smirk tugged at her lips. "Oh, right, how could I forget your 'boyish charm' and your 'irreresistible smile'? They've gotten you out of trouble countless times, haven't they?"

Ronan playfully grinned, still keeping his speed under control. "You know it. They're my secret weapons. Well, that and my dad's influence, of course. But mostly it's the charm and the smile that does the trick."

Lia shook her head, still holding on tightly as they approached campus. "Yeah, yeah, you're a regular Casanova. Maybe you should trade in the Mustang for a chariot drawn by horses, you'd fit the part better."

Ronan laughed at her remark, enjoying their banter. "A chariot, huh? Now there's an idea. But I don't think it'd have the same effect as the Mustang. This baby here turns heads wherever I go. Plus, I'd look pretty silly driving a chariot in the 21st century."

Lia chuckled, but her grip on the door handle didn't ease up. "Yeah, you'd look like a right fool in a chariot, I'll give you that. At least you look somewhat cool in the Mustang, even if you do drive like a madman."

Ronan nodded with false seriousness, pretending to be offended. "You know, I take offense to that. I am not a madman, I'm a master of the road. A true connoisseur of speed. There's a difference, you know."

Ronan slowed the Mustang down as they arrived at the university campus. He parked the car and turned off the ignition. "Here we are, grumpy princess. Campus. Are you ready to embark on this new adventure?"

Lia took a deep breath, finally releasing her grip on the door handle. "Yes, I think I am. But if you make me ride in that death trap again, I might have to take the my  Lambo from now on"

Ronan chuckled at her comment. "Hey, it's not a death trap! It's a Mustang. A work of art. A piece of machinery that brings out the rebel in all of us. You'll grow to love it eventually, I promise."

Lia rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, sure. I'll love it eventually when I stop fearing for my life every time we take a corner. But I suppose it's part of the wild, rebel experience, right?"

Ronan looked up and saw two familiar figures approaching. "Hey, Carla, Lorenzo! Good to see you guys!"

Carla waved and smiled, her usual cheerful self. "Hey, Ronan! Lia! Nice to see you both. Are you excited to start your first day at uni?"

Ronan grinned widely. "Excited? More like ecstatic. I can't wait to explore the campus, meet new people, and, you know, enjoy the college life."

Lia chuckled, knowing Ronan's tendency to flirt with every girl on campus. "Right, enjoy the college life. And by that, you mean hit on every girl in sight, right?"

Ronan feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "How dare you think so little of me? I'm wounded, truly. I'll have you know, I'm here for education, not just women."

Lia raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Right, the education. That's why you chose this particular university, where the student body is known for its...ahem, good-looking members, hm?"

Ronan chuckled, knowing he was caught in his lie. "Well, can you really blame me? The fact that the student body is, as you say, 'good-looking' is just a pleasant bonus. But rest assured, education is my primary priority."

Carla and Lorenzo exchanged a knowing look, both knowing how Ronan operated when it came to women. "Sure, sure. Education first, women second, I suppose." Carla teased.

Ronan smirked, not denying the accusation. "Hey, a man has needs, okay? And a good education is definitely a need. But if some beautiful distractions happen to come my way, I won't complain."

Ronan winked at Lia, still playing it cool. "You're doubting my intentions, huh? I don't blame you. I have a reputation, after all. But trust me, I'm here to get that degree and maybe, just maybe meet a few lovely ladies along the way."

Carla rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course, a 'few' lovely ladies. I bet you'll have a different one on your arm every week."

Lorenzo chuckled. "And when you're not chasing girls, you'll be out partying or getting into mischief, as usual."

Ronan feigned indignance. "You all make me sound like some kind of womanizer! I'm not that bad, am I?"

Lorenzo chuckled again, not fooled for a second. "Your track record says otherwise, buddy."

Ronan held up his hands in mock surrender. "I promise, I'll keep my charm in check and focus on my studies. Education first, women second...or maybe third. But trust me, I'll balance it all."

As the group walked towards their class, Ronan couldn't help but look around at the female students, his gaze lingering on a few he found particularly attractive. Lorenzo noticed and elbowed him, smirking.

"Hey, focus, buddy. You can ogle the girls later. We're here to learn, remember?"

Ronan feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart again. "How dare you assume I can't control my hormones? It's not like I'll be drooling over them the entire class. I'll behave myself, I promise. I'll be a model student, focused solely on the professor's words and absolutely nothing else."

Carla chuckled, not buying his act. "Oh, right. And pigs will start flying next. We all know how you are around attractive girls, Ronan. You have the self-control of a hormonal teenager."

The group arrived outside the classroom and paused before entering. Ronan looked once more at the girls passing by, as if unable to resist sneaking a few glances.

Lorenzo elbowed him again, shaking his head. "Focus, man. Class is about to start. No ogling the girls for the next hour."

They all entered the classroom and took their seats. Ronan, as usual, chose a seat near some attractive girls, much to the annoyance of his friends. Lia shook her head, wondering how long he would last before getting distracted.

The professor started the lecture, discussing the syllabus and expectations for the course. Ronan sat at the back, struggling to keep his attention on the professor. His eyes kept darting towards the girls in front of him, taking in their form and features. He fidgeted in his seat, trying to keep himself focused.


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