chapter two : Graduation

"Beep Beep! The sound of my alarm blaring woke me up. As the beam of sunlight shone through my face, then suddenly i noticed something odd-the sudden fireworks exploding in the sky, cheers erupting everywhere.

'Oh my gosh, the day is finally here! ' Ava exclaimed, springing out of the bed heading straight to the bathroom. She stripped herself naked, allowing the cold and refreshing water to cool her excite body.


Alexander the 3rd, ruler of Gotham Enterprise, walked handsomely towards the company. "Good morning, boss, 'his assistant Clara greeted him, bowing slightly.

He noddedd in response, his eyes fixed on the filies in front of him.

Clara debated whether to tell him about the lost deal with the Santigos or keep quiet. 'No, i must tell him', she thought bitting her nails while handing him the files.

"Boss, we've lost the deal (she paused) our product has been canceled..we were rejected by the M&M organisation." she said still holding her breath...

"What!" Alex's scream echoed through the walls as he threw everything on his desk.


Later, the principal addressed the graduating class, celebrating their courage and smartness. Ava worried about her upcoming speach which she delivered perfectlyand recived a heart warming applause.

After the ceremony, Rory congratulated Ava, and they had a little girl time

"Bae i cant belive i just talk u to come for the party" Aurora exclaimed as they shared a moment of laughter.

Ava wanted to suprise Alex first, and Rory teased her playfully. Soon they departed into their separate ways.

Ava hailed a taxi and head's to Alex's penthouse, eager to celebrate with him of her victory.