chapter 6 : Tsinghua University's

Santigos Mansion

"Do I really have to go?" Kimaya said childishly, watching her mom pack her box. "Mom, please help me beg Uncle Ethan to let me skip studying." She pushed and flung her mother's hands playfully.

"Stop that childishness! Can't you see I'm busy? Why don't you want to study?" Mrs. Grace asked, looking at her daughter.

"Mum, I want to be free, travel to Africa, and have fun in the club like any other normal teen. Studying is a hard life, and it's for losers," Kimaya replied.

"Young lady, I see you're becoming dumber by the day. Come on, get out of here and go prepare!" Mrs. Grace semi-yelled.

"But, Mum..." Kimaya tried to say, noticing Grace taking off her right leg of shoes. "Arrgh, you know this isn't fair! I have rights, you know."

"Go and do the dishes," Mrs. Grace said, leaving at the same time as Mrs. Elena, Ethan's mother entered.

"I see our dear Kimaya is becoming a handful," Elena said, helping Miss Grace. "Yes, she's childish for her age, and it's getting out of hand."

"She's just a child, Grace. Let her," Elena said, making them stare before bursting into a heavy laugh.

Tsinghua University was named after a Chinese man who encouraged education to remember his good deeds. Andrew Morales, a 30-year-old compassionate, understanding, and caring biology professor, had won many awards for being the smartest teacher in the institution. Some teachers envied him, while others fell head over heels for him. Despite struggling to provide for his younger sister, Ava, Andrew remained honest. He lived with his sister in a four-story building, had everything he wanted except money, and was known for his good looks and impeccable dressing sense.

At the Bellawether Art Studio, Ava encountered Ethan, who was known for his arrogance. "Are you mad?" a voice roared, making Ava face him. "You!" they both said simultaneously.

Ava thought, "Oh lord, why do you have to spoil my mood with this spiteful pig?" Ethan said out loud, "Ewww, and why is this dirty thing here?" Ava was pissed off and couldn't condone his attitude anymore. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," Ava said, trying to leave. Ethan stopped her and made a snide comment " Daughter of a bastard always bumping into rich guys like me in other to help there lame family " He was no done saying when Ava gave him a fitting slap, causing his cheeks to redden. The studio staff gathered around, watching the drama unfold.

Back in the corridor👉👉👉

Where the fuck is Aviana now "Aurora thought, as she went from door to door in search of Ava.

" Miss Aurora "Kelvin called out, as he has noticed her there for a while

" Yes sir " she said bowing slightly

"Please dont call me sir but kelvin" He said holding unto her hands

Aurora could swore that his manhood was aurosing but yet she kept calm

"Sir.. I mean mr Kelvin with all due respect am looking for my friend before she miss an imporrant meeting " She lied trying to move out of his heavy yet stronger grip

"Hmmm" He muttered as he let go of her hands. Finding this an opportunity to leave, Aurora turnee to leave when kelvin pushed her and there lips came in contact.

Aurora was fighting to be set free but kelvin grip was alot more stronger, with all her might she was able to move away from him, covering her mouth in shock.

There was silent between them, when suddenly kelivin grabbed her and immediately seeled her lips with a kiss;" I have been longing to kiss you;ever since the day i met you at the club "kelvin mumbles, he then kiss her hungrily as if he doesn't care if she returns the kiss or were seen by other staffs

Aurora was startled at frist and tryed to push him;" Kelvin, stop it; what are you doing?

However , instead of stopping, Kelivin slipped her mouth , and she didnt realize when she let out a soft groan.