Chapter 57: Strange bond

He got deeper into the swarm of roots just a few seconds later. The roots became even more aggressive, the moment he entered among them.

They tried to strike him down but by relying on his insane speed, he managed to dodge all the incoming attacks. Causing the roots to hit one another in the process.

The roots which got very close to striking him down, were slashed in half by his sword.

He continued to charge towards the woman knowing that she was the root of all problems. In order to preserve strength to kill her, Myles didn't slice any of her roots within his reach.

Instead he only sliced the roots which possessed a threat to him. He continued to charge forward for the next minute or two without encountering any serious issues.

However, all of a sudden 20 meters away from him, the ground began to show visible signs of cracking.

The signs emerged out of nowhere and the cracks were growing larger with each passing second.

"Something is wrong," Myles thought to himself.

It didn't take long for his worries to become a reality. A large root spit out from the ground just a few seconds later and charged towards him at an incredible speed!!!

The root looked way too thick to slice in halfway. Not wanting to take a risk, his only choice was to dodge.

He was about to dodge to the right but a large frown formed on his forehead when he looked around him. He saw dozens if not hundreds of weaker roots charging towards him at an incredible speed, blocking his path of dodging!!

He was moving in a straight line up until now. So he only sliced the roots standing in his way to preserve his strength. But now this approach had backfired on him.

Due to the thick root blocking his advancement path, he was forced to dodge.

But he had neglected one fact. That was the roots around him which he didn't cut to preserve strength. Now all these uninjured roots were charging towards him from all directions.

Yes, even from behind him, maybe new roots had taken the place of those he sliced in half. But it was a very worrying sign.

The emergence of the thick roots and new roots replacing the old roots to surround him didn't seem to be a coincidence. It seemed like a plan which was made with care.

If it was planned then it could only mean one thing.

"That would mean the A-grade mage is purposely targeting me. I refuse to believe that they possess enough intelligence to pull off such a plan on their own!!" Myles remarked, his voice carrying seriousness.

If his guess turned out to be true that would mean that the woman deemed him as a threat. It went without saying that anyone will do everything to get rid of a potential threat.

So he was bound to receive special attention from her even if he managed to survive this ordeal.

He looked around him and saw that the roots were dangerously close to him. In a matter of a few seconds, they would probably succeed in taking him down if no action was taken.

"I need to act quickly!" Myles exclaimed, as he gritted his teeths.

Trying to dodge in these circumstances was nothing but a pipe dream, hence he only had one choice left. That was to face the incoming attacks head on!

He channeled mana into his sword in preparation in taking down the incoming roots. His sword began to glow brighter than ever, the sword felt sharper. It felt like that he could slice through everything but Myles that it was far from the truth

"I am close to achieving sword aura" Myles thought to himself.

The sharpness of his aura proved this without without a doubt. He knew that he just needed a single push to achieve it.

Though, he didn't had the time to think about this any further. He focused in the incoming roots.

The which was charging towards him at the front would be the first one to strike him. Hence, he focused all of his attention on it.

The root had very pointy but sharp end. From the looks of it, the root could easily impaled any part of his without a problem.

At the same time, the low surface area made it very difficult for Myles to be able to slice it in a half, specially due to the speed it was moving.

Hence, Myles quickly made a decision.

"I will attack from the sky" Myles thought to himself as he began to gather strength at the tips of feets.

Just when the roots were less than 4 seconds away from hitting him. Mylyes jumped at an incredible speed, propelling himself a few meters upward.

He knew that this was a very risky move since slicing the other roots would be very difficult. But he had no choice. Since if he didn't do it then there was a 60 percent chance that he would failed to slice the root!

He would probably die or be serious injured by the time, the other roots became a threat to his Life! Hence, he was forced to take this decision!

He kept his eyes peeled on the root in front of him, waiting for the wider part of the root to get within his reach.

Just a few seconds later, the wider part of the root was within his reach.

"Now!!" Myles exclaimed.

He swung his sword with all his might by 180 degree horizontally, landing a devasting blow at the thick root within a second!!!

However, his face turned grim just grim when he saw the results of slash. He had failed to slash the root despite using all his might!!

The cut in the root was certainly deep but it wasn't enough to slice it in half. He had severely underestimated the thickness of the root!

What made it worse that the root was regenerating! It was growing some kind of adhesive tissue to reconnect with the serverly part of the root!

Although the roots had lost all of it's momentum, it could easily became a threat in near future after it was done regenerating.

He fell in deep thought in what to do. As he was thinking what to do, a sharp spike spurted out from the ground below, moving towards him jaw at an incredible speed.

As for Myles he was completely unaware of the danger approaching from below him. As the roots were approaching him, his sword began to emit a golden glow. It released a golden energy into his aura at an incredible speed. Slowly but surely changing the color of Myles's aura to golden.

It didn't only change the color of aura, it provided him with a lot of other benefits. The moment, his aura's began to change, he sensed mortal danger approaching him at an speed.

Aware that he was in danger, he began to look around him. Just a second later he looked below him and saw the spike charging towards him at an incredible speed.

The spike was very close to striking him. But he was quick to react, he quickly moved his head backwards in time. Although, he managed to dodge, the spike was just an inches away from his face. "That was way too close" Myles's thought to himself

If he failed to dodge then the spike would probably pirce through his jaw and then to his head. Hence, meeting a tragic end.

He swung his sword 180 degrees, slicing the spike in half. When he swung the sword spike in half, he noticed that aura surrounding his sword was slowly turning into a golden color.

He quickly retracted his sword and began to examine his body. He noticed his aura had began to turn golden!!

"Why my aura turning golden?" Myles questioned himself, confusion was clearly visible in his voice.

As he was thinking the reason behind. A powerful burst of golden aure was released from his sword to his body.

His body hungrily absorbed this aura. Increasing the speed of his aura turning golden at an incredible speed.

He felt his reaction speed and institute towards danger increasing at an alarming speed. Most importantly, a bond began to be established between him and his sword.

He felt like he had reunited with his partner.

"What is this feeling?" Myles thought to himself.

Unfortunately, he didn't had the time to ponder about this issue for long. A voice resounded through his ears, reminding him of the danger.

"Commonder look around you!!!" Hector shouted, his voice carrying seriousness.

Hundreds of roots were just seconds away from striking him! He had to deal with them first!