A Luxurious Welcome

The flight continued smoothly, and Ellen felt herself relaxing a bit more with each passing hour. She even managed to doze off for a while, waking up as they began their descent into Bali.

She could see it was already night, the darkness outside obscured the view she had been eager to see. She sighed, resigning herself to the fact that she would have to wait until morning to take in the sights.

When the plane finally came to a stop, the steward and stewardess wished them a pleasant honeymoon. Ellen managed a polite smile in response, feeling awkward and out of place. She and Mason got out, stepping into the warm, humid air of Bali.

A sleek black car waited for them on the tarmac. A middle-aged man stepped out, approaching them with a warm smile. "Welcome to Bali," he greeted, shaking their hands. "I'm Joe, your driver and guide during your stay."

"Thank you," Mason replied, his tone polite but distant.

Joe led them to the car, opening the door for them with a professional flourish. Ellen slipped into the backseat, followed by Mason. She stared out the window as they drove, taking in the unfamiliar scenery. The landscape was a blur in the darkness, but she could sense the difference from her usual surroundings. The trees, the distant sound of waves, the smell of the sea—all felt new and exciting.

After about half an hour, they arrived at their destination. Joe parked the car and got out, opening the door for them once more. "Welcome to your villa," he announced with a smile.

Ellen and Mason followed him inside. The villa was breathtakingly luxurious. As they entered, Ellen's eyes widened at the sight of the grand living room, adorned with elegant furniture and tasteful decor. The open space led to a stunning infinity pool, the water glistening under the soft outdoor lights. Beyond the pool, the vast expanse of the sea stretched out, meeting the horizon in a seamless blend.

Joe handed them a key card and a name card. "Here is the key to the villa, and my card. If you need anything or are ready to start your trip, just give me a call. I'll leave you two to rest now. Have a good night."

"Thank you, Joe," Ellen said, taking the cards.

Mason gave a small nod and a thin smile. "Thank you."

Joe then left them alone in the spacious villa. Ellen began to explore, her excitement bubbling up despite her earlier embarrassment. She wandered through the lavish living room, admiring the tasteful art on the walls. The open-plan kitchen was equipped with state-of-the-art appliances. She peeked outside again, marveling at the infinity pool and the magnificent view of the sea. The gentle sound of the waves created a serene atmosphere, making her feel like she had stepped into a dream.

She ventured further inside, finding a luxurious bathroom with a deep soaking tub and a rain shower. The bedroom was the highlight of the place. It was spacious, with a large bed in the center, covered in soft white linens. To Ellen's surprise, the bed was decorated with a heart made of rose petals. Her cheeks flushed as she realized what that meant for them.

Mason was already in the bedroom, inspecting their luggage which had been neatly placed near the walk-in closet. Ellen swallowed hard, her nerves returning.

"There's only one bedroom," she blurted out without thinking.

Mason looked up from the suitcase, his expression unreadable. "Of course there's only one bedroom. This is a honeymoon villa. How many rooms were you expecting?"

Ellen bit her lip, feeling foolish. "Then how are we going to sleep?" she asked hesitantly.

Mason's frown deepened. "I'll sleep on the couch in the living room," he said, his tone firm.

Ellen didn't like that idea. "No, that's not right. You shouldn't have to sleep on the couch. We can share the bed. It's just sleep, after all."

Ellen didn't know what got into her to say that to Mason. She reasoned with herself that she just didn't feel good about sleeping on the large comfy bed while Mason slept on the couch, even though it was massive. Mason looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Do you want to sleep on the couch instead?" he asked, his voice calm but with an edge of challenge.

Ellen remained silent, unsure how to respond. Mason sighed and grabbed a pillow from the bed and left the bedroom.

Ellen watched him go, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness. She didn't want to make things more complicated, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be a better way to handle this. Determined to at least try to make things less awkward, she followed him out of the bedroom.

"Um, Mason," she called softly, making him pause. "Is it okay if we start the trip tomorrow?"

Mason turned to look at her, his expression softening slightly. "It's fine," he replied. "We'll start tomorrow."

He turned back and walked into the bathroom, leaving Ellen standing in the living room. She took a moment to compose herself, then reached for the card Joe had left earlier. She sent him a text, saying they were ready to start the trip tomorrow. Almost immediately, she got a reply: "OK."

When Mason returned, he passed by Ellen without a word, heading straight for the living room couch. Ellen watched him, her heart sinking a little. She then took her turn in the bathroom, trying not to take too long as she was already so tired and really wanted to sleep. She thought she would fall asleep immediately once her head touched the pillow, but she couldn't as her mind was racing with thoughts.

Why did she care so much about Mason's comfort? Was it just guilt, or was there something more? She didn't have answers, only more questions.

After what felt like an eternity of tossing and turning, Ellen decided to get up. She wandered around the villa for a moment, taking in the quiet, then made her way to the living room. She moved quietly, not wanting to disturb Mason when she found him already asleep on the couch, lying on his side with a pillow under his head. He had no blanket, and she could see the slight shiver in his frame. 

Feeling a pang of guilt, Ellen quickly went back to the bedroom and grabbed a blanket. Returning to the living room, she carefully draped the blanket over Mason, tucking it around him gently. She paused for a moment, looking at his sleeping face. He looked peaceful, but there was a hint of weariness there, a sign of the strain this whole situation was putting on him.

Ellen just didn't realize that Mason opened his eyes a second later, watching her as she left the room.