He Cares

Ellen sat on the balcony of her hotel room, the cool night breeze rustling her hair as she gazed out at the shimmering lights of Paris. The city was alive with activity, even at this hour, with the soft glow of street lamps and the occasional flash of a car passing by. She held her phone in her hand, the screen displaying Mason's tightly packed schedule. Her eyes skimmed over the numerous meetings, client dinners, and business engagements that filled his days.

With a sigh, she placed the phone on the small table beside her. She knew she couldn't meet him tonight; he was currently at dinner with one of his clients. Leaning back in her chair, she let her gaze wander over the cityscape. The Eiffel Tower stood majestically in the distance, its lights twinkling like a beacon. She raised her hand and used her finger to trace imaginary lines to random points in the city, wondering where Mason might be at that moment.