Abandoned factory

Si Woo and Sa Rang checked heeis phone and saw that he was headed to the old, abandoned factory. They quickly notified Tae Ho and So Hee, and together, they rushed to the location.

The factory stood eerily against the night sky, its broken windows and rusted machinery giving it a haunting presence. The group crept through the overgrown weeds and entered the dimly lit building. Shadows danced on the walls as they moved cautiously, their footsteps echoing in the vast emptiness.

Suddenly, they heard muffled voices coming from a room at the end of a long hallway. The team exchanged determined glances and moved in. Bursting through the door, they found the culprits, who froze in shock.

"So Hee, you take the lead," Tae Ho whispered.

With a sly grin, So Hee stepped forward. "Well, well, look what we have here," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Having a little party without inviting us?"

The culprits scrambled to their feet, but before they could react, So Hee delivered a swift roundhouse kick, knocking one to the ground. "Oops, my foot slipped," she said mockingly.

Si Woo and Tae Ho quickly subdued the other culprit, pinning him to the floor. Sa Rang tossed a rope to So Hee, who expertly tied the first culprit's hands behind his back and secured his partner to a chair.

"So, who's ready to talk?" So Hee asked, her eyes glinting with a mix of menace and amusement.

"You're crazy!" one of the culprits spat, struggling against the ropes.

"Crazy? You haven't seen anything yet," So Hee replied, a dangerous smile playing on her lips. She glanced around the room and spotted an old, rusted furnace in the corner. "Tae Ho, how hot do you think that furnace gets?"

Tae Ho caught on immediately. "Oh, I'd say hot enough to melt metal," he said, playing along. "Think we should find out?"

The culprits' faces paled. "You wouldn't dare!"

So Hee leaned in close, her voice low and menacing. "Try me. Start talking, or you're going to be extra crispy."

The room fell silent except for the nervous breaths of the tied-up men. The tension was palpable, but before anyone could speak, the second culprit made a desperate move, trying to break free. 

"Not so fast!" Si Woo shouted, blocking him with a quick, precise punch. Tae Ho followed up with a knee to the stomach, and the culprit slumped back, defeated.

"So Hee, I think these guys need a little more persuasion," Sa Rang said, picking up a crowbar and tossing it to her.

With a smirk, So Hee caught the crowbar and twirled it expertly. "Last chance, boys. Talk now, or this is going to get messy."

Finally, one of the culprits broke. "Alright, alright! I'll talk! Just keep her away from me!"

So Hee raised an eyebrow. "Smart choice. Now spill it."

One of the culprits began to confess. "We don't know much. We only took orders from someone named Boss Kim. We've never seen his face, and we don't know his real name."

"So you're telling us that you've been running around doing dirty work for a ghost?" Tae Ho said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"That's all we know, I swear!" the culprit pleaded. "He contacts us through encrypted messages. We're just small-time players."

"So Hee, should we believe them?" Sa Rang asked, looking unconvinced.

So Hee sighed, lowering the crowbar. "They're scared enough to be telling the truth. Let's hand them over to the authorities and see if they can dig up anything more on this Boss Kim."

The team rounded up the culprits and called the police. As they waited for the authorities to arrive, they pondered their next move.

"This Boss Kim sounds like a real piece of work," Si Woo said, frustration evident in his voice.

"Yeah, but he's clever," Tae Ho added. "He's hiding in the shadows, using these guys as pawns."

"So what now?" Sa Rang asked

"We keep digging," So Hee replied firmly. "

The police arrived promptly, their flashing lights casting an eerie glow on the dilapidated factory walls. So Hee, standing tall, began handing over the culprits to the officers.

"Make sure to get the files to me tomorrow," So Hee instructed one of the officers.

As the officers led the culprits away, So Hee felt a sudden chill. From behind, Tae Ho noticed and approached, draping his leather jacket over her shoulders. She looked up, their eyes meeting.

"u cant even stand a little cold air" Tae Ho teased with a smirk.

So Hee rolled her eyes but couldn't help a small smile. "oh please, I even handled the situation better than u did."

"Sure you did," Tae Ho replied, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You were impressive back there. Even scared me a little."

"You're just saying that because you don't want me to throw you into the furnace."

"Well, it was either that or end up as extra crispy," Tae Ho joked, stepping closer. "But i would go if u were the one to put me in."

So hee stared at him as the sounds of the police activity continued around them, they remained locked in their standoff, the tension crackling in the cold night air.

"Let's get this done," So Hee said finally.

Tae Ho nodded, his hand lingering on her shoulder for a moment longer before stepping back. So Hee gave him one last challenging look before turning to join the rest of the team, their rivalry as strong as ever.