Chapter 57: PolyGram Pictures

On the terrace outside the third-floor restaurant at the Beverly Hills Hilton, Hugh Grant and Arthur Smith leaned against the railing, smoking cigarettes. "Arthur, if you're really interested in developing British films, you might want to get in touch with PolyGram Pictures."

"PolyGram?" Arthur exhaled a puff of smoke. "Isn't it a music company? The biggest record group in the world right now?"

"Well, PolyGram has set up a film company specifically for movie investment and production. The recent film Liz starred in was funded by PolyGram," Hugh Grant chuckled. "You should know, PolyGram definitely has the money. Entering the film industry means they will inevitably get involved with Hollywood."

"That's true. North America is the largest consumer market in the world," Arthur was well aware of PolyGram, backed by Holland's Philips and Germany's Siemens, a British record company; currently one of the six major record groups worldwide, along with Warner, Sony, EMI, MCA, and Bertelsmann.

However, MCA was about to be renamed Universal Music.

Arthur pondered, "You must know quite a few British filmmakers. I'll definitely head to Europe for shooting films because the labor costs and competition in Hollywood are quite tough for me. As an independent filmmaker, funding is my main concern."

Hugh Grant nodded, "Alright, I'll introduce you to some London filmmakers who might be helpful."

Later that evening, after dinner, Arthur Smith and Winona Ryder bid farewell to Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley and returned to West Hollywood.

Back in their hotel room, Elizabeth Hurley, still in disbelief, said, "Arthur Smith only entered the film industry last year and has already shot three movies and produced two? And he's only 21, right?"

"Yeah, but he's about to start working on his third film," Hugh Grant sat on the sofa, deep in thought.

"Hollywood's market is huge. This is our opportunity. If Sleeping with the Enemy performs well, I'll have made it in Hollywood. Sleepless in Seattle is Arthur's script starring Meg Ryan. Sleeping with the Enemy meets the same criteria. I am confident!"

Elizabeth Hurley nodded, "Sleepless in Seattle is one of the hottest films currently in theaters, and it's not even summer yet. By the time it's out of theaters, its North American box office will definitely surpass 100 million dollars. I can't believe Sleepless in Seattle is his production!"

Hundreds of movies are released in Hollywood each year, but only a few hit the 100-million-dollar mark at the box office.

"By the way, Arthur is keen on shooting films in Europe. You've been involved in PolyGram pictures; how was the experience?" Hugh Grant hadn't forgotten about this.

Elizabeth explained, "It's mainly focused on British films. PolyGram invested in Working Title Films in London, and my film was a collaboration between PolyGram and Working Title.

I heard that PolyGram is also looking to collaborate with American film companies, whether large studios or independent producers.

If Arthur goes to the UK to shoot films, the costs will definitely be lower, and British filmmakers are quite compatible with Hollywood's working style."

Hugh Grant stood up, ready to take a shower. "Anyway, I should focus on shooting Sleeping with the Enemy first, then get in touch with Arthur..."

In West Hollywood, on the bed in Winona Ryder's bedroom, Arthur leaned against the headboard, flipping through the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, published by Time Inc.

Not long after, Winona Ryder, fresh from a shower, climbed into bed and leaned on Arthur's shoulder, giving him a kiss. "Did you notice tonight? Elizabeth Hurley has such a great figure. You men must love that, right?"

Arthur put his magazine down and kissed Winona on the neck. "Of course, she was a model, as Grant said. You're not bad yourself; everyone has their unique qualities, don't you think?"

"Smooth talker," Winona Ryder pinched Arthur's chest, "Are you going to start shooting The Silence of the Lambs right after you finish Sleeping with the Enemy?"

"More or less. Now that the funding is secure, I don't want to wait any longer," Arthur said as he unbuttoned Winona Ryder's nightgown and kissed her shoulder.

"In that case, you mentioned Orion is releasing Sleeping with the Enemy this year. The Silence of the Lambs should be too rushed, right?" Winona Ryder lay down, letting Arthur kiss her body.

"No, it's not too tight. Orion has quite a few releases this year. Besides, I have high hopes for The Silence of the Lambs and plan to aim for the Oscars," Arthur raised his head. "Orion's Dances with Wolves is a Western epic and will surely be released during awards season. The Silence of the Lambs going up against it wouldn't stand a chance."

Dances with Wolves winning the Best Picture Oscar was unquestionable. The Silence of the Lambs couldn't be released in the same year.

In the previous life, Orion did just that. Besides, The Silence of the Lambs wasn't developed until much later.

Winona Ryder cupped Arthur's face, "You're so ambitious. You want to win the Best Picture Oscar with the first film from Galaxy Pictures?"

"The movie has to be good enough," Arthur wasn't too worried about The Silence of the Lambs. In the previous life, Orion almost didn't have the money to submit The Silence of the Lambs for consideration and still managed to get the Oscar for Best Picture the next year.

Orion managed to dominate the Oscars two years in a row, with Dances with Wolves and The Silence of the Lambs both winning Best Picture, yet it still couldn't prevent Orion's bankruptcy.

"You need to work hard then. If you win the Best Picture Oscar, Arthur Smith's name will be famous in Hollywood," Winona Ryder, though not as confident as Arthur, fully supported her man.

"It also depends on the performance of Galaxy Pictures' future projects," Arthur said as he leaned down to kiss Winona Ryder, his hand reaching into the drawer for a condom.

"No more?" Arthur turned his head to check the drawer; it was empty.

"We're out. I have pills at home; I'll take them later," Winona Ryder said, pulling Arthur back to continue. "Didn't you say using that thing doesn't feel perfect?"

"Well, I heard taking pills is bad for your health!" Arthur said as he lowered his head to kiss Winona's softness.

"It's fine; it's not like I take them every day," Winona said, pinching Arthur, "Besides, it often ends up in my mouth anyway!"

Arthur chuckled, silencing Winona with a kiss. She talked too much...
