In the harsh desert kingdom of Emberheart, Omegas are ostracized and Eunji, a Dominant Omega prince with exceptional abilities, bears the scars of a brutal past. Exiled and presumed dead, he's reborn in the welcoming land of Emberheart, where he finds solace and love. The Emberheart king decide the Eunji marriage with the prince from Lyraspire kingdom
Haunted by echoes of his past and a yearning for closure, Eunji returns to Emberheart, not as a victim but as a warrior seeking justice. A message from the rebellious Eastern Provinces ignites hope - could this be his chance to challenge the oppressive regime and fight for acceptance?
However, the whispers of revolution carry another surprise – a messenger named Elara, with twilight eyes and a hidden purpose. As Eunji grapples with his past and embraces his newfound strength, a new chapter unfolds, filled with the promise of rebellion, romance, and the fight for a more just future.