Chapter 1

When a candle burns and is left alone until the tiniest wax has melted, the flame will naturally feed on to the closest wood. The slimest flicker of fire would cause even the destruction of the most powerful empire in the world. An ocean of red flames clouded over the sky of what was once a blanket of blues.

"Search for him! Keep your eyes on the look out! Don't let him escape!" An imperial knight ordered from atop the horse as he scanned the burning empire around him. Everywhere he turned, the sea of flames didn't spare a single building in it's wake. Screams of terror from nobles who hadn't gotten the chance to evacuate deafened his ears more than the falling rubbles of the empire he once served. With each rubble that fell was a simple reminder of his failure. The Empire he had previously sworn to serve and protect, he had failed it dearly. And with the murder of their Empress, to say he failed was simply an understatement of his incapabilities.

"Find the traitor!" He bellowed, aggrieved. "Find His Highness, The Crown Prince!"

Hence, the downfall of Eckleis Empire brought on a new Era.

In the middle of the night... No- was it still night then? The young man couldn't tell. With the cloud of smoke from the hell-like empire, one couldn't decipher if a day had already passed by. Yet, even so, he ran. The bottom of his shoes burrowed in the mud, every step he took stabbed a sharp pain into his body but he never took the time to slow down. How could he? In this very moment, he didn't have the luxury to slow down. The low branches and bushes scratching through his clothes, penetrated his skin. Everything hurt. It hurt to run, to breathe, to see. With the way the smoke hadn't dispersed, it was hard to tell whether he had gotten far away from the empire or whether the night had already passed. His heavy breath passed through dry lips. His body wouldn't be able to push through another mile. Then he collapsed. The imperial outfit he wore no longer held its previous glow of glory and royalty, instead stained with dirt, were ragged. Both fitting and unbefitting of him if he could say so himself. He was no more than just a residue of a shadow of an empire. A treacherous crown prince. Hera slumped down into the dirt when he could run no more. His tall frame hid beneath the spiky bushes of the dark forest. The remnants of the empire could be seen from afar which had become nothing more than a spot of light in the horizon. Whether he'd be found here by the guards or left alone, only death would await him now.

"Ahh..." He gasped, as he did, a sharp pain stabbed through him. He had previously inhaled too much smoke in the midst of all the chaos. With his feet barely able to hold him up from standing, he could only lean back on a tree trunk for support.

"Haha..." He laughed, weakly. "When I said I would get rid of every trace of that empire, I didn't plan for it to include me as well," Before he could force out a laugh, he recoiled at the sudden sharp pain voursing through his body.

Hera Eckleis, Crown Prince of Eckleis Empire, only son of Eneris, the former Empress. And a traitor.

The sound of it didn't fill Hera with any thrill, nor did it made him feel any regret and sympathy.

"Even if I die now, the fall of the empire and the birth of a new era must come as a priority." He said, his blue eyes unfocused, tired from running and trying to escape. His body was slowly processing the burden of his actions, and he sunk deeper into the ground. Ragged breaths slipping through loose lips as he clutched his stomach with one hand.

The fall of the empire will be his only legacy.

"Empire Eckleis will be no more." Hera closed his eyes, his skin growing pale against the grime all over his body. Perhaps he was crazy but he liked the sound of that. It gave him a sense of peace.

"Ha...peace. It's been a long time since I've ever felt that," That was true, other than his body shaking from overworking itself, he had not felt fear, anger, nor stress. His mind was clear, whether that was from the daze or the smoke going to his head. It was peace. "It feels very calm." Like still water.

"Really? That sounds sad to hear," A voice said from above. Hera felt like he had been drenched with a splash of water. He was so sure no one would be able to find him here. Atleast, he thought the guards wouldn't be able to reach him before he died. But there was someone now with him, speaking to him. Azure blue eyes snapped back open to meet a pair of striking red ones. This person seemed taken aback by his surprise. Hera placed a hand on the small sword by his waist, he was ready to fight no matter the circumstances. But to his surprise, the other man didn't pull a weapon, much less point it at Hera. Instead, his red eyes trailed back to the burning empire, the fire that went up in flames that reached the heavens now slowly dissipated into a trail of smoke in the sky. While he was distracted, Hera eyed the man up and down. From his brown hair, fair dark skin, and expensive cloak. He was rather tall, falling behind a foot shorter than Hera himself, but Hera knew with his condition right now if he tried to fight him in a hand in hand combat he'd easily be outdone.

"You must be a survivor," From his voice, Hera could tell he was a young man. "Come with me, I'll help you." Hera didn't know what calculations this man did in his head to come up with the conclusion that he was a victim of the crime he caused but this was a safer bet than anything Hera could think of. Still, Hera wasn't here for saving. He should never be saved.

Hera must have said that out loud because man before him pursed his lips, red eyes frowning into slits as he tried to decipher what Hera had just said.

"Everyone should be saved." He said, albeit under his breath. As if he couldn't fathom how a person could say they should never be saved. But Hera knew. It felt bitter. This person before him has probably saved many others before. Had said the same thing and reached out to them. To be the hero. To never had to made such a gray decision. To be able to casually say those words. To not be the crown prince.

"If you want to help me, then leave." Hera insisted. Laying back into the tree once more, hoping the other man would take the hint and let him rot in peace. But this stranger was as fiery as the red in his eyes. He stood for a moment, trying to process what Hera had just said. Hera thought that was finally the end of it when the other man hadn't said anything in return. He looked back up, expecting the man to sigh in defeat and walk away. At least, thats what he expected. Not even a little did he expect that this stranger before him would lean down and look him dead in the eye with the most piercing gaze he's ever seen. He froze. In this view, the moonlight angled his face for Hera to perfectly see the soft turn of his jaw. His brows knitted together into deep thought. If Hera had not known before hand, he would have assumed this guy to be a statue by the sliver of silver moonlights. A statue crafted carefully with rubies for eyes. "Do you really want that?"

Hera almost missed his question for a second but quickly regained his senses. Still he was out of his wits to answer. Saying 'yes' felt as if disappointing this man before him was the last thing he'd want.

Hera didn't answer. When he didn't say anything more, the man backed away, extending a hand for Hera to take. As if entranced, he took it mindlessly.

And that was the end of the Eckeis Empires forgotten history.