Chapter 10

"Donna, did you pick up the order from the Trieses shop like I told you to?" A short and incredibly burly man glanced over his shoulder just in time to see Donna walk through the back door of the kitchen, waving the mentioned order in her hands. "I have them right here, Menal!"

Menal greeted the young girl with a pleased smile. The sun had warmed the cold breeze of the previous night, the Duke and Hera had come back home safely after being away for days, and the estate functioned surprisingly calm compared to the start of the year. It seems like the days have slowed down to make up for the heavy times which were now over. Menal felt like he could finally kick back and relax with no rushed work.

Donna, a young lady, walked right over to where Menal hovered over the kitchen counter.

"Careful with that! It's a very important priority that it arrives without exposing it to the tiniest bit of pressure," Menal accepted the box with gentle hands that were afraid the package would crumble thin ice in a form of a box, ready to break at the tiniest force.

"You didn't drop it, did you?" Menal asked, a sinking feeling as he glanced at Donna with a glare.

"I didn't."

"Didn't toss it around? Flipped it over?"


"Did you carry it with both hands all the way here?"

"What is with you and this box— Just open it already!"

Menal sighed at Donna's exasperation. He would only find out if Donna was telling the truth once they opened the box. With steady hands, he disassembled the package as both Menal and Donna hovered over the tiny box, with the last piece of string out of the way, Menal flipped it open to reveal....

"A pomegranate? That's what all this was about!? I got splashed with a puddle protecting it!" Angry, she seized the hems of her skirt which was stained with dirt and mud. Menal only stared at her clueless figure. She obviously had no idea of the value of this pomegranate.

"Hey, don't look at me like that—"

"This pomegranate is no ordinary pomegranate," said Menal with protruding knowledge. "So you're just gonna ignore me?"

"In three to four years, only five pomegranates bear fruit in the tree of sanctuary, and in those three to four years, people flock to fight over who should be able to have this sacred pomegranate." Menal continued, ignoring Donna completely. But Donna wasn't the least bit moved by his tale.

"So this tree happens to bear only five in four years, what's so special about it? Wouldn't that only mean it's not a good tree at all?" She obviously wasted her energy trying to guard this little fruit for no reason. And here she thought she'd actually find something interesting to do.

"Donna... Tsk, tsk, tsk—" Menal wiggled his finger at this oblivious girl. Such youngsters would never know the true value of this pomegranate unless spoon fed with information. "This pomegranate was grown none other than the Bishop herself!"

"The Bishop?" That certainly set the gears in motion for Donna. Menal smirked, looks like Donna finally understood the gravity of the situation. Laying, bathed in this golden light was a treasure in this world. A pomegranate that grew from the tree of sanctuary.

"That's right, which means what we have here is akin to the ambrosia of gods!" With gentle hands, Menal hailed the bright, plump fruit from the box and raised it for the heavens to grab. Both Menal and Donna stared at this precious fruit for seconds, taking in its beauty and delicate features.

"As I thought, I still don't get it." Donna admitted, much to Menal's disappointment. In the heat of frustration, Menal graciously placed the pomegranate back in the box before he unleashed the heaven's wrath upon this poor girl.

"Blind girl! Do you really have not one inkling of how big of an opportunity it is we have here?!" A vein would have popped from Menal's head by now if he wasn't so graced with the fact that this fruit was now entrusted to him by the Duke. "But I don't get it. What do we benefit from this fruit other than who grew it? Can it heal terminal diseases?"

Unable to answer her practical questions, Menal could only sigh out in frustration as he shoo'ed away the girl.

"Forget it, you wouldn't understand. This pomegranate bore from the Bishop's tree, in turn, Her Highness— Empress Aminesria, gifted this pomegranate to Duke Frasirr for his great service to the rise of Acriestelion. "

"So even the Empress didn't want the fruit, is what you're saying?" Donna asked, as a matter of fact.

Menal was left speechless. "Get back to work!"

As the girl left laughing, Menal was left fuming. This pomegranate was entrusted by the Duke himself for Menal to showcase his skills! This was an opportunity and he won't let the Duke down!

"Now the problem is... What do I make out of one pomegranate?"

A week has already passed since Jayus' visit to Visaril village and his encounter with both the King of Maganaya and the Bishop. Now, with nothing to do, he idly sat spinning in his wooden chair, staring at the blurred out door and out the window.

Door... Window... Door... Window.

Despite meeting such high profiled figures, he couldn't help but feel their meeting to be a bit anticlimactic. He half expected the King of Maganaya to be someone strict and poised, like those mythical gods in children's book he once read as a kid. For Jayus, King Caspian was a bit...aloof? In his mind, he couldn't but think back to that awkwardly tall figure.

Friendly might be the right term for it. Jayus thought to himself as he stopped his chair. There would only be a few more weeks before the tournament to begin, which meant soon enough, people of different regions would arrive shortly. Jayus had no interest in the tournament whatsoever, however, recent discussion with Her Highness, the Empress, states that Jayus should at least have one person in his house partaking in this event.

Jayus stood before the Empress, he had just returned from Visaril, made a quick change and immediately set off to the palace to report the occuring incidents with her Majesty. Fortunately, other than the previous reported victims, no other casualties occured.

"Is that so?" Came the response from The Empress' chilling voice, "Well I suppose there isn't really much we can do. "

She began walking around the round conference table, her heels clacking against the marble floor, making the quiet room even more chilling than before.

"I've also apprehended the monster like you asked, and confined him in the device you've given me." From where Jayus lowered his head, he acquired the small compact in his pocket and gently placed it on the conference table for the Empress to see. Even with Jayus' head lowered down with only the floor to see, he could feel the gratified smile on the Empress face as soon as she saw the small compact.

"Good job, nothing else I could expect from the Duke Frasirr. For that I will grant you a gift." Delicate fingers grazed over the magical compact, her sharp eyes never once leaving it's sight on it even when she spoke to Jayus, and Jayus, with his head down, never once desired to see that frightening look on the Empress face. "I'm grateful to serve the Rising sun of the Empire."

As soon as the excitement washed over the Empress, she finally spoke again, "Speaking of which, the preparations for the Tournament will soon take commence. I don't intend to force you to participate but, in face of formalities, I think it's best you choose someone to take part in the arena... Don't you think?" The Empress said. Faced with those words, Jayus could only raise his head to answer such an unfeeling question. The cold rush freezing his feet was no joke. And those eyes which stared right into his soul were no short than terrifying. The smile that the Empress had given him offered no warmth nor welcome. As if to say, regardless of what he thought, there was no denying her words.

"I will see to it that I have someone to partake in the Arena in my name." Jayus responded after what seemed like minutes.

That answer seemed to bring about satisfaction from the Empress. "You are dismissed."

The door clicked open, bringing Jayus attention to the figure entering his room. Hera held a pile of documents in his hands as he walked into the room, completely immersed in the content of those papers. Speak of the devil.

"My lord, documents were sent from the palace and addressed to you by the crown prince, " Hera placed those papers in front of Jayus, who had not once given a glance at them. Instead, Jayus held Hera's gaze as soon as he set those papers down, the gears in his mind running in motion as he set pieces and pieces together before formulating an idea.

"Hera, would you participate in the upcoming tournament in my name?" Jayus asked. In what seemed like an innocent, zero thoughts type of question, had thrown Hera into the worse state of pie in the sky. But that pie had been mean, filled with bitterness and hot filling, smacking Hera right in the face as numerous other pies were thrown right at him in the same manner and state. In other words, that invitation was akin to asking him to feed a pack of wolves and telling him not to die.

...That is if Duke Frasirr doesn't want him to die. That one thought brought Hera back to reality and he couldn't help but give the duke the stink eye, mulling over the thought if that was the Duke's true intention. Unaware of the train of thoughts going on in Hera's mind, Jayus merely stared back, awaiting his answer.

"Don't get me wrong, My lord. I'm flattered but—" Hera started but was quickly interrupted by Jayus.

"Are you, really?" Jayus asked.

"I'm over the moon— but is this really something worth risking over?" Scratching the back of his neck, Hera regarded the Duke with concern, which only left the duke with confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, if I were to join the event in order to represent you— That would mean I would be representing you!" Hera emphasized, his hands motioning on each word as he made eyes at Jayus, hoping he'd get what he meant. He didn't. Jayus stared at him, the dumb look on his face suggesting Hera should be direct with him already.

Hera could only sob in his heart, there was nothing he could do when faced with the duke. So he had to be frank.

"My lord, what if I lose?" Hera asked, concerned.

"Then we'll celebrate the success of Acriestelion's first annual event." Jayus answered, quick as light.

"And if I embarrass you?"

"Can't be. People fear me. How would they dare?"

"What if I—" At this, Jayus put an end to Hera's endless worries and cut him off before he asked a question Jayus couldn't answer.

"I don't want to push you if you refuse. When thinking of someone to represent me in this annual event, my first thought would be you, which is why I asked. But if you really don't want to do it, then I have no desire to put you in a difficult situation," That answer left both of them in silence. Hera was surprised that Jayus would just let him go just like this. Truth be told, it would make it easier for the duke if Hera had just accepted the job, then he wouldn't need to trouble himself looking for a knight to represent him.

"Then again, I'll just tell the Empress to mind her own business. Screw formalities if I don't care to get a representative, am I right?" Jayus made a move to write a letter for the Empress stating his refusal of participation before Hera shrieked. His hands grabbing on to Jayus's own which held the pen before he could even state his greetings.

"I'll do it! I'll do it! I'll do it!!!" Hera practically screamed. Hearing that completely consensual agreement, Jayus couldn't feel any more pleased as he put down the pen.

"That's great! I know you'll do just fine on your own. It's you, after all." Jayus's encouraging words slipped past as false flattery to Hera's ears as he stared, defeated by the duke. There is only one reason why Hera was so adamant of joining in the tournament— The crown prince.

If I participate in the tournament, the crown prince will be there and he might become wary of me. The crown prince still hasn't come back from his expedition and even so, he still has an ongoing investigation about the Great Fall of Eckleis. The papers they have just received was from the crown prince himself asking Duke Frasirr to oversee the tournaments ongoing preparations until his return tomorrow.

"I can't help but feel like you're just trying to pull my leg here, My lord...." Hera complained, he was at a lost.

With such a blank stare, Hera couldn't pin point if the words Jayus said next were true or straight up bull.

"What are you talking about? I never lie in front of you."

and Hera wanted to pull his hair out in frustration.

Jayus laughed at Hera's exasperated sigh. It felt nice to have someone to feel so casual with. It felt warm. In this room alone, perhaps Jayus is also allowed to feel such warmth.

An unexpected knock on the door snapped him out of his reverie and into the delicious smell wafting in the air. By the open door, Menal bashfully stood peeking through the doorway, accompanied by the maid, Donna, pushing a cart of unrevealed delicacies underneath.

"Woah, that smells amazing, Menal! Did you make it?" Hera was beyond intrigued as he took in the aroma from the cart, even Jayus, who now stood up to get a good look, was interested at the entrée of dishes yet to be revealed.

"Yes, I put my heart and soul into it. Since my lord specifically asked me to prepare dishes with the Pomegranate the Empress sent, I carefully sculpted the perfect delicacies you will never forget!" With such a build up, Menal took off the cloche to relieve their anticipation. Underneath the cloche revealed different dishes, all in brilliant light, appetizing and tempting for eyes. Each dish felt like a siren call, it almost felt like Hera could taste it in his tongue that he almost drooled over the tray. Even Donna was amazed, her eyes sparkled at the dish in the middle. Cow meat, broth chicken bones, pig feet and more. Jayus only had eyes for the pig feet at the other end of the tray, it beckoned him in its radiant glow. Pretty much to say, Melan was quite proud of his work.

Then something caught Jayus's eye as he scanned all the plates. He contemplated over it at first, then he looked it over for a second time before dropping the question.

"Melan... Where are the pomegranates?" It felt like a bomb had dropped in front of them as they all stood silently around the food. Hera checked on every plates after Jayus asked the question, much to his credit, there weren't any signs of pomegranates everywhere.

It felt like a dawning realization washed over Melan, and his face drained color until he was as white as a sheet. In his obsession to cook something mind blowingly delicious, he had forgotten one key takeaway.

"I forgot about the pomegranates..."

Preparing for the arrival of every region was no short of hectic when it all came down to surpassing the standards the Eckleis family had set for ages. The Tournament is to be held at the old arena, which was now under major renovations to cater our esteemed guests from afar.

People ran back and forth from the empire and to the arena. They cleared out fields and made sure the area was wide enough to hold a number of tents from each regions since everyone, including those who resided near the empire, would be camping out with everyone else. Many people flocked to hurry with preparations, after all, the tournament may not be for another couple weeks, regional participants were anticipated to arrive days before that.

"Make sure to clear the paths for the regions, or else they'd get lost on the way," Jayus said towards a man passing by, lugging a handful planks in his arms, for a moment, Jayus only saw a bundle of wood walking up to him before he realized that was in fact a man behind planks . He was rather caught by surprise when the Duke spoke to him out of the blue, none the less, he was quick to comply as he headed back towards the site where he needed to be. When a girl passed by, Jayus stopped her and asked her to notify those working within the arena to pay attention towards the battle field and bleachers, and to the seats for the Empress and special guests. Without noticing, Jayus had become completely involved in the preparations.

Which is what the crown prince was supposed to do!

"My lord, why dont you rest for a bit?" The walking planks— The man from earlier, rather, had come back after a couple hours for his break, "Everyone's shifting workload from time to time since there's only a little bit of work left to do."

"Is that so?" A break would be nice... Jayus could walk around the booth stalls. The booth stalls were the quickest to set up, and almost everyone had some exciting things ti say about it.

"Take a break, my lord. You'll very much enjoy it!"

The booths were located just outside the arena for people interested in wandering around. A row of stalls lined and faced each other as soon as Jayus stepped outside of the arena. Many people were still setting up their products, and some were already set and selling for the regions whom would arrive early. Trinkets of all kind were displayed for everyone to browse. Food, accessories, hand carved woodworks, and stones were some of the few Jayus spotted to be most interesting.

"My lord, my lord! Stay a while! Look at this, I bet you're wife would love this!"

"No! See this, my lord! A magic amulet from the nether regions. If you're a participant of the tournament, my lord, it would secure a sure victory! Or would you, perhaps, prefer a protection spell?"

"Grilled squid! Grilled squid! Grilled squid! Care for a grilled squid, my lord? We cater free tastes!"

"We have portraits of the High Bishop! Necklaces, bracelets, and arts highly inspired by the one and only esteemed Bishop!"

The more Jayus walked, the more interesting the displays became. It came to the point where he dtopped for a moment and contemplated if he should go back, there didn't seem to be anything that piqued his interest. He made a turn to go back when something shone by the corner of his eye, and abruptly, he stopped. The stall owner, an older and lanky man, took note of the pair of red eyes hovering over his wooden sculptures.

"Young man, why don't you come closer for a look?" He beckoned Jayus to come over. Snapping out of his trance, Jayus shook his head, "That's quite alright, I wasn't planning on spending money today."

Depite his protest, the woodsman continued to beckon him over, "Regardless, it's good to see someone appreciate my works. Come, you never know when you change your mind."

The woodsman continued to smile, welcomingthe hesitant duke until he finally gave a defeated sigh and walked over. As Jayus hovered over the stall, he noticed the tiny wood sculptures had extremely intricate details to them that couldn't be seen from afar. Many of these sculptures were quite intriguing to look at. One of these were; a wood carved miniature sculpture of the Maganaya ship had sirens clawing at the bottom of the ship. Another of the Bishop picking pomegranates at the Tree of Sanctuary. Then, a sculpture of a crane, the Witch's Familiar. And another of the Unprecedented Phoenix. And the last sculpture Jayus took note of was the Ballerina in Moonlight.

"Mister sure has good taste in picking inspirations," Jayus couldn't help the drop of sweat slipping on his face even though the weather hadn't been so hot. These inspirations the woodcarver had were rather... intimidating. His words only seemed to fuel excitement residing within the woodsman as he spoke. This man hasn't been able to talk to anyone about his interest, and to have Jayus be the first to bring it up only made him more eager to share his thoughts and inputs.

"Well, I am a huge art critic, if I do say so myself! It's only natural for an artist to admire the great beauties of this world—" The woodsman picked up the Ballerina, "—Lady Senia Ruth, her beauty in this world is unmatched! She exhudes a flare of elegance and grace in her performances that I have never in no other performers. I have been to one of her shows and she has exceeded my expectations, that night I realized why she received the title of Ballerina in Moonlight." The woodman heaved sighed as soon as the words spilled out his mouth, looking rather pleased.

"With all of my works, I included what beautiful traits these influential people have that stand out!"

What he said was absolutely true. The longer Jayus stared, he could see why these people would be admired by most others. This woodman did an absolute great job at expressing these carving's strong points. Jayus browsed around for a bit before another figurine tucked behind other sculptures intrigued him. This carving had obviously been stashed away by the way it was displayed compared to others. So obviously, Jayus picked it up.

This action alarmed the woodman as he quickly ran to Jayus side, his hands made way to snatch back the sculpture before he stopped himself. Snatching something in someone's hands would be rude, specially since this young fellow looked quite expensive. The woodcarver ended up having ti have his hands hovering around Jayus as he contemplated to take the figurine back or not. The look Jayus had given him gave him to answer to stand by. Being given the space he silently asked for, Jayus gave the sculpture a closer look. The outfit was quite intricate, with it's long hair tied in a ponytail underneath a military hat, the little statue held his little sword up high, emitting an aura of pride and honor with his cape on one side, flowing in the air. Then it clicked.

"The former Crown Prince, Eckleis..." Jayus hadn't said it in awe, nor did he say it in great offense, in fact, his expression was almost unreadable that it worried the woodman of what this young man was thinking as of this moment.

"Y-you see...! It's not like I support the former Crown Prince's actions or anything! This work is just a personal project is all...ha ha ha.... It's a project of what I think the former Crown Prince would look like today! We barely saw his face the entire last few years, after all." The woodman quickly reasoned, hoping Jayus wouldn't make a big deal out of this.

Jayus merely nodded in response, curious eyes lingering on the statue in his hands before he set it down. He fully agreed with the woodman. The former crown prince had always hidden himself away. The last news of his public appearance had been when Jayus was fifteen. The crown prince of that time had attended a gathering, one which Jayus's father persuaded him to attend because of said crown prince's appearance in the party, yet Jayus fully declined with great disinterest. After that, the crown prince refused any public appearance, even during his coming of age party that ended with the Empress in great disdain.

But what piqued Jayus's interest wasn't because this was a sculpture of the former crown prince but because the sculpture looked vaguely familiar to him. When Jayus couldn't pinpoint who it was exactly that reminded him of it, he let it go.

"Uhm...excuse me," A soft voice spoke from behind them. The person had a cloak on over her face, so Jayus could only assume her to be a traveller from afar staying to enjoy the upcoming tournament. The woodman quickly switched back to a more professional act as he welcomed the girl into his stall.

"Young lady, is there something that caught your eye? Please take a look as long as you need!" The woodsman beckoned her in as he did with Jayus, but the girl shook her head and walked straight into Jayus direction. Jayus stood for a moment, confused before he realized the young lady had been facing at the sculpture in front of him, so he stepped aside to browse at other sculptures. With a fair, delicate finger, she pointed at the unfinished statue of the former crown prince, "Are there any more exactly like these?"

The question baffled both men in the stall, but the woodcarver reacted more anxiously. "Little miss, this sculpture is the only one in this stall. Regardless of that fact, it is not for sale because it's unfinished!" The woodman nervously smiled. This didn't deter the faceless young lady at all, "Then when it's finished, can I buy it?"

At this point, the woodman was ready to faint "M-miss... This sculpture is of the traitor crown prince, you may not have heard of him since you're young but you shouldn't be owning something that may cause you great misfortune."

At his words, she flinched, perhaps, because of the woodman's terrifying words. Jayus couldn't see her face but the way she stood there made her look defeated. If not, she looked disappointed even.

"Alright...then I'll take the Witch's crane in front of the stall."

The woodman, thrilled at both the purchase and the successful persuasion, immediately hopped off to package the Witch's crane Jayus had seen earlier. Watching the cloaked young lady walk away, she eagerly showed her purchase to another cloaked figure whom he only assumed to be her friend as they both walked away.

"It seems like many travellers will also be here to watch the tournament." Jayus said to no one in particular. Feeling his long stay in this stall would be rude if he didn't buy anything, he picked up a rather adorable, tiny, round wooden bunny. It fit comfortably in his palm and it was incredibly smooth to touch. The woodman, having come back from tending to the young lady with a smile, immediate noticed the bunny in Jayus's palm.

"Oh! That's quite a good pick, my good sir! It's one of my bestsellers. Very popular among young folk with lovers!" The woodman said. Jayus raised a brow at this and he repeated what the woodman had said "Among lovers?"

"Yes, yes. If you see here, one of the bunny's cheek is flat. It's so when placed with another bunny, it looks like they're squishing their faces together affectionately. Truly a great gift for partners in general!" The woodman eagerly explained. So these bunnies came with a pair. Jayus stared at the bunny in his palm before an image of a certain dark haired man flashed in his mind.

Night had already fallen when Jayus finally made it back home after a long day at the Arena renovations. He immediately jumped for a bath to rid himself of all the musty smell and sweat before he had dinner, and then immediately went straight to his room. The same process he had done whenever he had a long day at work. And the same process came when Hera entered his room with Chamomile tea in hand.

"My lord, welcome home! How did overseeing the preparations go? Did anything interesting happen?" Hera asked, setting the cup of tea at Jayus's night stand as Jayus read the book in his hand.

"Nothing in particular," was the only answer from the duke as he took large sips of the chamomile tea to calm down his palpitations. Unfortunately, it seems like the chamomile tea stopped becoming effective after his third large sip. "How was yours?"

Hera didn't miss a beat before he went on and on about his day, "After you left for work, I learned to cut shapes in the garden with the gardener. It was pretty easy once I got the hang of it. So I challenged the gardener on who could make a better statue. In the heat of the race, I accidentally cut a good chunk and lost. Besides that, I couldn't fix it and ended up making a bigger mess for the gardener so now I owe the gardener, I think that's all?"

Hearing Hera ramble seemed to do the trick to ease Jayus's nerves as he fidgeted with the smooth surface of wood in his pocket. Seeing no better time than now, he took out the wooden rabbit from his pocket. "Give me your hand."

The sudden demand surprised Hera, none the less, he held out his hand for Jayus to reach. Taking Hera's hand in Jayus own, it felt warm in contrast to the cold nervous sweat running down his back. Jayus carefully placed the rabbit in Hera's hand, afraid the solid wood would easily collapse. Afraid it would get rejected by it's recipient.

Hera's eyes widened in great awe and adoration at the little figure in his hand, "Woah, this looks so cute! My lord, where'd you get it?"

"From the stalls by the arena. They're currently open for nearby travellers, it seems." Jayus answered, shortly after his nerves settled down when he saw how delighted Hera looked holding the rabbit.

"So cool," Hera complimented the tiny rabbit "Where would you like me to put it, My lord?"

The question left Jayus with all sorts of questions marks floating in his head. Where would Hera put it? On his bedside? In his pocket? Stashed away in his drawer?

"Where ever you like to put it, I guess?" Jayus answered, confused.

"Then should I just place it here by your nightstand?" Hera asked. Only leaving Jayus even more stunned.

"Hera... that's a gift, from me to you."

Something seemed to click in Hera's mind which quickly subsided, in turn, a new found delight made it's way to his face. "Thank you, My lord. I'll protect this with my life!"

There's no need for that. Jayus nervously thought. Yet the delighted look on Hera's face made him flush.

"I do have one question though," Hera suddenly said. Jayus, now calm, asked the curious man. "What is it?"

"Why is it's cheek flat?" Hera wondered. Jayus was speechless for a moment.

"Perhaps...the woodcarver thought to portray a rabbit falling on it's face...?" Jayus felt like he could of thought a better excuse than that but Hera merely hummed in response.

That night, when Hera left the room and all the lights had been snuffed out, Jayus was left with the moonlight being his only source of light as he carressed the second pair of the rabbit in his palm.